why do non-chinese people get chinese characters tattooed on them?


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
I want to leave, and plan to do so soon.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You've been consistently offensive in your posts on this site and while you claim to be a victim of racism, you display those very qualities yourself loud and clear. have you considered that what you define as racist behaviour may be perfectly justified behaviour directed at you personally and not at your race?

I don't care where you or your family come from. After getting to know your personality on-line, I look forward to no longer sharing a country with you.


May 22, 2007
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You've been consistently offensive in your posts on this site and while you claim to be a victim of racism, you display those very qualities yourself loud and clear. have you considered that what you define as racist behaviour may be perfectly justified behaviour directed at you personally and not at your race?
No. When I see a group acting racist and call them on it, it is not racist for me to say that. For example, when Black people encountered overt racism in The US especially during the Civil Rights Movement, and talked about it, and specifically addressed the white community regarding the racism they experienced, would anyone then condemn them of being racist? What you are saying is simply absurd.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I disagree, up until it became recently not uncommon to see tattoos in the world's youth culture, in Japan tattoos were usually only found on organized criminal and their prostitutes such as the Yakuza, and the same was true in Korea. Yakuza are still easily identified in Japan, when they disrobe revealing extensive tattoos and are barred from entering many onsens and Japanese public baths.


Mar 20, 2010
Because they're smart? If you are going to get a tattoo... find/design something original! Do some thinking then some research, and get it right. Find a place that will design your scribbles into art, then go for it. Don't get something out of some book (or worse, off the wall) in a tattoo place. Seen people do it, been disappointed I couldn't talk them out of it!!!


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
What you are saying is simply absurd.
Your are projecting your own behaviour again.

The "white" community in Toronto to which you refer does not exist. There may be a plurality of lighter skinned people in this city but they are no more a homogeneous group than are any other visible minority group. Of course, some white people are racist just as there are racists in every other culture (yourself being a prime example).

However, to suggest that a community as a whole is responsible for individual acts by individual people which you happen to believe are racial motivated..that's the textbook definition of absurdity.

I refuse to sit by and allow you to generalize about the supposed racism of Torontonians and Canadians since I happen to know your accusations are a pile of rubbish. This is one of the most tolerant and integrated cities in the world and if you can't find comfort here it's because of some personal shortcomings on your part and not because of a conspiracy to mistreat minorities.

You come on this board and make sweeping accusations that implicate a significant percentage of the population when, in fact, a very small fraction of the the people you accuse are actually guilty of any racist behaviour. You then act surprised when the vast majority of level-headed and open-minded members don't appreciate your accusing them of crimes they have never contemplated let-alone committed. You then stoop further to the lowest level of cowardly and self-denying argument when blame the negative treatment you receive, not on your own antisocial behaviour, but on the righteously indignant people you yourself have offended.

Stop playing the race card and if you're so unhappy here, please don't hesitate to go elsewhere.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Personally, I think anyone that gets a tattoo has self-confidence/self-esteem/attention issues.


Apr 24, 2005
Why do non jews get circumcised?
It is because of the multi-billion dollar circumcision industry spreading lies that no foreskin is good foreskin. Just like the formula milk industry spreading lies that breasfeeding is bad for babies. Nature gave males foreskin for a reason and nature gave our blessed mothers breasts for a reason.


Jan 23, 2010
It is because of the multi-billion dollar circumcision industry spreading lies that no foreskin is good foreskin. Just like the formula milk industry spreading lies that breasfeeding is bad for babies. Nature gave males foreskin for a reason and nature gave our blessed mothers breasts for a reason.
Ya that must be it


Apr 24, 2005
Interesting article in NOW magazine about a White guy teaching English in Tokyo. He sounds pretty piss off. news@nowtoronto.com. His experience might be different if he were some White blonde blue eyed Australian chick. Hee, hee, hee.
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