The eruption that changed Iceland forever


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
By Tom de Castella

A volcanic eruption in Iceland is continuing to ground flights in the UK and Europe, but 227 years ago a far more devastating eruption occurred wiping out a fifth of the island's population - as well as tens of thousands across Europe.
On 8 June, 1783, the young country of Iceland - inhabited for less than 1,000 years - had a population of 50,000. In the coming years, as a result of what began that Sunday morning at 9am, 10,000 of those people would die.

The Laki eruption is the worst catastrophe in the country's relatively short history. Laki is a volcanic system in the same south-eastern part of Iceland where this week's eruption took place. But that's where the similarities end.

Geology is compulsory in Icelandic schools
Back in 1783 it was ripped open with such force that a huge fissure produced scores of boiling craters. Over the next eight months the Lakagigar - literally "craters of Laki" - spewed 600 square kilometres of boiling lava into the surrounding countryside and belched more toxic gases than any eruption in the last 150 years. The effects were felt all over the northern hemisphere.

It is the second greatest eruption of the last 1,000 years, behind only the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, says Stephen Self, visiting professor of Volcanology at the Open University.

Laki's output of sulphur dioxide dwarfs the 1990 eruption of Pinatubo in the Philipinnes, which is famous for halting global warming for several years. While that eruption produced 17 mega tonnes of sulphur dioxide, Laki was pumping the same amount out every three days at its peak, says Self. He estimates Laki's power was over 100 times greater than the current eruption.

"The 1783 eruption pumped out so much sulphur gas, creating a huge cloud of sulphuric acid droplets which began to drift over Europe travelling eastwards over the whole world," he says.


The noxious fog travelled down through Norway, Germany, France and across to Britain, causing panic when farm labourers began dropping like flies. People at this time had no idea where the fog had come from or that sulphur dioxide was mixing with water vapour in the lungs to choke victims. Research into parish records has led to estimates of more than 20,000 deaths in Britain alone during the summer of 1783.

The extreme heat - not connected to the volcano - would have made the fog all the more unpleasant, says Philip Eden, former BBC weatherman.

"July 1783 is the equal warmest month in 300 years of records for the UK. Because of the ash the sun shone from a white sky - it must have felt like the apocalypse."

The Icelanders stopped dancing and unlike the Norwegians and Faroe Islanders we lost the old dances

Professor Gunnar Karlsson

UK flights grounded for second day
It was only in the autumn that the fog finally lifted. But soon an even worse problem was on the way - the most severe winter for 250 years, caused by the build-up of heat absorbing sulphur dioxide in the stratosphere.

But nowhere suffered more than Iceland. It was not the eruption itself that proved deadly but the environmental consequences, says Gunnar Gudmundsson, a geophysicist at the Icelandic Metereological Office.

"People died not because of the eruption, but because of starvation," he says. "The farm animals died, the crops died - it affected the whole country."

Toxic gases poisoned the plants and vegetation, which in turn killed the livestock. Eight of every ten sheep are thought to have died, while half of all the cattle and horses perished. The extreme winters that followed - caused by the sulphuric gases - ensured that a fifth of the country's population died, historians estimate.

'Sins of man'

It is a period of tragedy etched onto the Icelandic psyche, says Magnus Gudmundsson, professor of geophysics at the University of Iceland. It has become the yardstick by which all painful periods in the country's history are measured, he adds.

"We have a word for it - Moduhardindin - meaning "the hardship of the fog". When politicians compare it to the recent economic crisis it causes outrage - of course there's no comparison. Today 20 to 25% of the population are deeply in debt."

But in 1783 the same proportion of the population succumbed to a more terminal fate, he points out.

Today children learn about the Laki in school and because of the frequent volcanic eruptions, geology and the study of lava is a compulsory part of the education curriculum.

Icelandic volcanoes have long drawn tourists from across the globe, eager to catch a glimpse of a pillar of smoke from the earth's core or a spectacular lava flow

A guide to Iceland's volcanoes
Gunnar Karlsson, one of Iceland's leading historians, argues that without the country's fish stocks the suffering would have been even more terrible.

"At the time of the eruption two thirds of people were farmers while the other third were fishermen," he says. "The animals died from lack of hay and the people died the following year."

In coastal areas where cod was plentiful the suffering was less, but the way the country was governed prevented any proper strategy. At the time Iceland was a part of the Danish Kingdom and governed from Copenhagen, 1300 miles away.

"The Danes tried to help," says Professor Karlsson. "There was a collection of money but communication was so sparse that it helped little. It takes weeks to sail between Copenhagen and Iceland and there was no other contact at this time."

