

Jun 6, 2009
Just saw a program. Law &Order SVU to be precise, and the term 'Bridezilla' was used. I remember a program on the tele a year or so back about the same topic, although you know my thoughts on reality shows.

I've never actually encountered one of that sub-species. I've been a groom to a lovely women back when disco was the rage and I've been a best man 3 times before that. I've even been responsible for recording the precious event through film(remember that stuff), video, and photos. I've seen a serious case of the nerves, but never actually seen a momentary or sustained state of meltdown by a bride or groom for that matter.

Anyone out there will tales from the crypt, I mean alter?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
A girl I dated in 2008 was a bridesmaid at her cousin's wedding and told me her cousin was a major Bridezilla in the pre-wedding planning. So much so bridesmaids were openly getting into yelling matches with her and getting booted out of the wedding party for a time before being re-instated eventually. The girl I dated would come home with migraines after one of the bridal party get togethers to plan and discuss the girl's wedding.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I knew a Bridezilla too. She pissed a LOT of people off. Kept screaming at everyone from the caterers to people in the wedding party. Now a couple of her friends won't even talk to her anymore.

I've never understood the whole 'perfect wedding' thing and how some women get so crazy about it. And all these magazines and now t.v. shows devoted to weddings....? I don't get it - If I ever got married, just throw me on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean with maybe a few family members & closest friends, say "I do", kiss and drink some margaritas! And then you're already on your honeymoon. That or Vegas. Why make it stressful? Sheesh.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Exgirlfriends sister was a bridezilla...we were both in the bridal party and my gf was the maid of honour....
No one, not even the groom had a hand in planning the thing...our suits were picked out by the bride and everythin down to our cuff links were picked out...we HAD to be perfect annoyin...the rehersal she actually made them practice for photo taking...POSING WITH NO CAMERA!!
Even at the reception, she still had to pick on the dj, and yell at her parents for what they were wearing...
i even got told "so you couldn't buy some new shoes for my wedding??" and "take those sunglasses off, the sun won't kill you!" (this was outside the church after the wedding the blinding sun...)

I understand that its your special day but realize that you are still dealing with friends who are humans...treat them she would have gotten much better responses by saying things nicer..
i felt bad and thank god i'm outta that family...


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
My daughter is getting married in a few monhs and the wife and I have been watching some of the Wedding Shows on the Slice Network RICH BRIDE POOR BRIDE WEDDING SOS etc.

A number of the BRIDES feel they are entitled to the freaking world because "ITS MY DAY ARENT I WORTH IT" type of BS Luckily our daughter is prctical and knows what we can and cannot afford. Its a three way split with both sets of parents and the couple paying for the wedding. I think the traditional way of the Brides parents paying the whole shot is now passe from what I see on these shows and from personal experience at a few wedding we have attended recently.

Some of the Brides on these shows were REAL BRIDEZILLAS and one GROOMZILLA Although I thought he was gay myself. I WANT I WANT I WANT I HAVE TO HAVE IT WAH WAH WAH!!!!

In some cultures I see its almost a competition to see who has the more lavish wedding.Its almost a status thing for the parents who dont want to look cheap in front of their friends and family. I was always taught to spend what you can afford but that way of thinking these days is almost non existant. HELL one bride HAD TO HAVE THREE DRESSES!!!!!!! $3,800!!!! WTF!!


Jan 31, 2005
Does anyone else find it ironic this topic has come up at the same time as the AM story about new brides cheating? I bet that the Bridezilla's are also the first to go smoke sausage on the side.


Jun 6, 2009
Does anyone else find it ironic this topic has come up at the same time as the AM story about new brides cheating? I bet that the Bridezilla's are also the first to go smoke sausage on the side.
Didn't we decide that the AM story was bogus/contrived. Oh ya, reality tv is also bogus/contrived, but some real life stories are always the best.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
HELL one bride HAD TO HAVE THREE DRESSES!!!!!!! $3,800!!!! WTF!!
I want to design and sew my own wedding dress - real cheap that way. My mom got married in the 70's in a short little hippie floral dress that she made herself. She also got married at City Hall, lol.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
My daughter is getting married in a few monhs and the wife and I have been watching some of the Wedding Shows on the Slice Network RICH BRIDE POOR BRIDE WEDDING SOS etc.

A number of the BRIDES feel they are entitled to the freaking world because "ITS MY DAY ARENT I WORTH IT" type of BS Luckily our daughter is prctical and knows what we can and cannot afford.

