Driving peeves


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
Let's hear it for your driving peeves. No comments on speeding and the road racing laws please, as we have debated this before. Also no comments on drunk driving. Just comments about stupid things that 'other' drivers do on the road that drive you nuts. Here's mine...

Driving on a 2 lane road, with a 60 kph/80 kph limit, with two minivans (or other drivers) going at the speed limit, side by side, oblivious to the other drivers behind them and wasting all our time. This just drives me nuts.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
People who wantonly disobey the Highway Traffic Act.


Active member
Nov 5, 2007
Driving in the center lane of 401, QEW, 403 etc doing 80Kph.
Hitting the Brakes to merge.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Drivers who don't move right into the intersection when waiting to make a left hand turn. They hang back at the line and when the light turns, they are the only one to get through. MOVE INTO THE INTERSECTION PLEASE PEOPLE.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
People who don't speed up at the on ramps on highways like the 401. How are you going to merge to the highway traffic? And seriously how are the people behind you going to merge if you don't?

People who are going @ 70-80kph on a 100kph highway in good weather and road condition. Please don't block traffics around you: if you can't handle the speed or the traffic then please stay off the high-way! Go with the flow or stay away!

People who don't signal when turing or merging. Really, how can others know where you are going?

People who follows emergency vehicles closely such that they can get throw faster. Don't you know there is a law against that?

People who don't even look when they are coming out of parking lots or malls.

Please who don't stop at stop signs or people who don't follow the right of way rules @ all-way stops.

People who don't sweep off snow on their vehicles.

The list can go on and on...


New member
Jul 2, 2009
People who speed down neighborhood streets like its the Indy 500.

People behind you who speed up when you're trying to make a turn onto another street ( even after signalling) and then almost run you off the road.

People who have their high beams on when it's not necessary


New member
Dec 27, 2004
People who constantly tap their brakes lightly every 30-60 seconds for no reason at all while driving in the centre land of the 404 with no cars in front of them.

People who drive with their fog lights on all the time


People who drive in my blind spot and stay there. This isn't a game of fighter ace where the object is to stealthily shadow me - get ourt of there so I can see you when changing lanes. What goof maintains a position in another car's blind spot on a highway? Oblivious goofs, I guess.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
People who have their high beams on when it's not necessary
I see it "ALL" the time.

I hate it when they force their way into your lane in front of you, and then don't even acknowledge with a wave or anything.

The one's who turn on their wipers to clean the snowon their windshield, and then drive away..what about the rest of the windows, lights?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Ones who switch lanes without signaling--yeah it matters cause some one else might be thinking of going to that lane also and with no signal or one at the same time as you are moving over is just rude to the other drivers.

Then its at stoplights, some drivers seem to have to switch lanes to the open space--fine, no gripes about that..but then move your butt when the light turns green, duh. You don't wanna, then why the hell didn't you just stay in your lane and stop in back of the other car ahead of you?

Little old people TRYING to drive the best they can, OK I understand (so long as they don't hit anybody). For the most part many don't seem to try to hog the road.

Brings me to the jerks driving under or at just the speed limit on a two lane road but then if you move to pass them they speed up trying to stop you from passing. Playing traffic cop on the roads, huh?

Had somebody today turn on red almost in front of me on a two lane road but then they stepped on the gas and before long was driving faster than I was going--cool, no problem--we are to share the road, I wasn't using the space way ahead of me so you might as well. If the driver just turned and didn't step on the gas I was planing on passing-even thou it was close to the intersection and a no passing zone--too bad, you cut me off ass wipe--that is illegal also.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Drivers who don't move right into the intersection when waiting to make a left hand turn. They hang back at the line and when the light turns, they are the only one to get through. MOVE INTO THE INTERSECTION PLEASE PEOPLE.
You are right on with this one. It's a safety thing, too, not just reducing congestion at the junction. What's the number one thing people say just after the bang? - yes, it's "Where the fuck did he/she spring from?" So, get right out in the middle of the junction when waiting to turn left, where everyone can see you are there, and can tell what you're gonna do.

People who drive in my blind spot and stay there. This isn't a game of fighter ace where the object is to stealthily shadow me - get ourt of there so I can see you when changing lanes. What goof maintains a position in another car's blind spot on a highway? Oblivious goofs, I guess.
Can't agree with you on this one. What kind of a "goof" knowingly drives around with a "blind spot"? There should be no such thing. If there is any part of the scene around your vehicle that you can't see, get yourself some proper mirrors. It's up to you to ELIMINATE your blind spot. It's YOUR fault, not his, if you can't see the other guy.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
bicyclists who think they have more entitlement to the road than drivers.......


