Zfuture.. Our policy has been, and will continue to be if there is a problem with an SP and a Client.. It should be delt with between an SP and a Client.. The problem here is that Most Agencies Employ the ladies, that WORK for them.. And if they are following that M.O. then it would be natural to assume that the agency would refund the client or offer a free session.. This in our opinion Objectifies the ladies and this in effect is a form of control which is something we do not condone. Our position is one of an AGENT.. we promote for them based on the description of services they provide (ymmv), we screen callers we arrange transportation and help them find hotel and good rates.. We also post ads for them in Newspapers, Magazines, on Websites..
So in this case, we did not ignore the issue.. We did the responsible thing, we relayed the complaint to Melissa.. We discussed things with Cheek to Cheek.. Melissa has offered him a free session to compensate, and he has accepted the offer and has confirmed a time, place and date. I believe we did our due diligence in rectifying things on our end. And in the words of the client he felt that it was "noble" on her part to offer the session.. I think it shows maturity and she took ownership of the problem and the solution. It also shows she cares about her name, and reputation..
So in this case, we did not ignore the issue.. We did the responsible thing, we relayed the complaint to Melissa.. We discussed things with Cheek to Cheek.. Melissa has offered him a free session to compensate, and he has accepted the offer and has confirmed a time, place and date. I believe we did our due diligence in rectifying things on our end. And in the words of the client he felt that it was "noble" on her part to offer the session.. I think it shows maturity and she took ownership of the problem and the solution. It also shows she cares about her name, and reputation..