How About The Young & Fearless Team USA Hockey???

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Great news for Canada in this huge USA win.

The Americans will get their usual swelled ego filled heads and be ripe for picking on Sunday.

We'll beat Slovakia tonight in a tough game and then trash the USA as they self-implode and fall apart as usual.
I'd like to believe you but somehow I don't think that is going to happen. I expect a very tough US opponent tomorrow. We have all the pressure on our shoulders. Let's see if the experience of Iginla, Pronger, Niedermayer and the young leadership of Crosby, Staal and Getzlaf can carry us over the top.

Prediction: I'm an optimist...4-3 Canada in overtime.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Since the subject of this thread was the 2010 U.S.A. Olympic men's hockey team, why don't we keep our discussion to that team.

So far as I know, they have behaved like gentlemen off the ice, and tough competitors on.

I will be cheering for Canada to win the gold medal tomorrow, but most importantly I want a good game, played with sportsmanship and class. Something sorely lacking by both some Americans and some Canadians in this thread.
Well said!!! The good doc applauds you. The Olympic motto, "Citius, altius, fortius" (Faster, higher, stronger), invites people to excel in the spirit of friendship, unity, and fair play. Such is the Olympic ideal or part of. Patriotism /rooting for your country is great but should not be done at the expense of sportsmanship, class, and mutual respect. True, there are always bad apples everywhere but why become part of them??? It is counter-productive and against the Olympic spirit. It certainly does not make the world a better place to live. Does it??? So ladies and gentlemen, in the spirit of Olympics, relax and enjoy the game.


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Versus a particular group of ladies whose post win celebration raised a few eyebrows...none of them American, BTW...
You don't really want to go there do you?

May I remind you of a situation at the Women's World Cup of Soccer where one of the American women (Brandi Chastain) partially disrobed* on the field, while the stadium was still full of fans ? Far more inappropriate than a group of women having a private celebration.

*Not saying that's a bad thing....... but perhaps not appropriate when children are watching.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Originally Posted by Don
There is one team that has a rep for imploding in the Olympics and it is not the USA. It the is country that was the favorite to win gold in the last 3 Olymmpics and came away with 1 medal during that time.
Shhh...they don't like hearing the truth.
Uh, you're only giving part of the truth. Wasn't it the American team - reigning Canada Cup champions - who choked in Nagano and then punked out of town early after trashing their Olympic Village quarters like a bunch of soccer hooligans? A team with Richter, Leetch, Lafontaine, Roenick, Modano, Leclair, Suter & Hull is at least a co-favorite in ANY tournament.


Aug 25, 2001
I'm sick and tired of hearing Ron Wilson/Brian Burke playing the underdog card. Yeah yeah they're flying under the radar and no one is giving them credit...bullshit. I was always afriad of them. Aside from Russia...who else you think wants to knock off Canada SOOO desperately? They knew full well among themselves they're one of the contenders. They already know they have one of the best goalies in Ryan Miller. Funny I never hear them say in a one game showdown, a hot goalie can make all the diff. I'm not saying I disagree with their strategic display of propaganda, but I didn't buy it. Do they really think playing the underdog card will make Canada overlook them? Gimme a break!


Sep 30, 2008
I'm sick and tired of hearing Ron Wilson/Brian Burke playing the underdog card. Yeah yeah they're flying under the radar and no one is giving them credit...bullshit. I was always afriad of them. Aside from Russia...who else you think wants to knock off Canada SOOO desperately? They knew full well among themselves they're one of the contenders. They already know they have one of the best goalies in Ryan Miller. Funny I never hear them say in a one game showdown, a hot goalie can make all the diff. I'm not saying I disagree with their strategic display of propaganda, but I didn't buy it. Do they really think playing the underdog card will make Canada overlook them? Gimme a break!
That are the favorites now (being the number 1 seed) and should be the home team in the gold medal game. They should have last line change too.

I just home the game doesn't end in a shootout. It's a horrible way to loose a gold medal game.


Apr 24, 2005
it is living under obnoxious pressure like this that is keeping your athletes from "owning the podium".
14 GOLD medals! Canada is golden. Canada would be golden even if we won no medals. Let's shake hands and go for beer. Peace.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Sidney the kid finally spoiled the 'American Dream.' How could the American defense leave Miller alone unprotected and allowed Crosby a devasting shot on Miller??? Was it Rafalski the verteran who committed this mistake???