Reykjavik was just a village and local officials were spread around the country. But there was no co-ordination when it came to dealing with the famine and sharing out the fish, he says.

"The officials in Iceland were extremely late to react. It's been estimated that more food was being exported than imported at this time. The main export was fish, but no effort was made to distribute this food."

'Turning point'

The Laki struck at a time when supernatural beliefs were beginning to give way to ideas of human progress brought by the Enlightenment.

"The eruption was a great shock because people were beginning to believe in progress and improving their lives," says Prof Karlsson. "It must have been a great blow to realise they did not control their lives and see how powerless they were if the natural conditions were so strong."

Iceland recovered from the eruption
The clergy stuck to the view that Iceland was being punished for the sins of man, he adds.

Prof Karlsson also believes Laki had other surprising consequences for Icelandic society. "The Icelanders stopped dancing and unlike the Norwegians and Faroe Islanders we lost the old dances. My guess is they stopped because people were in such shock after the famine that they didn't want to dance anymore."

Despite being the country's darkest hour, the country bounced back and it is argued by some that the event was not the defining moment for Iceland. The population was back to 50,000 within 20 years and continued to grow over the coming decades, and today stands at 320,000.

"It was dramatic when it happened but the effect was only felt for 20 years," says Prof Karlsson. "For the historian it is the events that have the longest effects that are the most important. For me the mechanisation of the fishing fleet in the early 20th Century was the nation's turning point. It turned Iceland from one of the poorest countries in Europe to one of the richest."

Nowadays with the economy again in ruins, some Icelanders may take hope from the way the country bounced back from the Laki nearly 250 years ago.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
if anyone can make an educated prognosis of how these events increase our chances of having a good hobbying in Iceland, please share


Jun 6, 2009
Been there 3 times. Single the first time, attached but on the trip alone, and with the SO the 3rd time, her treat.

People, if you can't get a date with one the locals, you need work done. They are not shy and are very proud independent people, they don't like loudmouth braggarts, they work hard and party harder, and spend money. Bring lots of cash and get an idea what they can't get there and take some. They love gifts.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 27, 2006
What a novel idea for Iceland to say FU to the Brits and the Dutch on Icesave Bank issue since the Europeans airports are in lock-down mode thanks to the eruption......:rolleyes:


Well-known member
In a weird case of 6 degree's of seperation I just spoke with Professor Karlsson on the phone last week concerning the sale of some equipment to him.Had no idea his background.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Man, is there is a long sustained eruption, you will not even be able to fly aid in.. how terrible. The Asian tsunami is really the only mega natural disaster I can think of in my lifetime. Sooner or later somthing really nasty will happen again. Not worth thinking about it. Just live for today. SEE AN SP IT MAY BE YOUR LAST DAY lol!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
In continuing "good news" I read that the Laki Volcano has frequently followed the nearby Eyjafjallajokull Volcano which is currently erupting, into eruption.


May 27, 2008
Tee OH!
Certainly not much help in preparing for this, is it? LOL
On the contrary, perhaps 20 years ago the current volcanologist (or volcano scientists) were children learning about this natural disaster which is common in their country. Who knows, perhaps man will be able to harnass its power.


Jun 6, 2009
In continuing "good news" I read that the Laki Volcano has frequently followed the nearby Eyjafjallajokull Volcano which is currently erupting, into eruption.
It's turning into a geological circle jerk.

Virtually every homes and office are already heated by steam from the fissures throughout the country. They've got that part down pat.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Been there 3 times. Single the first time, attached but on the trip alone, and with the SO the 3rd time, her treat.

People, if you can't get a date with one the locals, you need work done. They are not shy and are very proud independent people, they don't like loudmouth braggarts, they work hard and party harder, and spend money. Bring lots of cash and get an idea what they can't get there and take some. They love gifts.
I was always under the impression that independent women don't tend to sleep with middle aged tourists


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I was always under the impression that independent women don't tend to sleep with middle aged tourists
Independent women have more choices, they can fuck anyone they find appealing or choose not to.
Appeal isn't always dependent on age or appearances. Tourists tend to be more open and happier because they're on holiday, you know it will be a one night stand as well with no complications.


Jun 6, 2009
I was always under the impression that independent women don't tend to sleep with middle aged tourists
I know it's old, but it's a good one. When you've got filet mignon at home why eat chuck on the road. When I'm attached it doesn't happen.

The day you see me looking like a 'tourist' when visiting or working in another country I'm done. People have a pretty good idea you from away, but you don't have to act like it.

Independant women can have a 'To Do List" as well.
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