Are you attracted to all ethnicities equally, or are you like John Mayer?


New member
Jan 18, 2009
China isn't communist. It is run by the "communist" party, but they aren't really communist anymore. They are authoritarian capitalists, and have been ever since the 1978 coup.

I mean, in China everything costs money. Want to send your kid to school? Pay up. Need to see a doctor? Let me see your cash. Everything in China these days revolves around the almighty Yuan.
You're right. And authoritarianism is absolute shit.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I don't know where you learned economics, but China does not need North America. The fact that you would suggest this is evidence to me how little you know about the reality of the situation at hand.

Let me say this: China has markets in South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia. If North America were to collapse, China would do just fine.
I don't know where you learned your economics, but here's a chart of China's top ten exporting countries:

Table 8: China's Top Export Destinations 2008 ($ billion)

Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics

Country / Volume ($ Billion)
1 United States / 252.3
2 Hong Kong / 190.7
3 Japan / 116.0
4 South Korea / 74.0
5 Germany / 59.2
6 The Netherlands / 46.0
7 United Kingdom / 36.1
8 Russia / 33.0
9 Singapore / 32.3
10 India / 31.5

The US represents almost 29% of the top ten exporting companies, and for you to say China doesn't need North American is laughable. The impact would be severe, just like any company when you take away almost a third of their income. Get real. You will notice Australia or South America didn't even make the top ten list, kind of negates your arguement above doesn't it.

I've been reading a bit of this thread and from what I garnered you speak too much with your emotions and very little with facts. If you want to debate an issue you need to back your statements up from credible sources and you clearly haven't, just a lot of personal feelings and some thoughts based on a few of your friends' comments, clearly not sound or economic justification.

One last point for you to consider. One of the biggest reasons why China is such a large exporter is the fact their Yuan is pegged and not allowed to float in the open market. Their products are artificially lower priced because of government intervention which is not appreciated by many countries around the world. Countries have been complaining for years but are turning the screws tighter now, especially the US. Look for China to make a move now to cool off the US, probably increase the value of their Yuan by about 5% but will not it float yet.


New member
May 29, 2005

you need to leave the immigrant hub of Canada, i.e. Toronto and live in a small town far away from here for a couple of years. Go west, go east. You will find white Canadians are not that bad. In fact, they are the best people on this planet.


Jan 31, 2005
One of the biggest reasons why China is such a large exporter is the fact their Yuan is pegged and not allowed to float in the open market.
I agree with most of what you wrote back to winstar, but I don't think this point is true. I know it is something that is widely repeated, especially by American officials, but the serious economic analysis I've seen on the subject questions whether there is as much truth to this as the Americans like to claim.

While China has a large volume of exports, it is not as large as it looks on the surface. China imports raw materials (like iron) and high tech components (like microprocessors) and assembles them into products which it exports--probably based on a design the Chinese firm has licensed from an American one. The Chinese value add on top of the imports is relatively thin. If the Yuan rose by 30% the increase in pricing would not be 30%, but rather 30% of the Chinese value add, which is much smaller. From that smaller value you would subtract the lower price that China would pay for goods it imports for domestic consumption. The net effect on the trade deficit with the United States may in fact be negligible.

Consider the case of an Apple iPad that is assembled in China. The iPad that retails for $500 probably has a wholesale unit cost of $400 or so, out of which probably half that money accrues to Apple in licensing for the design. Of the remaining $200 a fair chunk of that is wrapped up in the high tech components that China imported. At the end of the day perhaps only $30-40 of the price of the iPad accrues to the Chinese economy, despite the fact that it looks like a $400 export on the surface. If the Yuan rose by 33% the $400 unit cost might rise by only $10 or $15.

A much more significant reason for the huge surplus is that China's population is younger than America's and China lacks any sort of social safety net. As a result China is a country of relatively young people who need to save both to fund their future retirement as well as to have cash on hand to deal with health emergencies. On the other hand Americans are older, nearer retirement, and can for the most part rely on insurance to pay health costs. Flipping the exchange rates around won't change this dynamic--Americans will remain older people who are spending their life savings while Chinese will remain younger people trying to build up their life savings.