Sep 30, 2008
Sidney the kid finally spoiled the 'American Dream.' How could the American defense leave Miller alone unprotected and allowed Crosby a devasting shot on Miller??? Was it Rafalski the verteran who committed this mistake???
It was Rafalski. That's happens with 4 on 4, players get tired faster and make mistakes.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Lets hope.

Calling us arrogant. The nerve.
Even in victory, our fans are still civilized. At a major intersection near where I watched the game, the fans would wait for a light change, then dozens of them would run into the middle of the intersection, dancing and waving flags. After one light cycle, everyone ran onto the sidewalks to allow the traffic to pass. Then back out again.

Only in Canada!!!



Jun 6, 2009
Sidney the kid finally spoiled the 'American Dream.' How could the American defense leave Miller alone unprotected and allowed Crosby a devasting shot on Miller??? Was it Rafalski the verteran who committed this mistake???
The way I saw the sot was that it wasn't so much a hard wicked one but it did come quick off his stick after the pass and through the 5 hole. A nice touch that the kid score as he was passed over for the last Olympics as being to young and inexperienced.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Send some security to the rooms while the US checks out. Make sure they do not trash the rooms.
And someone make sure Kane has exact change for the cab to the airport.


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
Great job by the Yanks considering the depth of the two rosters. Most experts feel only Parise would've made our team. And boy, did the Americans look distraught at the end of it all.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
14 GOLD medals! Canada is golden. Canada would be golden even if we won no medals. Let's shake hands and go for beer. Peace.
I'd agree...Canada came through BIG TIME in the last few days....seems that "own the podium" paid off after all.

And you gotta love the unadulterated joy in the can't help but be happy for people who are that


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Exactly why do you choose to live in Canada? Kind of sounds like you hate it.
Often times I do.

I live here because I was invited - and for the first couple of years it was a WELCOME respite.

But over time I saw a group of entire society at large turn what was always a friendly brotherly type rivalry into just ugliness - vicious ugliness.

Some examples:

That day a few years ago on the anniversary of 9/11 when Andy Barrie had some punk ass kid on his show and allowed them to mock the angst of Americans without interruption of commentary

That day when someone walked down the street and mocked my (Canadian) wife for receiving a parking ticket simply because the car she was driving had U.S. plates

Then of course the day referenced above where a watched 16 and 17 year olds get booed by a crowd that had been gracious to every other team simply because they were wearing red white and blue.

Add to the the hundreds of times in nine years people have insulted me directly or indirectly upon discovering that I was an American

(most recent example...out with a gal on our 2nd date...go into an art gallery....there is a picture of Stephen harper with the owner of the date, being a typical Toronto liberal, just has to know how said picture came to be, where upon the owner explains that heavens no, she doesn't share Harper's politics, but he is a distant relative....a few words are exchanged, and then date says to the other woman that I probably don't really understand the context of the conversation because I am an which the woman replies "oh...too bad for" Would she say that in regards to my being Black? What if it had been revealed that I was gay?)

- and then the general lack of sympathy for having to live under such conditions (by comparison, being Black is a breeze, let me tell you), and yeah often times I hate it. I was reminded as much last year when I left for several months on refreshing it was to not have to live with daily insults and disparagement both from people directly and in the media.

The real shame is how happy I was when i first got here...I was fucking glad to be out of New York....and so glad to be someplace where life was at a different pace and people were indeed kind and polite.

And then somebod(ies) decided my Black mostly liberal ass was somehow accountable and responsible for the actions of a white guy I've never met and who I had no say in bring into power...and whose politics I don't agree with. And everywhere I went...I was either asked to explain or justify....or people just took the direct route and hurdled an insult. And it hasn't let up, even though that guy isn't in power anymore.

Americans are this...Americans are hear it everywhere, people repeating things that are the hell can three hundred million people all be ANYTHING? And I am supposed to understand that mind you, they aren't talking about ME...even though it is ME they are saying all this to, and they know I am an American...and besides, its all in good humor anyway, right?

So yeah... one last time...I do hate it...and again, having landed another gig in another local, I am leaving. And I won't miss it anymore than you will miss me.

Try living someplace other than Toronto for awhile and you will get a glimpse into my world....I took a perverse pleasure during my time in Edmonton at how much apparently everybody else in Canada hates Toronto...and dont' really hate Americans all that much....


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Great job by the Yanks considering the depth of the two rosters. Most experts feel only Parise would've made our team. And boy, did the Americans look distraught at the end of it all.
Only Parise ?
Miller did OK and I would take Kane in a heartbeat. There were a few others who I just cannot think of right now that I would take.
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