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Can't agree with you on this one. What kind of a "goof" knowingly drives around with a "blind spot"? There should be no such thing. If there is any part of the scene around your vehicle that you can't see, get yourself some proper mirrors. It's up to you to ELIMINATE your blind spot. It's YOUR fault, not his, if you can't see the other guy.
Blind spots can't be eliminated and it is not remotely realistic to expect someone to change the mirrors on their car. Any professional driving course I have ever been on (Bell Canada, Federal Gov't, US Gov't) advises students to NOT drive at the 7 o'clock position behind another car, as this is the "blind spot" on most any vehicle. Even if a driver checks his mirrors and looks over his shoulder, in many/most vehicles he won't see a car sitting in the blind spot. "Goof"? Hardly. Not sure what your issue is with blind spots but you are well off base with your comments.

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Slowpokes who insist on blocking he left lane on the highway.
Drivers who hit pedestrians.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Blind spots can't be eliminated and it is not remotely realistic to expect someone to change the mirrors on their car. Any professional driving course I have ever been on (Bell Canada, Federal Gov't, US Gov't) advises students to NOT drive at the 7 o'clock position behind another car, as this is the "blind spot" on most any vehicle. Even if a driver checks his mirrors and looks over his shoulder, in many/most vehicles he won't see a car sitting in the blind spot. "Goof"? Hardly. Not sure what your issue is with blind spots but you are well off base with your comments.
Thank you.

Goof might have been a humorous exageration, but I do hate it when some inconsiderate drivers seem to stick themselves in my 7 o'clock position. I also took a professional driving course and they always advised us not to drive in the 7 o'clock position. I never drive on cruise control in someone's 7 o'clock blind spot.

Volvo apparantly developed a system called blind spot information system which uses two lens in the side of the car to give the driver an audible alert if some goo - er, I mean unknowing person, is sitting in one's blind spot on the highway in the 7 o'clock position. Sounds like a good system. Other companies are experimenting with radar systems to alert a driver if cars enter his car's range of space (no missile defense system to go along with the radar alert warning though lol).
People who don't wave after I let them in.

Somebody in the left lane on the highway going the same speed as the other cars.

People in the right lane at a stop light who could easily move up a couple of feet to let me turn right if they were paying attention.

Somebody coming in the opposite direction as I'm trying to turn left. I think they are going through the intersection because their turn signal isn't on so I wait and then they proceed to make a right turn.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Once while stopped at a light, a woman in an SUV plowed into my rear end with such force she pushed me into the rear end of the vehicle in front of me. Both cars took heavy damage, but mine was destroyed front and back. I was lucky to emerge unscratched. Her mother by her side, her first words were, "will this take long? This isn't a good day for me." My answer would have got me arrested if she wasn't so oblivious to me and her surroundings. It was clear she was involved in some kind of family crisis. I wish people would think about the state they're in before they take the wheel.


I have three. AT an all way stop, IF ITS YOUR TURN THEN GO. Most people complain about drivers that go AHEAD of their turn, but sometimes you get a driver (usually a little old lady) who, when its her turn, will NOT go. So you wait, she waits, people start waving each other through - Just go when its your turn!

Next, you are on a road / highway, at least 2 lanes, and very clearly up ahead for some reason only the lane you are in continues, so everyone from the other lane has to merge. There is always some cheater who barrels up the now-empty lane right to the end, then tries to get in.

On highways I like to travel about 130, but of course sometimes things are slow so I can't , even though I am in the fast lane. I like to leave a REASONABLE space between me and th ecar in fron, but you'll always get some idiot who comes up behind you, taligates awhile, then overtakes on the right and squeezes himself in. Dude, I too want to go faster, but I am not willing to tailgate. ?Your stupid manoeuvre saves yourself like 1 second.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
I have three. AT an all way stop, IF ITS YOUR TURN THEN GO. Most people complain about drivers that go AHEAD of their turn, but sometimes you get a driver (usually a little old lady) who, when its her turn, will NOT go. So you wait, she waits, people start waving each other through - Just go when its your turn!
I have to concur with this one. It drives me crazy when I go up to an all way stop, and see everybody just sitting around waiting for me to show up. There are people sitting there waiting to see whether I am going to stop. If it looks like I am slowing down, then I will stop. And then, the usual nonsense about who goes 1st begins. When you get to the stop, STOP, then move on. Don't wait for me. If I get there and see you waiting for me, I will go before you. And I don't care whether you give me the finger or otherwise.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
People in the right lane at a stop light who could easily move up a couple of feet to let me turn right if they were paying attention.
I believe this is due to our Canadian sense of entitlement. We are all entitled to do whatever we wish since we have a RIGHT to do so. Also, it is due to our lack of awareness on the roads. We hardly look in our mirrors anyway, and don't really care about the other drivers on the road.
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