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LA Corner Reveals Brittany Murphy's Cause of Death


Registered User
May 8, 2009
Drugs Involved again.....

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Coroner says Brittany Murphy's death caused by pneumonia, drug intoxication

By Anthony Mccartney, The Associated Press


LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles County coroner says Brittany Murphy died from pneumonia but prescription drug intoxication was also a factor.

The coroner released its results Thursday. Spokesman Craig Harvey says the primary cause of Murphy's death was pneumonia, with secondary factors of iron-deficiency anemia and multiple drug intoxication. Harvey says the drugs ingested were all prescription medications.

Harvey declined to say more about what types of drugs were involved. He says those details will be released in about two weeks when a complete report is ready.

Murphy died Dec. 20 at age 32 after collapsing at her Hollywood Hills home. Her mother and husband have said that the actress didn't abuse prescription medications or have an eating disorder.

Attempts to contact them Thursday were unsuccessful.
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Reminds me of a commercial that aired during the LOST season premier the other night... not sure what it was for, but it was to treat depression or some shit like that. As usual the disclaimer for the side effects was longer than the sales pitch. I was incredibly surprised to hear that the very first side effect was and I quote (as near as I can remember anyway...): "If you find yourself slipping into deeper depression and having thoughts of suicide while taking this medication, please contact your physician immediately." No word of a lie!

How the hell can drug companies get away with this shit??!!

Boggles the mind!


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Sad way to go, she must have been in a pretty depleted physical state though. How long was she sick before she passed away and where was her husband?

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
First off, I'm not a big supporter of depression pharmaceuticals - I love a commercial that says "Drug x is THOUGHT to work by..." I mean, like they're not ACTUALLY SURE how it works, they only have a thought about how it works.

However, to the disclaimer above, many suicides caused by depression do not happen when someone is at the bottom of the depression cycle. The quote you likely heard was "If your depression worsens, OR if you have thoughts of suicide" (not AND, as you remembered and referenced here at the US National Institutes of Health). When people are at the bottom, they're usually too depressed to do actually do anything or make any firm decisions or plans. Going-out to get the rope, or getting to the bridge, or even deciding which method to use is just too much of an effort for a truly depressed person.

The risk for many suicides during depression happens when the person is NEAR the bottom, or COMING OUT of the bottom of the depression. At that point, they have both the depressed thoughts AND the capacity to carry-out the behaviour by virtue of the lifted mood. As such, if an anti-depressant lifts someone up from a point of utter depression to where they can actually take action and think clearly enough to execute a proper suicide, by simply doing it's job the anti-depressant increases the risk of suicide in some people before someone fully gets better. This is one reason why it is critical that someone be properly monitored when starting an anti-depresant treatment.
Although that makes sense, I knew someone some years ago who was on medication for depression and said that almost every day they had thoughts of suicide, which hadn't been there before the medication.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Drugs Involved again.....

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Weird. Pneumonia is a chronic condition that takes time to result in death. Drug intoxication normally leads to an acute and short-lived malfunction of bodily functions. I'm having difficulty figuring how they would interact with pneumonia being the proximate cause of death.


Apr 24, 2005
Back in the old country, the folks were too busy eking out a living to get depressed. Depression is a rich White (Wo)man disease.


May 22, 2007
Weird. Pneumonia is a chronic condition that takes time to result in death. Drug intoxication normally leads to an acute and short-lived malfunction of bodily functions. I'm having difficulty figuring how they would interact with pneumonia being the proximate cause of death.
I don't know exactly, but people who are drug intoxicated and throw up, and have some of that vomit enter their lungs can develop pneumonia, especially if they're immuno-compromised, which can be caused by acute/long term stressors, illness, malnourishment, and drug induced. Plus, depending on what type of drugs she was on, they could also cause respiratory depression and/or irregular heartbeat. I recall reading she also had diabetes, and there's no way to know whether that played a part in her death as well, in combination with everything else.

So it is possible that there is some liability on the part of the movie executives who fired her recently. Her firing may have caused her to go through a depression, leading to malnourishment, and drug seeking behavior, whether they drugs were prescription or not. I don't know if it will hold in court, but you never know.

The same thing can occur with people who party too much, even if they are not hardcore partiers. They drink, throw up, and end up suffocating on their barf. Not a way to die. But even if a small amout of that barf enters their lungs and they don't suffocate, they can still develop pneumonia.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Aah, got it. "Pneumonia" was used in the sense of fluid in the lungs. I had simply thought of it as the long term disease wherein the lungs slowly fill with fluid.


New member
Dec 27, 2004

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Aah, got it. "Pneumonia" was used in the sense of fluid in the lungs. I had simply thought of it as the long term disease wherein the lungs slowly fill with fluid.
The report stated that she had anemia, her immune system would have been compromised by that condition. Again, this begs the question; what the fuck was her husband doing? Recovering from anemia is a slow process and her husband should have been diligent; obviously the oath "in sickness and health" had no meaning for him.

If he is filing a lawsuit, the studios will use his negligence and indifference to destroy him. He should realize this before he goes off half-cocked.
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