Condoms make me soft..


Jan 1, 2010
I had the same problem, but not wearing a condom isnt an option. So what I do is put on 3 condoms. When it comes down to the act, I remove two, and I feel like I wearing nothing.
I always carry my own condoms, because I dont expect my gf or sp to supply that many.

I gotta say to the guys who dont want to wear condoms with their girl friend or sp, you are selfish. You are subjecting her to HPV, STD's and god knows what else. You should even wear a condom with a bj. Throats can get std's too.

I find condoms very sensual, and they do not hinder my fun time. I guess because I consider the women who are servicing me too. I guess thats why my sp's actually like me, and dont feel its all part of a days work to see me.


may the thrust be wth you
Dec 13, 2009
I gotta say to the guys who dont want to wear condoms with their girl friend or sp, you are selfish. You are subjecting her to HPV, STD's and god knows what else. You should even wear a condom with a bj. Throats can get std's too.
Noiz111 chill bro. The whole point here was to be safe and to NOT be selfish :p If you read carefully im asking how I CAN use a condom and feel the same way (or close) to the feeling of not having one.


New member
May 2, 2006
Downtown Canada
I would love some feedback on the BYOC subject from some of the resident SPs on this board. For me personally, particular condoms will make or break my session and I feel that even though SPs have their preferences, this may be one that they deferr to the gentleman IMHO. Of course the condom should come sealed in it's packet and not be tampered with.

His Majesty

Dec 28, 2009
I too have this exact problem, the only thing I suggest is don't ever use cialis or viagra. Reason being is quite simple, once your body has used viagra or cialis it will become even harder for you to stay hard with a condom because your body will have adapted to a drug that makes you hard.

Just go for the lifestyle skyn condoms, and you need to keep seeing girls.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I usually have a very high success rate in keeping the boners at attention by putting the condoms on with my mouth. This way, there's no stop in the action, the guy attached to the boner gets a good visual, and I assume a warm and wet mouth is a more pleasant sensation than dry fingers fumbling to get the thing in place....
Agree. Very nice visual.
Dec 12, 2007
mixed how old are you? i'm 33 and well my boners work great (knock on wood - get it) but if its not physical issue here is what u do

spend more time feeling up her body and masterbate a little with her - make it hot. I usually spend about 10mins doing this - then you have a huge boner and your ready for any condom fumbles. you might be moving to fast - yea the mind will shut your wood down. R.E.L.A.X then bang


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
I also heard about some injections you can do at the base of your penis , if interested google :)
Or, there's always the urethral suppository. ffs, who thought of that one........



New member
Apr 7, 2010
I am NOT okay with clients bringing their own condoms, however if you had a preference that would seriously effect the outcome of the session then you could let the sp know in advance. Typically I keep a large range of sizes and styles on hand. :)

Hope that helps
I am not okay with this either. I want to know that they were treated with care, and aren't ten years old...I buy decent condoms, so this is not usually an issue anyways.

If you need a special brand, feel free to let me know so I can pick them up. Otherwise, we'll be using the ones I brought to the party.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
yep you should try Palmela and Wrista with a condom on

You need to train your little head, in a non pressured environment, that condom=fun.

Agree with others too. Associate a condom with extra freedom (ie to cum while thrusting inside, anal, etc$

the. Choice of condom is important too. Try a few on when u are solo. See what fits/ feels best. I agree the poly condoms are much more sensitive. To avaid problems when you bring your own to an sp session, bring an UNOPENED box, there is little chance they would object I imagine. The problem is too many sps cut corners on condoms, buying the cheapest $5 / dozen lifestyles at costco!! These will be effective, but they are tight and thick rubber!


The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
IMHO, I have found that thinner, non-lubricated condoms were the best. The lubrication that comes on the condom when you purchase it, always caused me discomfort so I used my own lubrication. As someone else said on this thread, I used a bit of KY inside the condom as well and from what I've been told, it really increased the sensitivity for the guy.
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