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why do non-chinese people get chinese characters tattooed on them?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
She said that Japanese men absolutely drool over beautiful blonde White women.
Same as everywhere in Asia, particularly millions of drooling Chinese men.

Except the male ABCs, BBC & CBC.

Many could not tell and care less whether the white women are real blondes. The dudes over there drool and pay top dollar to shag any white "hottie", despite the fact that the blonde color on her hair does not match to the color on her eyebrows and eyelashes, and her skin could be as rough as sandpaper!!

She made a ton of money in Japan but it was hard to fit in to that society (virtually 100% Japanese*).
No difference in mainland China, except it's better nowadays since you could watch TV in English at CCTV-9, CNN, ABC, NBC, Singaporean TV channels, even BBC in hotels at the coastal cities.

Predictably, there's no CBC or Fox News.

BTW, I believe you forgot to mention it was equally a challenge for those dudes to "fit into her".....;)


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Jan 31, 2003


New member
Nov 27, 2006
On a similar note, this UK student recently won the X factor contest...... in Jiangsu, China . She sang in Mandarin.
Nice to notice any Anglo-Saxon lady who could speak any Chinese fluently and not being a daughter of the Christian missionaries.....once in a while:rolleyes:

Unlike their male counterparts, not that many white women have motivation to learn any Chinese language like the native speakers. Those who do are overwhelmingly, with 95% certainty are Missionaries trying to wow and win the hearts and minds for the Church.

That means give up any "illusion" you would get "lucky" like their non-Chinese speaking white sisters...

BTW, getting tired of watching Mark Henry Rowswell already.


Apr 24, 2005
The dudes over there drool and pay top dollar to shag any white "hottie", despite the fact that the blonde color on her hair does not match to the color on her eyebrows and eyelashes, and her skin could be as rough as sandpaper!!
LOL, you are too funny. I met the Australian blonde about 8-9 years ago at HOL 2. True blonde, true blue eyes, unblemished skin and smooth as silk. She said I spoke English with an accent (actually SHE was the one with the accent).


New member
Nov 27, 2006
LOL, you are too funny. I met the Australian blonde about 8-9 years ago at HOL 2. True blonde, true blue eyes, unblemished skin and smooth as silk.
Lucky you but I have seen enough share of "blondes" who turned out to be otherwise.

WRT "smoothness", that's the only advantage the Asian Ladies have compared to the white Ladies. To this day I could only think of a couple of white hotties who have unblemished skin and smooth as silk.

She said I spoke English with an accent (actually SHE was the one with the accent).
Aussie and Kiwi accents are sexy!

Definitely not to the Asian accents in general....:rolleyes:


Jun 6, 2009
Maybe for you it is... but I'm feeling a little flat today as a result...
& don't even get me started about the "lovely" odors involved!
Glad to see you have a sense of humour. Don't pick up any hitchhikers on your ride this afternoon.

I can't look at that little green smiley(?) and not have 'incoming' ringing through my head.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
The blonde wasn't being nasty and there is a tiny Western community in Tokyo but she did find it difficult to live in a country surrounded by Japanese. Also, being blonde and blue eyed meant she could never be inconspicuous. Try this sometime. Get on a Toronto bus in the morning and ask the driver to speak to you only in Japanese. Then when you get to the office, ask the staff to speak to you only in Japanese. When you go for lunch, ask the waitress to speak to you only in Japanese. When you go shopping after work, ask the shopkeeper to speak to you only in Japanese. When you get home at night, watch the baseball game with the announcer speaking only in Japanese.
The only flaw with your example is; when a person moves to Toronto from a foreign country, for the most part, they try to learn English and speak it. Now this may not apply to more senior/elderly people, but I think it is safe to assume your lady friend is not in that category.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
Nice to notice any Anglo-Saxon lady who could speak any Chinese fluently and not being a daughter of the Christian missionaries.....once in a while:rolleyes:

Unlike their male counterparts, not that many white women have motivation to learn any Chinese language like the native speakers. Those who do are overwhelmingly, with 95% certainty are Missionaries trying to wow and win the hearts and minds for the Church.

