KW Finest Elite Escorts

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
I'm looking for some insider information from anyone who has dealt with them.

Men, if you've used this service - what were the ladies like and what was the max donation for your session?

Ladies, if you work for them or know of them - what donations did you ask for in return for which service?

They are new to the area and don't have an incall location. They send ladies out to gentlemen who request a certain body type.

PM is appreciated.

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
Actually I got my answer. The "owner" is a 25 year old that literally is doing this as a "summer project" until he goes back to school in Sept.

Outcalls only and they start at $160hr. The pimp gets 50% of this, and the rest is paid to the girl. (this means she is working for $80 for the hour and is responsible for her own transportation unless they need it, at which more money is taken from the girl).

I was asked to work for them and he didn't even know who I was (he called ME twice at 130am and 230am this morning). Upon inquiring about them, he threatened me and said that I'm bound to get unlucky with a client one of these days and that it would be safe to work with him and his partner. (apparently sending a girl to an outcall place without a driver is safer than working from a known incall).

Also claimed that he ran a strip club in Montreal, and was running an agency there. I hghly doubt he knows anything about this area and it really does not sound safe/fair to the girls at all.

I was hoping for a more positive spin on them, but since communicating more with the "agency" (who apparently has a business license so I guess he'll be taxing you too?) I realized it wasn't for me to waste my efforts on.

I was also asked to join his facebook (wtf?).
Take this info for what you will, I will NOT be singing up to work for them anytime soon.


Jun 7, 2009
Sounds like a right scumbag.

Just another asshole who's either too inept or too lazy to get a job and instead opts to live off / profit off the backs of hardworking ladies.

P.s. Neither Kitchener, Waterloo or Cambridge license escort agencies, unlike cities like Windsor or Edmonton.

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
I have to agree. It's apparently a 24 hour service, so I guess he expects the ladies to be ready to work any hours too?

I could NOT find any reviews of his previous "agency" from Montreal (if he was any good he would know about Terb), nor does the phone number return anything from google (if you've been advertising with the same number for a while it gets picked up).

Maybe I'm being picky, but I like to be thorough. I smell a strong case of BS.....


Jun 7, 2009
No, I don't think you're being picky AT ALL. Avoid this shit excuse of a human being like a used needle in an alleyway.

It's the classic pimp ethos/"business" model: "Zero investment, maximum gains."
This is clearly how he is trying to operate: he's not willing to pay for an incall space or the furnishings it requires, nor provide transportation, just set the ladies up with clients - whilst expecting them to pay for all the costs of doing business? And take 50% for that?

I'm sure the authorities would be very interested to hear about someone who's actively trying to recruit ladies by the old fear method (i.e., "if you don't work for me, you're in serious danger").
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Active member
Jan 20, 2010
Outcalls only and they start at $160hr. The pimp gets 50% of this, and the rest is paid to the girl.
Is this the going rate in KW? I always figured the operator would net only about 20% of gross earnings, with the hard working SP picking up the rest.

I'm sure the authorities would be very interested to hear about someone who's actively trying to recruit ladies by the old fear method (i.e., "if you don't work for me, you're in serious danger").
I suspect the danger posed by customers to SP's is rarely if ever violence, rather it comes in the form of STD's, and that's a double edged sword as customers can be stung as well if their SP has picked one up - case in point Misty's a few years ago.

But I suspect this ambitious MBA student might not want to talk to his professors about his newest business activity.


Jun 7, 2009
I suspect the danger posed by customers to SP`s is rarely if ever violence, rather it comes in the form of STD`s, and that`s a double edged sword as customers can be stung as well if their SP has picked one up - case in point Misty`s a few years ago.

But I suspect this ambitious MBA student might not want to talk to his professors about his newest business activity.
With all due respect, if you think violence on the job is a "rare" or never-occurring phenomenon, I implore you to refer to this section of Terb, nationalblacklist, SPOC`s bad client list, etc. etc. etc.

Just sayin`.


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
With all due respect, if you think violence on the job is a "rare" or never-occurring phenomenon, I implore you to refer to this section of Terb, nationalblacklist, SPOC`s bad client list, etc. etc. etc. Just sayin`.
I did not say it was a never occurring problem, just that its relatively rare. I don`t know that stats but would estimate that 95 out of every 100 customers an SP looks after are incident free.
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Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
OK I know I shouldn't further this thing anymore, but this drove me up the friggin wall.

He still texted me (must be SO busy) and joked that I should work for him. I tried to ask who he has working for them but he refused (how does he book if no one gets the name?). I joked back that I didn't want my rep to be known with his. He sent this back:

"Ur rep? ...I've never even heard of you- also I don't get why you try to make it sound sophisticated by calling them indies - they are hookers..."

*mad face* If you guys want to ask for yourselves I can offer the number so you can decide what to do.

Then there was a bunch more texts of insults that he followed up with. He sure doesn't like to make friends. Apparently he doesn't know what Google searchable is....that threw me as he claimed to be a business major.

Last text said "maybe you should go to university and do something with your life lol"......SO much class from this guy it's seeping thru the screen...

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
Not to be a brat again, but this scenario has been taken to LE. I am not 100% on this guy, but the escort whom I've been talking to says he fits the description of a man and his partner who have fled due to pimping minors in Montreal. I over heard the phone conversation she had with the police and she gave his phone number and location to them.

I really hope I'm wrong....


Want a cuddle kitten
Feb 12, 2010
It is a shame that some people feel that that is the only way to do business I treat my girls well and they get paid well RESPECT is the magic word

You don't have to be an asshole to run an agency, the same as you don't have to be a crack head to be an escort

If this guy is running minors and strong arming his girls then I hope that legal gets him sooner then latter

I'm sure all of you have come to realize that the nicer you treat the girl the better the service you get plain and simple


Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
He has been a total prick, but I don't even know if it's the right guy. I am currently trying to get a hold of Wendy L. of the TO police department. She handles cases like this and is terb friendly.

This was from the article which talks about the suspects.

"The charge carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years and a minimum sentence of two years, on conviction."

Here is the article sent to me by a merbite that thinks she knows it is him. Again, I am not overly trying to ruffle feathers on this one, but yikes!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts