Europe vs. North America (Surprising Conversation with Friends)

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
I was taken completely aback last night as I was having a conversation with friends regarding the quality of life in North America vs. that of Europe. The consensus of the conversation was that: Yes, life is better and more interesting in Europe. To me that's just a no-brainer and it's just as natural as breathing to want to live in Europe.

What really floored me was that some of my friends, full well knowing and agreeing to this statement, still said that they would NEVER live in Europe! I can't phathom the fact that someone would admit to knowing they can have a better life environment and still turn their back on it. I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

Naturally, I have to state my position: I am a child of European parents that arrived in Canada when I was a small infant. I was raised in a European household. I travel back to the 'Mother Land' at least once a year if not twice. It has always been my plan to return and live out my retirement years in the 'Mother Land'. Clearly, since I went to University here in 416, have developed my professional, social, cultural and international contacts and have the core of my life here, this is the best place for me presently. It is a means to an end and I am very proud to be Canadian.

The food is better in Europe. Cities, Art, Culture, Music, Film, Architecture et al are by far a more vibrant presence in the fabric of the socio/cultural environment than here in N/A. People speak more than one language (even Canada that has 2 official languages has it only in very specific areas. Let's not even get started with the English language in the States!). People are friendlier in Europe (Canadians are polite and well-mannered. Warm and open they are not. This is a universal consensus.) Women are more stylish and feminine. In fact, meeting women in Europe is so much easier than in N/A (and Toronto is a cold wasteland of feminine chill, much like the shitty winter). European women are simply more relaxed about everything in general. I am never without romantic, female company when I travel back. In fact, there is no need to hobby at all whatsoever.

So, really, I could go on and on but I am still floored by some of by friends' statements. Why would anyone want to live someplace knowing something better is within their grasp? Admittedly so.

I'm eagerly awaiting all opinions and maybe I'll have light where I now see none.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
In terms of careers and making money I believe that Canada and North America have it all over Europe, however in terms of the enjoyment and quality of life Europe wins hands down. Therefore it may be an age thing. Younger peole looking to build a career and accumulate wealth and possessions probably favor NA. You get a little older and either you have accumulated or the pursuit is less important to you so Europe.


Jun 6, 2009
I kind of wonder about your friends' convictions and faith in what they say. Europe is better, but I'll stay here thanks, doesn't cut it with me. i've been to over 40 countries for work and pleasure, sometimes for extended stays and am in love with many countries, but Canada is still my favorite and Toronto is the best place to live, 'FOR BUSINESS'. I wasn't born in TO, but work from here and will move when I 'retire'.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I would bet the net migration is out of Europe to North America..... people voting with their feet.... ask danmand....



Tasty and Roundish
Jan 7, 2002
In Ecstacy
Try going to cottage country in Europe. "Canada - More square feet of awesomeness per person than any other country on Earth". 'Nuff said.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Convenience stores, 24 hour media, better, cheaper fast food, the Leafs, TERB, cheaper escorts, cultural diversity, what's not to like about TO?!

Seriously, Europe is over-rated. Fact - Toronto food is FAR better than Parisian.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I was taken completely aback last night as I was having a conversation with friends regarding the quality of life in North America vs. that of Europe. The consensus of the conversation was that: Yes, life is better and more interesting in Europe. To me that's just a no-brainer and it's just as natural as breathing to want to live in Europe.

What really floored me was that some of my friends, full well knowing and agreeing to this statement, still said that they would NEVER live in Europe! I can't phathom the fact that someone would admit to knowing they can have a better life environment and still turn their back on it. I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
It is a perplexing situation, where a person admits Location A is better than B, but chooses to live in Location B anyway. Let me quote someone knowledgable on the topic. I think he explains it rather well.

