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Avatar director James Cameron in Major A-Hole Dispute


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
ABSOLUTELY A FUCKING CLASSIC! Terrific! Man, Cameron's film isn't making the money it should be....cost too much, brings in too little.
Quite the opposite, it’s been doing quite well for such a niche release at this time of year. I mean it’s not in full distribution numbers as other studio releases have (partly due to the demand to see it in IMAX and 3D, and the small numbers of such screens, go look and see that every IMAX 3D showing is booked solid)

By all studio expectations, it’s doing quite well, and the weekend projections for this weekend are quite good. I mean it’s averaging 20 million a day (on weekdays) domestically.

AVATAR'S NUMBERS (Box Office Mojo)
Domestic: $160,768,000 38.6%
+ Foreign: $255,686,953 61.4%
= Worldwide: $416,454,953
STILL DOWN -$300 Million as barely a break even.
So you’re saying that because it’s only made $400 million in the 1 week it’s been released that’s a bad thing? It’s pretty amazing, this will easily make not only its money back but a good profit when it’s theatrical release is done.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
So you’re saying that because it’s only made $400 million in the 1 week it’s been released that’s a bad thing? It’s pretty amazing, this will easily make not only its money back but a good profit when it’s theatrical release is done.

Your saying a $700 Million movie that makes $418 Million is good, in 2 weeks (not 1)? The foreign receipts are 2 to 1 in North America. That's not good. It should be 1 to 1. Maybe if they made it for a max of $250 Million, I'd be all up in arms. Instead, no........outsourced employment too, I hear. Cameron has to get back to his house quick! Sniff the poooowdaaa!

For a film to be successful, it has to triple the cost of it's expenditure. Didn't they teach you that at Inside the Actors Studio, where you were a student?

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Good for James Cameron. Why do people want autographs? Yay! I got somebody to scribble their name in ink for me!

Cameron produced or directed Aliens, Titanic etc, if I recall correctly. Guy is talented.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Your saying a $700 Million movie that makes $418 Million is good, in 2 weeks (not 1)? .
Dude, instead of being patronizing, you should invest in a calendar

One week, it came out on December 18th, that makes it one week ending on Friday. So all the hard totals you see right now are calculating the 1st week of its opening. Not bad considering it loses a day with most theatres being closed on Christmas Eve . By all accounts it’s done amazingly well, beyond most expectations actually. Keep in mind this film has been making a constant $ 20 million every day in North America, that’s an unprecedented consistent growth for a genre/niche picture like this.

It’s projected to hold this amount and will in less than a month make back its expenditures and costs.

By the way the production costs are at $500 million not $700, since marketing costs are not part of the cost of producing the finished film, but a cost incurred by the distributors. As well a large portion of the costs for Avatar were in the creation of the PACE 3D Fusion Camera system, who’s costs are being recouped by the fact that it’s becoming the dominant new system for this new generation of 3D.

The foreign receipts are 2 to 1 in North America. That's not good. It should be 1 to 1.
Not it shouldn’t, not for this picture. The real fact for its consistent pace of grow is that unlike most films where people flock to whatever screen Is available, people in North America are waiting to see it either in a Digital 3D or IMAX 3D screen, the issue is that there are a limited number of theatres and screens that are available in North America. Try going to get a ticket today at an IMAX showing, even a week later they’re still sold out before curtain time.

Dude Didn't they teach you that at Inside the Actors Studio, where you were a student?
No actually, I was taught all this because it’s the Industry I work in. Unlike you who thinks you know it all because you read about it on Wikipedia.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
That was my "assessment" too, BUT the merchandise was not included and .... uh oh..... no one is buying those blue toys that look like they drank too much Romulan Ale.....and Christmas is OVER!
I'd be pissed like Cameron in that video too, knowing that.

Gyaos Baltar.
Of course the merchandise is not included, it has nothing to do with the film's budget or box office take. The toy manufacturer (as well as any other license holder) actually payed the producers for the rights to make the product, not the other way around. In essences the producers fo the film have already made thier money from the merchandising months ago.

You really don't know what you're talking about do you?

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Of course the merchandise is not included, it has nothing to do with the film's budget or box office take. The toy manufacturer (as well as any other license holder) actually payed the producers for the rights to make the product, not the other way around. In essences the producers fo the film have already made thier money from the merchandising months ago.

You really don't know what you're talking about do you?
Thats true some of the time, but not always.
Sometimes movie companies make their own merchandise in Asian sweat shops. They earn a lot more money that way by eliminating the middlemen.

Also the fact this movie opened during a bad East coast snow storm didnt help matters


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
One week, it came out on December 18th, that makes it one week ending on Friday..........Unlike you who thinks you know it all because you read about it on Wikipedia.
TWO WEEKS. TWO WEEKENDS ARE CONSIDERED TWO WEEKS. No one gives a shit about the middle of the week. It's now at $615,168,000 MIL (B.O. Mojo) at a 3:1 Foreign x NA margin. Transformers 2 was 1:1. Still needs $150 MIL just to recoup the cost. So it will make $1.00, before taxes.....oops, its a loss.

And all those toys no one buys, I still don't even know one character's name......wait, I'll get it.....
Blue Bitch.
Did I get it right?

Gyaos Baltar.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
According to Time Magazine Avatar has made about $612 Million in its' first 10 days of release (Can. U.S. + International). It may finish the weekend as the highest grossing film ever in its' second weekend of release.

It's on a pace to be the second highest grossing film ever behind Titanic. Cameron is talking about doing a sequel.