Some of the Brides on these shows were REAL BRIDEZILLAS and one GROOMZILLA Although I thought he was gay myself. I WANT I WANT I WANT I HAVE TO HAVE IT WAH WAH WAH!!!!
HELL one bride HAD TO HAVE THREE DRESSES!!!!!!! $3,800!!!! WTF!!
I'm not gay...obviously since i'm on this board....but i watch that show and saw that episode where she got 3 dresses...i woulda killed her
i too hate it when brides are like"its my day" know wat i say....fuck you...

its my day too...if u want $4000 on a dress then i wanna rent a lambo to drive away in...u want centerpeices at $100 each then i get to have louis XIII for the head table...

I dont get it..why is it a woman's special day..and not the guy's??? when do we get ours?? and don't even say the honeymoon!

If the honeymoon was all for the guy then it would be nothing more than the happy couple locked ina 5 star hotel (maybe in niagara for the casino or VEGAS!!) room for a week having as much sex as he can give...with occasional breaks to go down to the casino gamble a little and then back to fuckin his new bride... also the room would be filled with sex stuff like toys, games, porn, props, costumes,etc...... -$4000/night

but its not..its always some nice sunny place which i have NO problem with..but everytime i talk to anyone of my buddies who got married the sex was evenly spread out with the other plans....boooo!

and another thing that bugs the shit outta me...why the hell do brides buy a dress and the grooms only rent their tux/suit???? we as men can wear them again to other functions!! try going to a evening dinner in a wedding dress!! makes no sense to me...
wedding dress=1 wear....yet girls buy them
suit/tux=many wears...yet we rent them
all money making propanda

sorry for hijacking this thread with my ramblings....but it felt good...

Last edited:


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I went to a Chinese wedding once and the bride had multiple dresses - at the reception she would go out and change and every course of food she would be wearing another one, all beautiful and lavish. I asked a member of her family why this was, as he said that in Chinese culture it is a sign of wealth if the bride has many dresses for her wedding so by showing them off she is showing off how wealthy her parents are (and yes, her parents paid for the whole thing).

I guess if one's culture says it is the bride's parents' day to show their wealth off, and they want to do it, then I am OK with it. She wasn't a bridezilla but seemed a sweet girl.

A bridezilla is a selfish control freak who yells at everyone and treats everyone like crap, makes things cost more than people want to spend, etc.

The bridezilla who was my then date's cousin- who I mentioned in my first post - only had one wedding dress but it cost $10,000. Her parents who were paying for the wedding did not want to spend that much on the dress but bridezilla threw a major tantrum until she got the dress apparently. I'm glad I wasn't at that wedding.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
A bridezilla is a selfish control freak who yells at everyone and treats everyone like crap, makes things cost more than people want to spend, etc.
Completely agree...

if you are loaded and wanna spend $100,000 on the wedding and CAN afford all means show've earned the right to showoff..stay within your budget tho...and dont rub it in..then u come off as a bitch..

I have had the pleasure of going to two "expensive weddings" both had over the top things but it was done tastefully and never seemed like they were showing off to prove they were better...they really made it feel like they were splurging to make sure everyone had a great time..

and yelling and treating everyone like crap goes without saying....bitch...that goes for guys too...just they're called dickheads..


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Well folks I am in the wedding invitation business, ( terb discount just ask) and there are some stories that are out there that just are not real, perhaps two of them . The rest understate the issues in a HUGE way.There are also monster in law stories that would be hillarious if they weren't so pathetic.

The entitlement generation is alive and well


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Well folks I am in the wedding invitation business, ( terb discount just ask)
That would make for a funny story too...

Guy: honey, i can get our wedding invitations doen at a good rate
Girl: great, with who?
Guy: a buddy
Girl: WHO?
Guy: just a friend, we use to work together but he does invitations now
Girl: whats his name?
Guy: (sweating...says landscaper's real name) _______
Girl: Shouldn't we invite him to the wedding then if hes an old friend helping u out?
Guy: We're not THAT close..
Girl: but still..
Guy: no honey its ok
Girl: ok babe, was he at your bachelor party?
Guy: uh, no he had business
Girl: well i'd like to meet him and talk to him and see his work
Guy:no prob
Girl: i find it funny that you bring up your friend now tho..and i thot i knew all your friends
Guy: i dunno
Girl: becuase i would have asked about him and you would've mentioned this before hand
Guy: i forgot..
Girl: are you lying to me?
Guy: no dear.
Girl: Somethings going on, i'm gonna get to the bottom of this..
Guy: Nevermind, we'll go with your guy..
Girl: OK, ur sweating your ass off..and caved in too quickly..whats really going on?!

(dramatic music plays, and you just look at your feet)

LOL...all in good fun...don't take any offence

If anyone ever calls u on that terb discount, make sure you two have your stories straight first!
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