This will presumably revert to a more balanced situation in 20-30 years when the one child policy demographic starts to get older and China winds up with a rapidly aging population, one which has already amassed its savings, and will be at a point in their lives where they consume more than they save. Presumably too as China modernizes it will begin to set up things like health insurance plans such as are available in advanced countries, enabling Chinese people to spend more of their income without worrying about future doctor's bills.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I guess we aren't talking about racial / ethnic preferences in sexual attraction anymore, huh?

Damn...late to the party again....


New member
Jan 23, 2004
I used to be more discriminating when I got started...only pneumatic blonds needed to apply then...but I've now broadened my lasciviousness to include alot more 'races'.
I now kind of prefer darker girls..indians, malaysians, latinas with a bit of 'black' in them. They've got a bit more kick to them; I like that.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
People of colour are, in my experience, far more racist towards one another than white people are. If you want to see people who are blatantly and proudly racist bring a black friend to a Chinese event.
I am yet to see a chinese person who hires a black professional (lawyer, accountant, whatever)


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I am yet to see a chinese person who hires a black professional (lawyer, accountant, whatever)
You haven't seen it because it doesn't happen.

Don't fret. When the Chinese begin running the show in Canada (the writing is on the wall in Toronto, Hamilton, and Vancouver), the winstar's of the world will cry for Whitey's return. But it will be too late.

Maybe I should move to India. The caste system is a beautiful thing.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I am probably more attracted to women of other races than to my own...not sure how that fits in with the normal definition of racist. In other ways I may indeed be somewhat racist, without wanting to and without intention, but knowing this I try to compensate for those natural tendancies by intentional tolerance.

But when it comes to sex I think my prick has a different racial bias than my brain.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I am probably more attracted to women of other races than to my own...not sure how that fits in with the normal definition of racist. ..
But when it comes to sex I think my prick has a different racial bias than my brain.
Outbreeding advantage. My personal belief is that people in general are biologically inclined to diversity for sexual purposes. But socialization often preaches banding together while promoting fears, mistrust and various negative assumptions about different groups - especially those which can be visually differentiated.

It seems that social and political conditioning usually wins out except with people who are exceptionally resistant to social conditioning or have had a particularly openmimded upbringing ... or are just naturally inclined to be dominated by their biological drives.
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May 22, 2007
You haven't seen it because it doesn't happen.

Don't fret. When the Chinese begin running the show in Canada (the writing is on the wall in Toronto, Hamilton, and Vancouver), the winstar's of the world will cry for Whitey's return. But it will be too late.

Maybe I should move to India. The caste system is a beautiful thing.
Hah hah!

None of these options are great. But I'm not worried about it anymore. Toronto and Canada in general has sold it's soul to the Chinese, and Canadian white girls prostitute themselves literally for chinese cock, because they have money (but not stye or class).

So yeah, I've seen the writing on the wall, and I'm moving to a better place, while everyone else here sucks the Chinese's cock, because they don't have the guts to stand up to this community and tell them to fuck off.

Regardless, what I've learned is this isn't the situation everywhere. There are many parts in the world that won't tolerate the way the Chinese behave (ie. rudeness, racist, self serving obnoxious, arrogant, money hungry, inhumane etc.), but it isn't here because Canadians don't have the sense to know better until it's too late and the Chinese control Canadian interests (guess what? That's now). So yeah, talk about how great this country is. It used to be great before the Chinese came, now it's so laughable how the white people in this country let the Chinese take over the country. The Chinese are simply parasites with money. They have no class, style, or taste, don't give back to anyone else, are self serving and selfish and consume without any benefit, and reproduce and spread into every Canadian community and overpopulate and suffocate everyone else out. And Canadians suck their cock. They do so because economically, they are now slaves to the Chinese. Now if Canadians are sucking the Chinese cock because they have the money, what does that make Canadians? A nation of cock-suckers, prostituting themselves to the Chinese. Who's whose bitch now?

