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Angry pup


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Being a dog person I can identify most dog breeds. Even with hybrids
I can usually give a good guess of what the mix is. But I could be helpless
when it comes to puppies. Anyway being a sucker for doggies with the
most soulful facial expression I would love to adopt a dog as expressive
as the one shown here. I will be very grateful to any experts out there
who can figure out what breed it is.



Jun 6, 2009
Being a dog person I can identify most dog breeds. Even with hybrids
I can usually give a good guess of what the mix is. But I could be helpless
when it comes to puppies. Anyway being a sucker for doggies with the
most soulful facial expression I would love to adopt a dog as expressive
as the one shown here. I will be very grateful to any experts out there
who can figure out what breed it is.

Pekinese? Obvious Napolean complex. Just look at him/her.


New member
Apr 7, 2010

Yet, I think you've got it.

I'm very familiar with this breed! I have owned two, and my family has had some of the same breed as well.

They are beautiful dogs, long life expectancy (One of mine is 16 years old and still going strong!), great temperaments, and wonderful personalities. They are a lap dog, but if they are exercised and kept in good shape can be great walking or touring companions and can keep up. They are a non shedding breed, and so are less likely to cause allergies than dogs with dander. They are a small breed, which may or may not be up your alley.

The downside of this breed is the constant need to groom them. Their hair will grow to the floor if you let it, which means at least a half hour of brushing per day. If it's kept clipped, it's a regular visit to the groomers every six weeks or so. Their faces are flat, and their eyes tear up a lot which means that you have to wash their faces/keep them clean. This type of dog needs bathing more regularly than a shorter haired breed.

Also, they have gotten popular over the past few years and with that popularity more breeders with less than stellar dogs have gotten into the business. I have seen lots of these dogs lately well below the breed standard that have been sold for outrageous prices. Buyer beware, and research a reputable breeder.

Great dogs if you can maintain them!


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It looks like an Australian Shepherd that I know, but it's hard to tell.
Not a bad guess. Its ear is down not erect but all pups are like that.
Can't really tell whether it is large or small breed. Nor can I tell if it is a
hound or a terrier.

The 'angry' look of the pub make me a bit skeptical about it being
an Australian Shepherd which to my knowledge isn't the bossy type.
I could be wrong and read too much into the pup's facial expression.
But from my little experience
the look of a dog does reflect its character. An adult dog with that kind
of look belong to those who know how to take advantage of its master's weakness.
Dog breeds such as corgi, cocker spaniel, pekingese and pomeranian are like that.
Breeds like border collie and labrador retriever on the other hand are generally
born to be submissive and don't need much disciplinary action to learn
who the boss is. It is of course possible that the pup will mature into a sweet
and submissive adult.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
That is a Shih tzu puppy.

Google an image!
I looked up a number of pictures of Shih Tzu puppies I could find
on the internet. Shih Tzu could indeed pass as the breed of
the angry pup. There is however certain discrepancy I detected
which I couldn't quite put in words. I think the angry pup doesn't seem
to have the whiskers of a Shih Tzu.

Anyway I do appreciate your answer and other suggestions
which led me to narrow my search into toy breeds of Asian
origin. After a bit of searching I finally decided that the
angry pup could be either a Japanese Chin dog (picture below)
or a Pekingese.

I think that's a mogwai.
I'm going with rafterman here.

Seriously though... In 1985 my brother got a Shih tzu puppy. Cute little thing. But when you laid him on his back, and you flopped his ears back, he look exactly like "Gizmo". My brother game him some lame name, but I always called him Gizmo!


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Shih tzu dogs do have whiskers, but the hair on their faces grows and obscures the whiskers. From what I understand Japanese Chins have short hair on their faces so their whiskers would be more prominent on their faces. The image of the Japanese chin shows a dog who's eyes are wide set, and the eyes of a Shih tzu, although big are not as wide set on their faces.

Either way, it is a dog of Asian Variety, and could even possibly be a Lhasa Apso.

I maintain that it is a Shih tzu, though.



Jun 6, 2009
Well that just proves it. I'm a guy. What do i know about dogs you can hold in one hand, But he/she is cute.
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