Which Commandment did God forget.......

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Riiiiigth. How about.....if humans don't speak up about the sins of other humans, then humans endorse pedophilia, and genocide, and rape, etc. You need to go back to school, as you have much to learn. Bye.
I agree with your points.
Is there anything wrong with Catholics criticizing the Church for turning a blind eye as well? If you criticize people for doing this, then you endorse pedophilia.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
1. Thou shalt think first.
2. Think again.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Re-read your first sentence.
I think it's pretty obvious that 1 billion catholics didn't change the commandments, at least I didn't vote on that referendum, lmao, it's the leaders that do that, just like when one refers to the Jews or Hindus or Anglicans, etc..., they refer to the leaders who make the decisions for the religion.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I don't think anyone has a problem with a priest being reprimanded or jailed for hitting or doing a young boy.


is that these items are brought up to instigate debate...and in the vast majority of cases..to sell papers.

The media LOVES to put out the salicious, tedious events of the world.

Rock stars, Religious people (all faiths), Police....all make for sexy reading in a newspaper...

"Sex sells"

And those who get caught in the wave of being 'outed' are the unlucky ones who chose the profession they did!

Lets not forget, many many many times the number of priests, Police etc...rape pillage and maim all kinds of people all over the world.

But who wants to hear about the Saudi Sheik having his daily fix of young boys and girls.

Or the Chinese businessman exploiting the young Geishas on a daily basis.

RAPE Murder and Maiming if WRONG no matter where it happens......

Its the sexiness of selling papers that gets the priests, rock stars and coppers on the front page.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I don't think anyone has a problem with a priest being reprimanded or jailed for hitting or doing a young boy.


is that these items are brought up to instigate debate...and in the vast majority of cases..to sell papers.
That's not my issue at all as I think the media has to expose this to the world whether for profit or not provided they report an unbiased story, which is difficult for them at the best of times. My big issue is the cover up, the leaders knew about many pedophilic priests in their hierarchy and didn't take action to remove them right away, in some instances they got promoted!!!!! This is what's getting the Pope into trouble, many demonstrations around the world want his resignation for turnng a blind eye when he was Cardinal Ratzinger in Germany. I'm so disillusioned with the religion right now, but my faith in God still remains and am struggling on what to do, deal directly with God myself and cut out the middle men or continue to follow the church.

Let the debate begin.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I do agree....but that too is in line with my thinking.

Why does the media not cover the genocides in Africa...the rapes in India...the beheadings in Iran....the uncerimonious burials in Columbia.

Because it does not have the salicious flavor that a Priest has....or a cop doing a Robbery has.

And ...I do say...there are coverups in these instances as well!!!!


New member
Feb 3, 2002
I do agree....but that too is in line with my thinking.

Why does the media not cover the genocides in Africa...the rapes in India...the beheadings in Iran....the uncerimonious burials in Columbia.

Because it does not have the salicious flavor that a Priest has....or a cop doing a Robbery has.

And ...I do say...there are coverups in these instances as well!!!!
Because genocides in Africa while truly horrible don't have a visceral answer to the question "why should I care?"

We should all care about the issues you mentioned because they're horrible crimes against people but the fact is they're people we don't have a direct connection too, so selling the relevance of the story takes effort and facts, things the modern media would prefer not to bother with.

Priests raping kids on the other hand has a very simple answer to why you should care: It happened in places just like where you live and most of us know people that go to a church, so the possibility it could happen to someone you know, while very small, is very real.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Commandment #11:

The ideas and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the burning bush and are not necessarily representative of or endorsed by the Universe or its Creator(s).



New member
Feb 3, 2002
Yes, it's at least sixty minutes before you can safely enter the water.
Lies!! Look up the Penn and Teller's Bullshit! episode on stranger danger. They do a very scientific experiment on this were they feed some kid then force him to swim right after and the kid was fine. They then locked him in a freezer without a coat to prove going out on a cold day without a coat on will result in you catching a cold. They let him out eventually though!!


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
1.I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2.You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain
3.Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
4.Honor your father and your mother
5.You shall not kill
6.You shall not commit adultery
7.You shall not steal
8.You shall not bear false witness
9.You shall not covet your neighbour's wife
10.You shall not covet your neighbour's goods
Actually, this list is incomplete.

Numbers 9 and 10 9above) are actually both parts of the tenth commandment.

The actual Second Commandment (missing above) is a ban on making and worshipping idols or graven images (a rule the Catholics have failed to follow for nearly 2000 years).

Homosexuality is indicated as a sin elsewhere in the bible but it is not one of the "big ten".

Keep in mind that in biblical times it was not unusual to marry off girls as soon as they began to menstruate so the modern concept of paedophilia was not part of the biblical mind-set.

For those of you who may feel scandalized, I do want to mention that, personally, I have no problem with homosexuality and I am absolutely opposed to any adults having sex with minors under any circumstances. In these two ways (as well as many,many more) I am not in agreement with the bible.

However, since this is a thread about the 10 commandments, I thought I'd clear up the misconceptions.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Actually, this list is incomplete.

Numbers 9 and 10 9above) are actually both parts of the tenth commandment.

The actual Second Commandment (missing above) is a ban on making and worshipping idols or graven images (a rule the Catholics have failed to follow for nearly 2000 years)......................

However, since this is a thread about the 10 commandments, I thought I'd clear up the misconceptions.
This is what I said initially, the Catholic leaders back in history decided to change the commandments for their religion, so as I initially posted, those are the ten commandments for the Catholic religion.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I presume though...that it is still as sin to worship idols.....so is it not still covered in the catechism....

Casue certainly you can do more than these ten things to commit a sin!!

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
Thou shall not be exempt from taxes and shall not own a business if owned by a religious organization.

Could go a long way to dealing with the debt.
Toronto Escorts