Regardless, I've found a great place to live, with lots of money doing what I love, not wasting the rest of my life in this deteriorating piece of garbage Canada has become. No more TTC bullshit, no more lazy union workers with no respect for their customers running the country, and no more uneducated, ignorant small town hicks running the country or limiting my potential.

There is no more value in calling oneself Canadian. People immigrate to Canada as a backup plan after immigration to better countries have failed. This place has become such a joke, and it's not getting better.
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Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
You will find white Canadians are not that bad. In fact, they are the best people on this planet.
The first part of the statement is great. The second is totally fucked up.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
thats whack!... a real man doesn't think like that, a woman is a woman and normal men are attracted to any attractive woman. I have heard bullshit like this from many guyss "nah im not into [insert some exotic non-white ethnicity] chicks because their calves are too short, eh!" but they still go out of their way to pick up signals from her... its all crap.


Apr 6, 2010
WOW!! Winster is not banned for this? calling Chinese parasites, reproduce and spread? I bet if he said the same thing about Jews or blacks he would be banned.


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
Hah hah!

None of these options are great. But I'm not worried about it anymore. Toronto and Canada in general has sold it's soul to the Chinese, and Canadian white girls prostitute themselves literally for chinese cock, because they have money (but not stye or class).

So yeah, I've seen the writing on the wall, and I'm moving to a better place, while everyone else here sucks the Chinese's cock, because they don't have the guts to stand up to this community and tell them to fuck off.

Regardless, what I've learned is this isn't the situation everywhere. There are many parts in the world that won't tolerate the way the Chinese behave (ie. rudeness, racist, self serving obnoxious, arrogant, money hungry, inhumane etc.), but it isn't here because Canadians don't have the sense to know better until it's too late and the Chinese control Canadian interests (guess what? That's now). So yeah, talk about how great this country is. It used to be great before the Chinese came, now it's so laughable how the white people in this country let the Chinese take over the country. The Chinese are simply parasites with money. They have no class, style, or taste, don't give back to anyone else, are self serving and selfish and consume without any benefit, and reproduce and spread into every Canadian community and overpopulate and suffocate everyone else out. And Canadians suck their cock. They do so because economically, they are now slaves to the Chinese. Now if Canadians are sucking the Chinese cock because they have the money, what does that make Canadians? A nation of cock-suckers, prostituting themselves to the Chinese. Who's whose bitch now?

Regardless, I've found a great place to live, with lots of money doing what I love, not wasting the rest of my life in this deteriorating piece of garbage Canada has become. No more TTC bullshit, no more lazy union workers with no respect for their customers running the country, and no more uneducated, ignorant small town hicks running the country or limiting my potential.

There is no more value in calling oneself Canadian. People immigrate to Canada as a backup plan after immigration to better countries have failed. This place has become such a joke, and it's not getting better.
Wow Dude, that was harsh. I hear alot of people saying the same things about the indians, but again no one is racist right.

Does anyone think that mr mayer was just trying to create a controversy so he can sell more records. I am sure alot of people laughed when he said it and thought I agree with him. Personally, I do not care what he thinks. Leave all the other pussy for us normal guys.!!


New member
Oct 28, 2006
If I were John Mayer, I would have said the following, instead of his, imo, wimpy and half-assed apology:

"Yes, in my personal life, I have my preferences, and quite frankly, I am under no obligation to justify these preferences to anyone.

But I have not violated anyone's civil rights. I have employed, and sold records, to individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, or other qualities protected by law.

And I will continue to do so."

End of story.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
If I were John Mayer, I would have said the following, instead of his, imo, wimpy and half-assed apology:

"Yes, in my personal life, I have my preferences, and quite frankly, I am under no obligation to justify these preferences to anyone.

But I have not violated anyone's civil rights. I have employed, and sold records, to individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, or other qualities protected by law.

And I will continue to do so."

End of story.
Sure you would have...
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