1,000 architects want to know how WTC buildings could possibly collapse on 9/11

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
A couple of thoughts:

1. Architects know fuck all about the engineering behind an 80 storey building so their opinion is carries no more weight than anyone else's.

2. There are probably about 50 structural Engineers in North America who have the experience to design a tower like the WTC. (And by that I mean 50 guys, not 50 companies.) For example, in Toronto, that would be some guy working at Yolles. Other than that, dunno who.

3. It was not a controlled demolition because planting charges would take 2 or 3 months of work (not counting the prep work and thought that would go into it). You would need to cut away not only the drywall surrounding the steel columns, but the fireproofing, AND then you'd need to cut holes in the steel columns themselves. All of them. Now think about it - I know people can be really dumb. But do you really think that everyone working in the WTC is THAT dumb that they wouldn't notice columns being flame cut throughout the building? Please. You'd need to completely pull apart offices, do the work, never mind you need to buy the explosives and run thousands of wires totaling thousands of miles of wire. Not possible.

4. Someone in the demolition crew would have talked by now.

5. I have seen interviews with the Structural Engineer who designed the building. If he (of all people) doesn't buy into the controlled demolition theory than that seals the deal.

I can't believe people are so stupid as to think it was some sort of conspiracy.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Since you are a scientist ... I hope you have a open mind and watch this video by Nova on

Why the Tower fell.


After you finished watching this video ...would like to hear your feedback on this video by NOVA
Listen, I do not believe in conspiracy theories about the wtc towers.

I just cannot believe why some people here goes completely bananas because others
question the established explanations. I find that very strange. Why get your shorts in knots because
someone ask questions?
I, for example, would be interested in a study about how the WTC 7 building collapsed. I think that is
what the 1,000 architects and engineers are asking for. That does not mean that I (or the 1,000 signatories)
believe that the Mossad took down WTC 7; It simply in my case at least mean that I am interested in
how the WTC 7 collapsed. No more, no less. Why would anybody get upset and att6ack me over that?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Listen, I do not believe in conspiracy theories about the wtc towers.

I just cannot believe why some people here goes completely bananas because others
question the established explanations. I find that very strange. Why get your shorts in knots because
someone ask questions?
I, for example, would be interested in a study about how the WTC 7 building collapsed. I think that is
what the 1,000 architects and engineers are asking for. That does not mean that I (or the 1,000 signatories)
believe that the Mossad took down WTC 7; It simply in my case at least mean that I am interested in
how the WTC 7 collapsed. No more, no less. Why would anybody get upset and att6ack me over that?

Here you go...click on link below.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm sorry but stinky's list is extremely important. It names 1000 people you don't want to design any building taller than a bungalow.
Thank you for keeping us focussed on what really matters.

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
I think james t kirk's post says it all. The sheer amount of human resources required for such a demolition would make this impossible. There's no way that the US government could handle all the logistics while maintaining complete and total secrecy.

After all, this is the US Goverment we're talking about, and it's not exactly known for successful cover-ups... Watergate, anyone? Iran-Contra? Monica Lewinski? C'mon now, these idiots can't even cover up a blowjob, and you think they can level two giant buildings without anyone noticing?

I think we're giving them way too much credit if we think they could actually pull this off. I don't think that conspiracy theorists are necessarily stupid, but more likely, they fall prey to the confimation bias - a human tendency to seek out information that confirms your expectations, and ignore the contradictory evidence. It's not indicative of one's intelligence, but rather, one's lack of active open-mindedness, which is also a measure of one's rationality.

Sorry for jumping in here - carry on! :)

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I think james t kirk's post says it all. The sheer amount of human resources required for such a demolition would make this impossible. There's no way that the US government could handle all the logistics while maintaining complete and total secrecy.

After all, this is the US Goverment we're talking about, and it's not exactly known for successful cover-ups... Watergate, anyone? Iran-Contra? Monica Lewinski? C'mon now, these idiots can't even cover up a blowjob, and you think they can level two giant buildings without anyone noticing?

I think we're giving them way too much credit if we think they could actually pull this off. I don't think that conspiracy theorists are necessarily stupid, but more likely, they fall prey to the confirmation bias - a human tendency to seek out information that confirms your expectations, and ignore the contradictory evidence. It's not indicative of one's intelligence, but rather, one's lack of active open-mindedness.

