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Women: Stop ignoring young men !


New member
Jan 23, 2004
I came across this funny posting at York University yesterday. I thought some of you would get a kick out of it.

'Women: stop ignoring and mistreating young men

Some ways in which young men are mistreated:

Most women will go out with men who are older than they are but will not normally go out with men who are younger. This results in many young men being unable to find a girlfriend. For example, if 30 percent of women aged 19-23 have a boyfriend who is over age 23 and if very few women over age 23 have a boyfriend who is age 23 or under, then this will result in close to 30 persecnt of men age 18-23 not haveing a girlfriend.

Women don't usually make an effort to talk to men, so most men are forced to make the effort and when they do they are most often met with rejection, rudeness and indifference, especially in places intended for meeting the opposite sex such as clubs, bars and online dating sites.

Women don't usually give feedback or accurately communicate their preferences so young men often don't know what they're doing 'wrong' or why women don't seem interested in them.

Young men are often given the message that women are disadvantaged or have 'not yet reached equality' even though young men in Canada have on average a lower quality of life than young women. Arguments of female inequality either rely on situations in other countries or previous centuries that are not directly relevant to people in Canada today or focus on issues that superficially suggest female inequality or disadvantage such as a lower average salary or fewer MPs in parliament while ignoring issues that suggest male inequality or disadvantage such as lower university enrolment or higher suicide rate.

Most women make no effort to ensure that men are treated fairly or to ensure that young men have opportunities to meet and talk to young women. '

... the guy who wrote this cris de coeur has alot to learn about women. Women want men to display confidence, and that's especially true of young women who are not sure how to proceed and need a little direction as they explore their sexuality. It's such a shame that youth is still being wasted on the young.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Shouldn't the university step in and make sure young men have an equal opportunity with young women? Make their grades dependent on fucking at least one person their own age.


Jul 25, 2004
Most women will go out with men who are older than they are but will not normally go out with men who are younger. This results in many young men being unable to find a girlfriend.
Young men could find girlfriends - they are just too picky. I personally believe (female terbs can jump on me on perspective) the females are attracted to men who not only look nice but exude an air of sexual confidence. I think older guys generally have a better understanding of the sexual / arousal of the female body and and can respond to the rising passions of their lover by interpreting and accenting the rising pitch of lust in the same way harmonic vibrations reach a breaking point in a wine glass. An experienced lover amplifies the the arousal, younger inexperienced guys just dampen the pitch, cap the ecstasy providing a mildly enjoyable experience instead of the high pitch, out of control waves of orgasmic pleasure that leaves her exhausted and gasping for air. [just IMHO]

I'd recommend that cougar clubs are set up on campus to allow these young guys to get some training and get the experience to become dynamic lovers asap. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Are these the same clowns...oops I mean young men who think women reach their prime at 23 ????


Nov 14, 2005
WELL at least young men get older. HOW about ....... Women: stop ignoring SHORT men!!! We get older & still are short! :(


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Actually - whoever wrote that is a loser.
I've a few friends whose kids are at University and the daughter (a little hottie!) complains about the competition that there is (Supposed shortage of men), while the son is getting more ass then a toilet seat.
can't argue there....i got to york the only reason i stay there is the girls...its easy at york to fuck (not as easy as it was at Western..but the quality is much higher at yorku) anyhow other than that...i hate york...all they care about is gettin ur effin money and screwing YOU in as much ways as they can....

(sorry for taking this thread in another direction...just stressed becuz of york.......f***in york)
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It's never been any different. When I was 18, all the girls were dating 22 year olds (which seemed like an INCREDIBLE age gap at the time).

However, it reverses as you get older.

Ironically, it seems these days that many women in their 40's are only interested in 20 something year old males (the proverbial "cougar") So, not to worry.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Yeah it's always been that way. You're a mid teen dating a girl and you're ready to be faithful to her only to find out she's fucking a guy nearly twice your age, who is just using her for sex. Eventually you become that older guy who uses younger girls for sex.

And the world turns.


New member
May 31, 2009
4 x 6 Dorm Room
University guys don't have the confidence to approach women. They stare and talk about the girl amongst each other, but never directly to her.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
University guys don't have the confidence to approach women. They stare and talk about the girl amongst each other, but never directly to her.
Pub night often helps many guys find their courage, but then balance and coherence become issues.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Actually - whoever wrote that is a loser.
I've a few friends whose kids are at University and the daughter (a little hottie!) complains about the competition that there is (Supposed shortage of men), while the son is getting more ass then a toilet seat.
Gotta agree with you on that, this guy is a loser.
But every guy can relate to a time when the hormones were driving them nuts without the skills to get the girl.


Resident Scumbag.
Feb 1, 2007
University guys don't have the confidence to approach women. They stare and talk about the girl amongst each other, but never directly to her.
You're right.

I've gone out to clubs/bars with friends and the entire night they'll look around and talk about the women they see and then when they see the same women they were talking about leaving with other men they start talking shit about the guys she's leaving with, or talk shit about the woman.

99% of these guys are just too scared of approaching women and an even bigger fear of being rejected by women.

In my personal experience, and I've probably been rejected by more women than any other guy on here, if you approach a woman, or group of women, they will rarely be rude to you. If they are not attracted or interested in you they'll let you know but in a polite manner. As long as you don't do or say anything inappropriate.

I had the biggest fear when it came to approaching women, because I'm pretty shy around both men and women if I've never meet them, but I got tired of being one of those guys in the club and decided to man up. I still get rejected but it doesn't get to me anymore, if anything I just laugh it off. And most of the time if I get rejected or turned down it's because I either came off nervous and shy or my body language was just off.


Resident Scumbag.
Feb 1, 2007
Pub night often helps many guys find their courage, but then balance and coherence become issues.
Women are usually automatically turned off by a guy who wasted, unless they are wasted to. If a guy needs to get drunk before he can talk to a women then he needs some help. And yes I was one of those guys so I'm speaking from experience.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
University guys don't have the confidence to approach women. They stare and talk about the girl amongst each other, but never directly to her.
well maybe we're thinkin different ages of uni guys...i fully agree if they are first years or even second...but in my last year...i'll approach anyone....

i guess it comes down to ur social status and overall looks (not saying i'm hot or dont start with the hate) i just think its too much of a generalization to say that

and to viggo's may be right about earning potential about york students..but don't forget some of us go to schulich :)


Nov 14, 2005
Just like on dating sites such as P.O.F. women complain about a shortage of avail. men. BUT I see lots of avail. men even at any given bar/pub. Look into it further & you find to women it is a given that avil. men means those that are 5'10"+ . Ahhh .... indeed there is a shortage , since only aprox. 14% of men are 5'10"+. SHORT men are never considered, so are not in women's world of avail. men.
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