Annual gypsy bride sale


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I heard about this on the news, not REALLY a "sale" but arrangements are made there.

Makes the whole dating ritual a lot simpler lol.....

We just call it "speed dating" over here hehehehe

Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
This is a very old tradition in some remote parts of the world where they actually auction their girls to the highest bidder, plus the father of the girl has a full account on how much he spent on his daughter from the day she was born, and he would ask his price to give her daughter's hand in marriage to the person who is ready to pay, plus host a feast for the entire village to qualify this process, in someparts of Kalash valley which is in the northern area of Chitral, Pakistan they also sell their girls in an annual auction held every year, plus in some parts of Afghanistan also sellingof girls is common, most of them who are bought by brokers land up as prostitutes, as after defloration of virgin girls they are again sold to madams, pimps for commercial abuse of them, sad and unfortunate things still happen even in this century, such sales, auctions should be banned, which is a total disgrace for women around the world.
The mother in the second photo looks like a Monty Python character. :p
Based on the widely-held belief that the daughter will likely end u looking like Mom eventually, having her there will certainly increase the selling price! What a set of DDs!

... most of them who are bought by brokers land up as prostitutes, as after defloration of virgin girls they are again sold to madams, pimps for commercial abuse of them, sad and unfortunate things still happen even in this century, such sales, auctions should be banned, which is a total disgrace for women around the world.
TH, sadly, I expect you are right. It's a very old custom in many parts of the world, but it doesn't mean it's a good one... Probably in the "good old days" it was a great way to find a husband in countries where people lived in remote areas and communication between villages was difficult. As usual, mankind will always have some people who will pervert these old traditions for their own gain...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yes the perversion of the "original" theme of these practices should be stopped. But as long as there are humans on earth, there will be other humans abusing others (unfortunately).

This whole "bride auction" must rile feminists to their very core. But this whole concept also harkens back to that thread about arranged marriages. Now we can get into the argument how "wrong" the practise is but how "wrong" is it really? Here we have record divorce rates, broken homes, single mothers on welfare with 4 or 5 kids, rampant drug abuse, etc etc etc. Is our way "better"? (now not attributing ALL crime to this but I see/saw a LOT of issues due to absent fathers).

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
Is it just me or were they only parading really the ugly girls?
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