How the iPad Is Already Reshaping the Internet


New member
Jan 31, 2003
...(Without Flash)

The iPad doesn't run Flash. If your website uses Flash, it won't play well on the iPad. Turns out, a lot of people want their sites to look pretty on the iPad. So the internet's already starting to look different.

One of the more interesting effects of the iPhone was that it drove a ton of websites to format their content for the phone in at least of two ways, and often both: iPhone-optimized sites, with more finger-friendly navigational elements that look almost app-like, and actual iPhone apps. We're seeing a repeat with the iPad, though the adjustment appears to be less about the screen size than its lack of Flash support, and there's the fact a lot of sites will be ready on day one. (Though before we go any further, let's be clear: Flash is sticking around, for many reasons, regardless of Apple's opinion of it.)

The NYT, WSJ and NPR are all following the twin attack: They're launching iPad-tuned homepages that dispense with Flash entirely, with layouts designed to be held in your hand, like the front page of a newspaper, and they're coming out with iPad apps. The WSJ app will run $17.99 a month—$215 a year—a seemingly ridiculous sum, since subscribing to both the print and online editions is a mere $140. We don't know what it looks like. Interestingly, while we've seen the most of NYT's iPad app out of anyone (presumably), we don't know how much it's going to cost. NPR's app is a free iPadded version of its iPhone app. (BTW, for the a broader take, check out Valleywag's screed on how Apple's <a href=""trying to control news.)

There's also the video services, which are, in a way, basic internet infrastructure. YouTube, of course, has been playing with HTML5 for a bit, as has Vimeo, and both have served up iPhone OS-tailored video for a while. Brightcove, another big video service, used a by lot of magazine sites (Wired, Slate, Time and NYT), is is making its HTML5 powers more widely known, with the "Brightcove Experience for HTML5," specifically in response to the iPad, with the NYT and Time listed as customers using Brightcove HTML5 edition, meaning they'll have iPad-ready video at the get-go.

Not to mention sites like TED now offering Flashless renditions for iPhone OS devices. And CBS, the only major network not to be on the Hulu boat, is cleverly testing an HTML5 version of its video site, so even though Hulu won't work on the iPad right now, CBS will be. (I imagine it won't be very long at all before we do see Hulu though.)

It's interesting, to say the least, that a device promising to be the best browsing experience—cue Scott Forestall crazy eyes— is in fact reshaping the internet. You could argue it's for the better, moving sites away from proprietary formats and heavy, resource-sucking designs to more open standards, and more efficient layouts that are easier to use (as many have, convincingly). And it's not like Apple hasn't been remaking the web already—they've been hugely involved in web standards with their work on the WebKit rendering engine, which powers Safari, Chrome, and most every decent mobile browser around. In fact, you could argue, vis-a-vis WebKit Apple's essentially defined the standards for mobile browsing.

There's not much of a choice for site designers to follow this, either. As John Gruber points out, if you care about people on iPhone OS devices—to be clear, that includes the iPad—being able to use your site, you're going to redesign it, and "if you don't think people using iPhone OS devices are an important segment of your intended audience, you're probably wrong."

The reason the iPad could have a more pronounced effect on the internet than the iPhone actually really is simply because it's bigger. The challenge of best displaying your content on the iPhone wasn't simply making sure you had a Flash-less site—it was fitting it all into a 3.5-inch screen, reducing it to the utter essentials to fit the way people use their phones, a task that might've gone beyond a mobile-optimized site in many cases. With the iPad, two of the biggest restrictions—the tighter screen, those smaller windows of time—aren't there, so content producers very well might not need an app to fit their content onto the iPad. In other words, they really can just build a site instead of an app, which is why the iPad might have a more profound effect on the internet than the iPhone.

Especially if Apple manages to sell a bajigagillion of them. But hey, we'll see! In the meantime, there sure are lots of Flashless, HTML5 sites popping up, and we're bound to hear about more.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
selling my shares in Adobe immediately after reading this.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I believe Chrome also doesn't use Flash .....but don't know for sure.


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
I believe Chrome also doesn't use Flash .....but don't know for sure.
it sure does, in fact google is about to go one better and incorporate flash into the browser, so that you are always up to date with latest flash

Google continues to stake its territory online. The search-and-advertising giant announced Tuesday that it will bundle Adobe’s Flash player with downloads of the Chrome browser, putting Google in sharper opposition to Apple — and giving Adobe a powerful ally.

Google’s decision to throw its weight behind Flash is an attempt to protect its turf — the internet — and strengthen its Android and Chrome operating systems for mobile phones, tablets and notebooks. By contrast, Apple’s iPhone and upcoming iPad do not support Flash.

“Integrating Flash into Chrome is more of a signaling and partnership thing than anything else,” says Michael Coté, analyst at RedMonk, a research firm that focuses on strategy and developer-related issues. “After all, anyone who wants to get Flash can otherwise download it.”

A mere 5 percent of internet users run the Chrome browser today. But Google’s dominance as a search engine and advertising network gives it both money and clout. The company’s free, open source Android operating system is targeted at mobile phones and has already become popular with smartphone makers such as Motorola, HTC and Sony Ericsson. Separately, Google is planning to release Chrome OS, a new operating system for netbooks and tablets based on the Chrome browser.