Sorry for jumping in here - carry on! :)
I read in Scientific America where they examined scientifically done tests carried out by scientists. All the tests were flawed from confirmation bias. Presumably, so was the testing of the tests

But the theory is the government used secret explosive techniques that do not need extensive wiring etc they got from aliens


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Sorry, but to cite just one instance of blue BS:"… it's well documented the US government knew well in advance that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbour"

It is well documented that Japanese imperial ambitions would inexorably bring it into conflict with the US. And the dead easy intelligence that Pearl would be a target when they did, must have padded a buncha documents too. It is also well documented, as it is in every after the fact investigation of every significant disaster, that fallible, over-confident humans did what they do best—failed to do everything (like keep a sharp eye, read their inboxes promptly) that might have averted catastrophe. And there's lots of documentation—all of it speculative—pointing out how advantageous an attack by Japan or Germany might have been to FDR's global strategy.

But that does NOT add up to the US government 'knowing' anything that might have prevented December 7th. Let alone 'conspired' to bring it about.

It's phoney to tell someone to "Check for yourself" to prove the negative that there was no such conspiracy. If it's "so well documented" you won't have any trouble citing at least one of those documents that can be checked.

And a quick Google is all it takes to find that open-air burn temperature of jet fuel is hotter than the temperature structural steel must be fireproofed for, so you've got some more documentation to produce if you wanna keep jamming these tedious conspiracy theories at us.

At least the filmmakers you cited knew their job was to be entertaining.

When the folks whose job it is to make sure what gets built doesn't fall down start publishing peer-reviewed, scholarly papers about how the WTC could only have been brought down by demo experts with sophisticated explosives, then I'll believe it wasn't Atta and the Martyrs. But why that'd make anyone believe the guys who kidnapped Maher Arar and sent 'sploding cigars to Castro coulda done it is beyond me.

Where is your evidence that government is that competent at anything?


Jan 31, 2005
Whether Pearl Harbour is one of them or not, there are MANY cases of the Allies allowing devastating attacks by the Germans and the Japanese to occur, even though they had knowledge of it, intentionally suffering serious damage rather then preparing a defense. It is possible Pearl Harbour was one of these cases.

However there is an explanation which is not sinister:

The allies had cracked the German and Japanese encryption systems and were intercepting all of their communications. The Japanese and Germans are not dumb, and if every time they communicated something the allies prepared a defense, they would know the jig was up and change their encryption system to one that could not be deciphered.

So, in order to maintain an overall information advantage against the enemy the allies consciously decided NOT to act on much of the intelligence they had, saving up their advantage for a more decisive moment. The view was that it was better to allow a few battles to be lost, in order to win the war.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
We'll have to await those more learned in what constitutes a conspiracy, to discover if those qualify, fuji.

Much as I'd like to charge Cheney and Co. with every sort of dastardly plot, I wouldn't credit them with the brains to fake a minor attack on a Polish radio station, let alone to fake a bunch of airline hijackings and the destruction of the WTC and the Pentagon.

And how did they manage the crash in Pennsylvania that supposedly aborted the attack on the Capitol?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Addendum: Read
Touching history; the untold story of the drama that unfolded in the skies over America on 9/11
By: Spencer, Lynn. | Year of publication:: c2008. | Publisher:: Free Press,

available from the TPL. She interviewed the air traffic controllers, the pilots of diverted planes, the Air National Guard pilots—didya' know the entire continent was 'protected' by only six fighters w/ part-time pilots, two of whom were assigned elsewhere, 'cause of tax cuts.—the radar guys at NORAD (who couldn't communicate w/ the ATCs at the FAA, tax cuts again), all the folks who had to keep it together and do their jobs while GeorgeII was staring into a camera in a kindergarten and Cheney in his bunker was assuming authority he didn't have to order non-existant planes to shoot down airliners the FAA was already landing.

Conspiracies make nice, simplistic easy-to-understand stories that still leave you powerless and guilt-free about doing nothing. But real life isn't like that. Read about how it really works.
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