No need to worry about cost. If you're the person making the complaint, it costs you absolutely nothing throughout the process. The taxpayer picks up the tab.
Having said that, I agree with those who say the so-called "human rights" commissions should be scrapped. They are essentially a kangaroo court system with absolutely no due process whatsoever. And the system is completely tilted against the accused.
For example, you could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting a bogus complaint, but even if you win, you're not awarded anything for costs. That's why most people who are accused simply plead guilty and accept the fine -- it's significantly cheaper.
Furthermore, there is no evidence -- none whatsoever -- that these commissions have accomplished anything. Society may be less racist than it was 40 years ago -- in fact, I'm sure it is -- but there's no evidence that has anything to do with these kangaroo courts. In fact, society is more liberal minded in a number of areas (same-sex marriage, for example) because we have allowed for an open exchange of ideas, not because of state censorship.
At the provincial level, citizens can do something to end this travesty. The Ontario Conservatives under Tim Hudak have promised to scrap the Ontario Human Rights Commission if elected next year. Something to consider when it's voting time.