In that context, Google’s embrace of Adobe Flash has far greater significance than the browser’s market share would indicate.

Once partners, now rivals, the competition between Apple and Google has intensified over the last few months. In January, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said Google’s “don’t be evil” mantra was “bullshit” and cast aspersions on Adobe Flash for being buggy. Earlier this month, Apple filed a lawsuit against smartphone maker HTC, a close partner of Google, alleging that HTC violated several patents related to the iPhone hardware and interface. Some industry watchers construe Apple’s lawsuit as an indirect attack on Google, whose Android OS powers HTC’s latest phone Nexus One.

But Jobs and Google CEO Eric Schmidt have recently been seen in public together, and the iPhone still utilizes Google services like Maps, indicating that the relationship between the two companies is not completely severed.

Flash will be the first plug-in that’s not from Google’s stable to be amalgamated into the browser, says a Google spokesperson. “This will make Flash on the browser a seamless experience,” says the spokesperson, “so you will see performance benefits and use of fewer resources. A lot of the controls and shortcuts will work better and Flash will truly feel like a part of the browser.”

Flash on Chrome
In winning Google’s support for Flash, Adobe has found a powerful godfather for its technology. Apple decision to not include Flash for the iPhone and the iPad tablet has set the stage for the rise of HTML5, an open standard that Apple backs.

Already, video distribution platforms like Brightcove are trying to offer choices to publishers who want to reach Flash-less viewers. Brightcove, which provides online video backend systems for many websites including, has introduced a product based on HTML5 so websites can continue to serve video, even if a visitor’s browser doesn’t support Flash.

For Adobe, working with browser companies may be one way of preserving Flash’s dominance.

“Our goal is to make the Flash API platform-neutral,” says Paul Betlem, senior director for Flash player engineering at Adobe. “We want to pull in the participation of all browser vendors and even other API vendors.”

Adobe says it is talking to Firefox and IE but it seems unlikely to find any backing from them.

“We don’t have any current plans to bundle Flash with Firefox downloads,” says Chris Blizzard, open source evangelist for Mozilla. “We’ve always made it easy to install Flash via our automatic plugin finder service, which has been part of Firefox for years.”

Betlem says that may not be enough for developers. Integrating Flash into the browser makes both the browser and Flash more powerful, he says. “Some of the problems developers are identifying with the current plug-in system is that all the key events that browser has access to is shared with the plug-in,” he says. “This allows web developers and users a more powerful and consistent experience.”

Future of the Internet
Ultimately, the Apple-Google rivalry comes down to the future of the web and Google’s place in it, says Coté. Through the iPhone and iPad, Apple is increasingly creating a “walled garden” where content and games need to be approved by Apple and accessed through its app store. Meanwhile, it is trying to control how the internet develops by deciding which technologies it will support on its devices — yes to HTML5, no to Flash.

For Google, that’s a future that can directly threaten its revenue stream, since Google’s business model is built on the openness and anarchy of the public internet.

“Strategically, it is not in Google’s interest to supplant an existing platform with a new one,” says Coté. “The way Google makes its revenues is with the web completely open. If Apple starts controlling access to content then it would make it very difficult for Google to find ways to insert itself into the system.”

Google and Adobe say that decision to integrate Flash with Chrome is for now limited to the browser for PCs. But the duo are working together to offer the latest version of the Flash player on Android mobile phones.

At the Mobile World Congress, Adobe demonstrated the latest version of Flash on Android devices. It hasn’t said exactly when it will be offered to users, but Betlem says “Google is very supportive” of the technology.

“I don’t believe the plans are finalized on the exact distribution of Flash players on Android-based devices,” says Betlem. “But my expectation is that there will be a seamless experience for installing Flash players on smartphones, though it will ultimately be a device manufacturer’s choice rather than Google’s.”

It would help Google strengthen its position a pro-choice company and position itself as an alternative to Apple. After all, in the smartphone business, the lines are becoming increasingly clear. It’s the iPhone vs. other platforms.

“When it comes to Android, the idea is that you will have the complete web instead of the blue-box web that Apple is offering,” he says. “So, obviously Google is interested in having Flash around and increasing the access to it.”

Google’s Flash support also doesn’t mean that it will not back HTML5. “Google has never claimed to be an open source company,” he says. “What they have claimed to offer is choices and alternatives.”

Support for Flash in the Chrome browser will also help Google’s plans to put its operating system on tablets. Last month, mock-ups from Google showed the company is planning to partner with gadget manufacturers to introduce tablets that could potentially challenge the iPad.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I hope something better comes out in 6 months so all the yuppies who jump on the bandwagon get burned. If you have an Iphone and a laptop, you don't need this.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Fear not....bottie is buying a couple and probably playing with them now!

Can't wait for his 'reviews'.....


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Fear not....bottie is buying a couple and probably playing with them now!

Can't wait for his 'reviews'.....
I pre-ordered a 3g version so I'll have to wait until "late April" to give you my review.



Jun 6, 2009
I hope something better comes out in 6 months so all the yuppies who jump on the bandwagon get burned. If you have an Iphone and a laptop, you don't need this.
I'm pretty much of the same mind, but see an integration of all of them soon. Then again isn't it already here, only not in purse size and women executives are moving in really fast.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts