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Why Women lie about being Raped

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Yeah guys it really happens once in a while, a women will just make up a full blown lie about being raped when not a darn thing even happened. Forget the misunderstanding "I thought she wanted it", in this one case this lady just totally made up the rape.


Feb 23

NJ woman sentenced to prison for NYC gang-rape lie

NEW YORK (AP) -- A woman who fabricated a gang rape accusation was sentenced Tuesday to up to three years behind bars herself, saying she was riven with remorse for sending an innocent man to prison.

Biurny Peguero, 27, pleaded guilty in December to perjury, admitting she made up the September 2005 incident that unjustly put construction worker William McCaffrey in jail and prison for nearly four years. A judge overturned his rape conviction in December, with new DNA evidence also playing a role.

"I question myself every day as to how I could have done this," Peguero told a Manhattan state court judge.

Peguero originally said McCaffrey was the ringleader among three men who raped her at knifepoint after luring her into their car. She met them after a night out at a Manhattan nightclub with female friends.

McCaffrey, now 32, said she had agreed to go with them to a party. He said they dropped her off unharmed after she changed her mind.

But jurors spurned his account after hearing from Peguero, among other witnesses. She went on to speak at his sentencing hearing, saying, "Justice has finally been served." He was sentenced to 20 years in prison; no one else was convicted.

Peguero came to believe her lie because she had been too drunk to remember much of the night in question, according to a report from a psychiatrist who examined Peguero at her lawyer's request.

Prosecutors have said she told them she claimed she was raped to make her friends feel sorry for her. Assistant District Attorney Evan Krutoy suggested Tuesday that she may have lied out of anger at a man who had upset - but not attacked - her.

"I don't know the reason why, but she wanted to do this," he said, urging a two- to six-year sentence.

Defense lawyer Paul F. Callan noted that Peguero came forward to clear McCaffrey, approaching a priest and then authorities this year to recant. Meanwhile, new DNA tests had shown that a wound on Peguero's arm came from at least two women - apparently friends she was fighting with - and not McCaffrey.

Peguero, who has an infant and a 7-year-old, admitted her lie knowing it could mean prison time for her, he said. He pushed for her to get probation instead.

Peguero, of Union City, N.J., got a sentence of one to three years in prison.

Still, after she handcuffed to await transportation to jail, "she told me that she was at peace with herself," Callan said later Tuesday. "She knew that she was going to be punished, but she knew that she had done the right thing."

For his part, McCaffrey's lawyer sent Peguero's judge a letter noting she had made a bold move to right the wrong she had committed.

"Although we are upset about her lies that caused, in part, his conviction, we do applaud her courage in coming forward," the lawyer, Glenn A. Garber, said in an interview.

As a member of the Exoneration Initiative, a New York-based group that provides free legal help challenging convictions, Garber depicted the case as a reminder that lies can end up carrying legal weight, even in an era of DNA and other forensic evidence.

"This case gives you a window into false testimony and makes clear that people can give detailed of accounts of events that are untrue," he said.

© 2010 The Associated Press


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Remember when I said that there's been a rash of controversial topics being posted this week
Yeah, add another one to that list

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
If I was the presiding judge in this matter. I would sentence the woman to serve the 3 years plus the time the man spent in prison and to pay restitution for his time loss! Plus, punitive damages.

Justice C. Catz

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
What about also having to let the guy finally enjoy that pussy of hers, lol

First 6 months in prison, weekends she must be go to that dudes place! Then she know how getting raped is like.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
What about also having to let the guy finally enjoy that pussy of hers, lol

First 6 months in prison, weekends she must be go to that dudes place! Then she know how getting raped is like.
Not cool dude. Not even close to being witty, funny or cute. Show some class...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't see this as controversial, who would support a woman lying about being raped?
ah, I can point out quite a few. Heck, our social workers and do gooders say love crack heads who rob and steel for their next fix and criminals who grew up in bad neighbourhoods. Heck they'd support her for being misguided.