"The Sunday figures place Avatar's three-day take at $75 million — an increase from the $73 million total announced this time last weekend, but a shade less than the actual $77 million in the final figures released Monday. So things may still change, depending on how many Sunday tickets Avatar sells. When the three-day tally is complete, the movie may have beaten The Dark Knight for the all-time best gross on a second weekend. It has now taken in $212.3 million in the U.S. and Canada, and another $400 million or so abroad. Worldwide, after just 10 days of release, Avatar is already the sixth highest-grossing picture of the year, after Harry Potter 6, Ice Age 3, Transformers 2, 2012 and New Moon. And it's just getting started.",8599,1950179,00.html


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
TWO WEEKS. TWO WEEKENDS ARE CONSIDERED TWO WEEKS. No one gives a shit about the middle of the week. It's now at $615,168,000 MIL (B.O. Mojo) at a 3:1 Foreign x NA margin. Transformers 2 was 1:1. Still needs $150 MIL just to recoup the cost. So it will make $1.00, before taxes.....oops, its a loss.
Actually the numbers you were reposting were those for the first week's release (18th to 25th, that would be 7 days, which makes a week).

See we won't really know this weekend's actual numbers until Tuesday when the confirmed box office totals come in (anything before then is speculation, and any true industry person will tell you to wait to see the actual numbers and not go off of websites like box Office Mojo and it's projections) But so far it looks like this weekend will have Avatar again be number 1 at the box office, with a projected 70 Million for the weekend.

All the financial projections have it making back its production costs in a good amount of time, and this film looks like it will have legs to be a steady earner way longer than the usual norm which is a average 50% drop off after most film's opening weekends. This is the kind of film that film financers love to see.

The reason for the vast difference in the numbers between foreign and domestic numbers is that most domestic viewers are not lining up to see it in 2D, but in 3D and in IMAX. There are limited screens of each type in NA....but it's still producing sold out showings at an impressive constant of $20 million per weekday.

That's some flop according to your retarded math, once again you should really stop talking about things you know little aout.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Actually the numbers you were reposting were those for the first week's release (18th to 25th, that would be 7 days, which makes a week).
Dude, you are on one of Cameron's Terminator planets. When you figure out finance, come back to us.
Week 1 is your week 0. Week 2 is your week 1. Goodnight.



New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Dude, you are on one of Cameron's Terminator planets. When you figure out finance, come back to us.
What an edgy comeback.

I know alot more about film financing that you can even imagine. Unlike you who learned if from reading some tidbits on the internet and tries to show off on an anonyamous message board, I've actually learned from experience; that would be the difference.

So come back when you actually have something intelligent to post.

It's funny that your original argument was how much of a financial flop this film I'm surprised that once again you're wrong.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I know alot more about film financing that you can even imagine. Unlike you who learned if from reading some tidbits on the internet and tries to show off on an anonymous message board, I've actually learned from experience; that would be the difference.
Really? So let me guess, your TERB non-anonymous name is Bozo The Clown or is it Howdy Doody? You eat your words like celery.

It's funny that your original argument was how much of a financial flop this film I'm surprised that once again you're wrong.
It hasn't made any profit yet. And in the end, based on the COST to make the fucking thing, it won't be valued percentage wise at what it could bring in, had it cost less with a GOOD SCRIPT. You know, Cameron could have made another "love story" on another ship that sunk and brought it another $1.8 Billion for a lot less.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Really? So let me guess, your TERB non-anonymous name is Bozo The Clown or is it Howdy Doody? You eat your words like celery.
Wow, another clever comeback, from a guy who mispelt his handle. By the way the name of the character was Gaius Baltar.
It hasn't made any profit yet. And in the end, based on the COST to make the fucking thing, it won't be valued percentage wise at what it could bring in, had it cost less with a GOOD SCRIPT. You know, Cameron could have made another "love story" on another ship that sunk and brought it another $1.8 Billion for a lot less.
Of course not, it’s only been out for 10 days. What multi-million dollar blockbuster has made its productions cost back in one week? The cost to make this film has to be leveraged against the fact that huge portion of the production costs went to the development of what is the next generation of film making. Reinventing the wheel isn’t cheap.

Once again you show your naiveté to how this business works, but what can I expect from someone who’s sole knowledge comes from Wikipedia.

In the end, when this is all said and done, Avatar will be another successful film for James Cameron, and right now all the financial backers are happy and not only at the initial take, but at the fact that theatres in North America are reporting sold out screenings, and advanced sell outs at the IMAX screens

Don’t forget that Titanic also cost $200 million to produce, which in its day made it the most expensive film ever made, and it was made with traditional film equipment….it didn’t need to create a whole new process of film making that by all in the industry has been referred to as “game changing”.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 22, 2009

ABSOLUTELY A FUCKING CLASSIC! Terrific! Man, Cameron's film isn't making the money it should be....cost too much, brings in too little. But what's funny is at LAX (where this was shot), Cameron has to stand and wait for his car. It didn't even show up. Too fucking funny. That guy wasn't a fan, Cameron knew he was a TMZ schmuck. You gotta play with TMZ, man.

On Charlie Rose, Cameron said it took him just 3 weeks to write the entire script for Avatar. THAT was a bundle of bullshit too and a typical Hollywood lie. No wonder why Linda Hamilton left this guy.

AVATAR'S NUMBERS (Box Office Mojo)

Domestic: $160,768,000 38.6%
+ Foreign: $255,686,953 61.4%
= Worldwide: $416,454,953

STILL DOWN -$300 Million as barely a break even. No one's buying the toys, that's why Cameron's triple pissed. What morons green lighted this mess, Goldman Sacks.....oh yeah, they did.

Gyaos Baltar.
That's music to my ears. Always hated Cameron and the Hollywood vibe. As for this scenario, meh, who cares, shit happens. Someone else said it earlier.

This is what passes off as news?

LOL I'll be happily waiting to see if they'll release an "Avatar" tv series or some other garbage to try and break even.

Toronto Escorts