Naturally, I have to state my position: I am a child of European parents that arrived in Canada when I was a small infant. I was raised in a European household. I travel back to the 'Mother Land' at least once a year if not twice. It has always been my plan to return and live out my retirement years in the 'Mother Land'. Clearly, since I went to University here in 416, have developed my professional, social, cultural and international contacts and have the core of my life here, this is the best place for me presently. It is a means to an end and I am very proud to be Canadian.
I don't know him personally, but what he says makes sense. I might add that the person quoted could be a young man. By the time he marries, has a family, and retires a decade or three from now, he could very well change his mind about retiring in the mother country. He might want to be close to his kids, his parents may need to be looked after, his wife might have something to say about it, his ties to the old country might weaken over the years and he might lose touch with many people. In short, he might just decide he is more comfortable in Canada. Better on an objective level is not the same as a personal preference for something.


There are a lot of things about Europe I don' tlike. Believe it or not excessive vactaions, especially for civil servants, is one of them. 5 friggin weeks in many cases. Too much social coddling. Taxes. To me the main thing they have going for them is the old buildings, the history.

I like the North American can-do get up and go attitude. That's why people came here, and that's why I stay.

I like to visit Europe, but live there? No way.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
I love Europe, have lived there for varying lengths of time and will continue to visit for extended periods of work-vacations. But Toronto is and always will be my home - New York would be the only other option.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Depends on what you like. I would love to live in Spain, but know my life would suck there if I did not come with $$. No matter where you go it will set you back establishing yourself. If you start a business it's a bit different, if you have tons of $$ then no worries. But we are all a little like the proverbial frog in the pan of hot water. the devil you know. People are very fearful. When I tell people I travel to Asia on my own they look at me like I am some sort of nut bar... well maybe I am.. I dunno. I like being a bit out of my element, it gets the adrenalin pumping,.


New member
Sep 6, 2006
I think in France Americans are not allowed to work without special permission. Other European countries restrict foreigners from owning land. I don't go where I'm not welcome ....never been there don't want to go.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Nice place to visit, would not want to live there.

They may have a more laid back lifestyle, but it's debatable whether or not it is a better way of living. When I'm there, my impression is that people are more into appearances than here. It's all about how you look. Kind of like a false front on a building really. They will be wearing Armani to go out at night, but they live in a shit-hole of a an apartment that they rent (few seem to own).

Besides, if you think there's too much Euro-Trash on the Danforth on Saturday night, try Rome on for size. Shitty plumbing too. I like being able to stand up in the shower.

When I was younger I knew this guy who was from Italy over here working in Canada. His wife never really liked Canada, but he had a high powered job here and the deal was that some day they would move back to Italy. (He loved it here.) Anyway, long story short, the day finally arrived where they moved back to Italy and SHE found she couldn't take the bullshit in Italy anymore. Afer 2 years back in Italy, SHE wanted to move back to Canada. Go figure.


Apr 24, 2005
Nice place to visit, would not want to live there.
They may have a more laid back lifestyle, but it's debatable whether or not it is a better way of living. When I'm there, my impression is that people are more into appearances than here.
I tried to start a thread on Europe but it died due to lack of interest. 3 major problems with Europe.
1) The "PIGS" are just the tip of the iceberg. Greece is just the first of many.
2) Depopulation.
3) Cradle to grave socialism. All play, no work. 30 weeks vacation.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Remember that except Quebec, Canada and the US have their roots with the UK. In Europe, the UK is considered (whether fairly or unfairly) to have among the worst cuisine and the coldest (in personality) people.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I'm trying to remember the last positive post you wrote. Please tell us why Canada is 'shit'. Else wise, your post is worth about the same.
If you have ever read his past posts, he thinks Canada is one of the most racist countries in the world and the women have issues because they don't look at him.

Honestly if Canada is so terrible I don't understand why he stays here. I would just move.


Apr 13, 2004
If you think Canada is a nanny state wait till you live in the "mother land" where ever that may be. They'll tax your ass so much that you'll be standing outside bumming money to visit the legal brothels... :)
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