I don't know, 1 - 3 is NOT anywhere CLOSE to enough. She took this guy's life. No matter what, his life will never be the same. He "might" get over it, or he might not. What if HE was raped while in prison? (and it DOES happen)......

She could have stopped this at any time and prevented him from actually going to prison but nope, look what she said at the sentencing........

Frankly, this guy's name is spread all over the place for being a rapist. She should be forced to go on the evening news, on every station, and admit to what she did. Exonerating this guy to EVERYONE who might have heard about the case.

NOw there was a thread here about how police didn't really belive two women who said they were raped and I was chastised for supporting the cops. THIS is a prime example of why cops won't press charges if there is any semblence of doubt. Don't blame the police for it, blame pieces of garbage like this.

I don't know what their argument was about, but to send a guy to jail for a DISAGREEMENT? holy fuck.....


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
What about also having to let the guy finally enjoy that pussy of hers, lol

First 6 months in prison, weekends she must be go to that dudes place! Then she know how getting raped is like.

Utterly classless comment.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
I don't see this as controversial, who would support a woman lying about being raped?
I don't think anyone in their right mind would.

But I think that maybe what is controversial about this is that for every rare case when a woman make false rape allegations, there are hundreds of other women who are raped and either don't report it because they fear not being trusted or the evidences aren't sufficient to prosecute.

Which obviously, doesn't make what this woman did any less wrong. I think it actually adds insult to injury: not only did she knowingly sent an innocent man to jail and ruined this guy's life, but if that wasn't enough damage already, she also made it more difficult for every women who is actually raped to be trusted and for their rapist to be prosecuted.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
i hope that dude get like a lot of money from suing the state he deserves it. poor guy.
I don't know that the state can be sued for a situation like this. According to the evidence provided, they convicted and that was based on a lie, not the fact that they erred themselves in some way. I'm sure he'll be compensated somehow though.......

she also made it more difficult for every women who is actually raped to be trusted and for their rapist to be prosecuted.

Whenever I think of something like this, I have to wonder: if there is one, there MUST be thousands more because the law of averages must apply. I mean this woman is not a 100% unique soul, her situation wasn't 100% unique, so there must be other guys in jail for crimes they didn't commit........

Speaking of which, has anyone heard any more about those guys that were all over the news on New Years?
Nov 24, 2007
he can sue on the basis that the state prosecutors office did no investigate enough to get to the truth. They did properly utilize dna evidence in an age where it already available and also did not interview the accusee and other witnesses with enough time and effort to get to the truth. If it goes to a civil case trial, he will get no less than 15 million, which he deserves. Trust me it has happened so many times.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
She deserves to pay for ruining the life of that guy. But I do give her some credit at least for coming clean.
See, that's a double edged sword: do you give her credit for doing what she SHOULD have did 4 yrs ago? People "come clean" all the time and get nothing for it, why should she? Punish her too severely and anyone in her situation won't come forward, they'd just let the guy rot in jail.


Jul 25, 2004
I think there is still bias in court in the woman's favour even in these days of supposed equality. When I was working in the US, our secretary went through a bitter divorce and she was no wallflower about doing battle. She waited until he was out of town and sold everything he valued including his boat for almost free. She took the daughter, emptied the house and moved. She wanted full custody of her daughter and told her ex that if he didn't comply she would tell the authorities that he molested his daughter. I asked her if she would really do it and she said -' for my daughter - I know all the the things to tell her to make it stick because there's no way that bastard was getting joint custody.'

Going to jail for any crime when you are innocent is bad - but I can't imagine the hell she could have put this guy through. Even if he was found innocent eventually, can you imagine all the bad press to your friends & family ?

All the science now - to bad they can't get a 100% fool proof lie detector for these cases.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
she got off too lightly.........let her serve the sentenced he was given for her lie


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
See, that's a double edged sword: do you give her credit for doing what she SHOULD have did 4 yrs ago? People "come clean" all the time and get nothing for it, why should she?
I didn't say go easy on her. Go throw the book at her. I just said that at least she fessed up. Many do not.
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