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Which Commandment did God forget.......


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Do you know which commandment God forgot to include for Roman Catholics? Let's not get into the fact that Catholics conveniently changed the commandments to suit their needs, that's another issue.

1.I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2.You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain
3.Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
4.Honor your father and your mother
5.You shall not kill
6.You shall not commit adultery
7.You shall not steal
8.You shall not bear false witness
9.You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
10.You shall not covet your neighbor's goods


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
That's pretty good, God forgot:

11. Thou shall not covet little boys.

Can you believe the scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic religion in these times? The undercovering that is now being uncovered is disturbing, but what has effected me even more is the lack of action the Pope and his round table of Cardinals have taken to show their followers this is unacceptable. Recently the Pope criticized Ireland's bishops for having poor judgment and lack of leadership over sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church in Ireland but the Pope didn't ask for the immediate defrocking of the culprits. Also, a government report revealed that tens of thousand of little boys were systematically abused by predatory priests over several decades in Ireland, mindboggling!!!!! How about a priest molesting 200 deaf boys from 1950 to 1974 to which the Pope, then called Cardinal Ratzinger, ignored and did nothing about it. So many lies, coverups and ignorance! There is a lot more, and more will be uncovered as victims find the courage to come forward.

This is worst scandal in modern times for the Roman Catholic church. The younger generation has been distancing themselves from the religion over the past several years, but now many have lost whatever hope they had to ever actively practice the religion, and many of the older generation are dismayed and speechless. Demonstrations are happening all over the world for the resignation of the Pope, it won't be the first Pope forced from office, he should do the honourable thing and resign, but then again there is no more trust or honour in the religion anymore.
That's pretty good, God forgot:

11. Thou shall not covet little boys.
Thou shalt not have sex with animals.
Isn't that sorta covered by #6 though?

He won't resign... that would be an admission of guilt... They will just keep steadfast on their current defense.... DENY DENY DENY... **rolls eyes**


Jul 25, 2004
Can you believe the scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic religion in these times?
No surprises here. Every human being has a sex drive and for anyone to give up sex with mature women to enter the priesthood just tells me that the focus of their sex drive is unaffected by this choice.

11. Thou shall enjoy my greatest gift - SEX- and never pass laws or regulations that would hinder the enjoyment of my gift by other adults.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Wow, could a post be more hateful? mia.colpa, who else do you hate? 1 billion Catholics. That's a lot of people for you to hate....I guess you have a lot of hatred inside you to go around though.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Wow, could a post be more hateful? mia.colpa, who else do you hate? 1 billion Catholics. That's a lot of people for you to hate....I guess you have a lot of hatred inside you to go around though.
If Catholics don't speak up about the sins of the Church then they endorse pedophilia.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Wow, could a post be more hateful? mia.colpa, who else do you hate? 1 billion Catholics. That's a lot of people for you to hate....I guess you have a lot of hatred inside you to go around though.
How did you conclude that I hate a billion catholics when my post is directed to those pedophile priests and the hatred I have for these priests and those priests and hierarchy in the catholic religion that continue to lie and cover up the molesting of innocent little boys. You damn right I have hatred, a lot of hatred for these culprits.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
If Catholics don't speak up about the sins of the Church then they endorse pedophilia.
Riiiiigth. How about.....if humans don't speak up about the sins of other humans, then humans endorse pedophilia, and genocide, and rape, etc. You need to go back to school, as you have much to learn. Bye.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
How did you conclude that I hate a billion catholics when my post is directed to those pedophile priests and the hatred I have for these priests and those priests and hierarchy in the catholic religion that continue to lie and cover up the molesting of innocent little boys. You damn right I have hatred, a lot of hatred for these culprits.
Re-read your first sentence.


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
A fish stinks from the head down.

Failure to expunge the criminal priests from the church shows complicity, and that the church itself condones the pedophilia.

That's one hell of a cult operating out of Vatican City.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
That's pretty good, God forgot:

11. Thou shall not covet little boys.
I think you mean to say thou shall not diddle little boys...

Unfortunately the roman catholics are not the only order with a long history of covering up abuses...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Riiiiigth. How about.....if humans don't speak up about the sins of other humans, then humans endorse pedophilia, and genocide, and rape, etc. You need to go back to school, as you have much to learn. Bye.
Ah sorry, but in fact humans do need to speak out against the evil that "man" does... whether it be speaking out against the nazis in the 30s, speaking out against terrorists cloaking themselves in islam, speaking out against hate crimes against homosexuals or transgendered persons, or speaking out against the church covering up abuses. Otherwise you are just as complicit... unfortunately organized religion has a long history of covering up such scandals...


May 27, 2008
Tee OH!
The Golden Rule

Now remember those 10 could be whittle down really to maybe 2. Ask George.
At the end, Carlin says don't impose your religion on others. With that one, there wouldn't be so many problems with people killing in the name of "faith".

George's condensed version makes sense.
1. Thou shalt be honest and faithful.
2. Thou shalt not kill.

I'd say the Golden Rule would be enough for everyone no matter what religion.
Treat people as you would like to be treated.

Too bad the world doesn't work this way as everyone has a beef with someone or something, and then it's an eye for an eye.
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