That means give up any "illusion" you would get "lucky" like their non-Chinese speaking white sisters...

BTW, getting tired of watching Mark Henry Rowswell already.
Interestingly enough, one time I was in a store on Yonge Street specializing in Asian style "antiques" such as swords, Buddha statues, etc. and I saw this one young white woman (blonde hair, blue eyes, Anglo-Saxon, in her 20s or 30s, and quite hot, if I may so) speaking Mandarin Chinese with the store owner. I afterwards struck up a conversation with the woman. It turns out that she was brought up in Beijing with parents who were employed in the Canadian embassy in China, and learned Chinese at a private International School.

I have also known other people who went to International Schools and learned languages such as Japanese, Indonesian, etc. So not all white women (or men) who speak Chinese are necessarily children of missionaries!


May 22, 2007
I'm with Keebler on this one. A congee tattoo basically says "hey, I am worldly and wise even though I grew up in the suburbs and stayed there but I watched a lot of travel shows on TV so I know what exotic is!"

Nothing says myopic view of the world louder than a tattoo of something you got at a mall.

Yeah I agree with that one. It really doesn't bother me if someone has an asian character tattoo. The characters look artistic, and can make even words that have no relevance as a tattoo (like the word "horse" for example) look cool. And yes I think white girls in Canada get Chinese character tattoos for two reasons 1) to appear to look worldy and socially evolved, and 2) out of sheer ignorance and inexperience with the culture, in that twilight stage where everything Chinese appears to be cooler and more evolved. However, those who know the culture well, know just how much bullshit is within that culture, to know that getting a Chinese tattoo is more of a sign of trying to look cool rather than any real awareness of the culture. When I see a white girl with a Chinese tattoo, what rings true isn't that she's worldly and socially evolved. It's an indication that her life was probably highly sheltered from people of color, and she thinks she's cool and doing her part just because she's got an Chinese symbol that says "horse".

It's the same old thing. White girls trying to accessorize their life with parts from other cultures (such as Chinese tattoos, eating different cuisines, taking Yoga), but at the end of the day having no real connection with cultures from which they are accessorizing their life with, and absolutely no desire to date or marry a person of color. You know, the same ones who who never look at a Black man, Indian guy, or Spanish guy here in Canada, but the moment they travel to Mexico or the Carribean, they can't drop their panties fast enough. Then they come back from Spring Break after fucking Edwardo, or Dalton and the minute they land at a Canadian airport, they won't even look at a person of color, unless it's kept on the downlow. Fucking these guys on the side while their white boyfriends pay their bills, and on dates to keep them, while the guys also do the same with women of color. Just not in public.

The people in this country are full of so much shit.
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Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
It's the same old thing. White girls trying to accessorize their life with parts from other cultures (such as Chinese tattoos, eating different cuisines, taking Yoga), but at the end of the day having no real connection with cultures from which they are accessorizing their life with, and absolutely no desire to date or marry a person of color. You know, the same ones who who never look at a Black man, Indian guy, or Spanish guy here in Canada, but the moment they travel to Mexico or the Carribean, they can't drop their panties fast enough. Then they come back from Spring Break after fucking Edwardo, or Dalton and the minute they land at a Canadian airport, they won't even look at a person of color, unless it's kept on the downlow. Fucking these guys on the side while their white boyfriends pay their bills, and on dates to keep them, while the guys also do the same with women of color. Just not in public.

The people in this country are full of so much shit.
Sounds like someone really did a number on you Winstar...


New member
Oct 13, 2002
I seen a few tats on girls, one on the lower back and pretty big, the meaning was Horse. I not sure why anybody would want horse on them.
I'm a Chinese immigrant and when I first came to this country, I wanted a cool tatoo, in English. I couldn't read English, at the time, so I didn't know what the guy tattoed on my arm, until someone told me that is says, "Horse Dick".
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