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Avatar director James Cameron in Major A-Hole Dispute


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It depends upon the fan’s demeanor and how he approached James Cameron, but from the article it certainly doesn't reflect well on J. Cameron.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Both were idiots, Cameron started it by acting like a pompous jerk, but the fan kept needling him too long. I'd have to say though that Cameron was probably more of a jerk for various reasons.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
"I'm an asshole because I ask someone I admire for their autograph that makes me an a**hole? I make $15-an-hour at work to go see your film and I'm an a**hole?"

Cameron needs to be more tactful with over aggressive fans, but I bet Cameron gets these people bugging him for this stuff all the time, and 90% of the stuff ends out on ebay within 24 hours. Chances are he isn't there because he admires Cameron. And if he is, then he needs to get a life. But why should Cameron spend his time signing posters that end up on ebay?

I don't know anything about Cameron. Maybe he is an a**hole. Or maybe he has patiently spent hours with an admiring public, but on that particular day, he was lacking patience and acted inappropriately.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Yeah, Cameron should have ignored him.

Responding to him just eggs it on.

With the fame comes the crazies.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
He's ALWAYS been a pompous ASS although he has come a long way from being a part time truck driver in Niagara Falls.NO I am NOT putting down truck drivers just stating what one of his previous jobs were in his past.

I RESPECT MOST truckers.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Chances are this autograph seeker was not a "fan".

The autograph business is huge in the U.S. and if he could have gotten Cameron to sign that poster he could have put a cheap frame around it and sold it for $250. in some memorabilia store. Cameron knows this very well.

The autograph hunter is probably a professional supplier to memorabilia stores of misc junk that he manages to get celebrities to sign. If you're ever in a memorabilia store you'd be shocked at the big bucks stores get for junk signed by celebrities.

And a lot of these professional autograph seekers get belligerant, hostile, and pugnacious when they can't get a scribble out of their targets, especially if they've just invested 3 hours of their time stalking them. That Avatar poster is worth a lot more money if it's got Cameron's sig on it.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Chances are this autograph seeker was not a "fan".
Exactly, just take a look at the scenario. He just happened to be at LAX at night with and Avatar poster? Come on a fan would ask for an autograph on whatever they had on them.

Plus is was mighty convenient that there was a camera there. A camera in a perfect position to catch the whole action is a frame that would best show the action....and then follows the "fan" as he bereates Cameron.

This is all a set-up, keep in mind that sites like TMZ pays people for this footage. LA is nothing but people following celebrities with cameras trying to get footage they can sell; or better yet provoke the celeb to catch thier reaction on film...and sell it.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Exactly, just take a look at the scenario. He just happened to be at LAX at night with and Avatar poster? Come on a fan would ask for an autograph on whatever they had on them.

Plus is was mighty convenient that there was a camera there. A camera in a perfect position to catch the whole action is a frame that would best show the action....and then follows the "fan" as he bereates Cameron.

This is all a set-up, keep in mind that sites like TMZ pays people for this footage. LA is nothing but people following celebrities with cameras trying to get footage they can sell; or better yet provoke the celeb to catch thier reaction on film...and sell it.
Agreed and I love the way the douchebag starts running down the movie when he doesn't get what he wants.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Agreed and I love the way the douchebag starts running down the movie when he doesn't get what he wants.
Of how about the fact that this lowly fan somehow now has that poster listed on ebay for $799.99, and that by his own admission he's been stalking all the cast on the film for thier autographs on this poster. He's even using the TMZ clip as a selling point for the hike in the price.

Or the fact that his enitre ebay profile is him selling autographs.

Wonder if any of the so-called online media will report on this little tidbt, or will they stick with thier "Cameron was rude to a humble minimum-wage earing fan"?


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
I can't imagine wanting anyone's autograph....

EXCEPT to sell it. This guy appears to make a side business of selling autographs (see above Ebay listing). Both handled it poorly, but I am sure JC was assuming this guy was doing it just to put it on Ebay. It's a mini industry out at LAX.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Standard practice for TMZ.

They always hang out at the airport, waiting for celebrities.

Not just LAX, but in other cities as well.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Of how about the fact that this lowly fan somehow now has that poster listed on ebay for $799.99, and that by his own admission he's been stalking all the cast on the film for thier autographs on this poster. He's even using the TMZ clip as a selling point for the hike in the price.

Or the fact that his enitre ebay profile is him selling autographs.

Wonder if any of the so-called online media will report on this little tidbt, or will they stick with thier "Cameron was rude to a humble minimum-wage earing fan"?
This does indeed entirely change the complexion of the story!


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Standard practice for TMZ.
They always hang out at the airport, waiting for celebrities.
Not just LAX, but in other cities as well.
They don't even stand there themselves anymore, it's common place for them to now pay for submissions from people. So now you have people who literally try to goad celebrities into confrontation to catch it on film.

And this is what passes for news nowadays.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Sounds as though JC was entirely justified in his reaction.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Yeh, that TMZ oufit is basically a parasite on the celebrity body politic. Sometimes they aren't too intrusive like outside a nightclub etc. but other times they blatantly violate their target's privacy.

I remember one you tube clip with some creep trying to get Woody Harrelson on tape....WOODY......WOODY........WOODY down the causeway. I can understand wanting to punch these douchebags out.

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Of how about the fact that this lowly fan somehow now has that poster listed on ebay for $799.99, and that by his own admission he's been stalking all the cast on the film for thier autographs on this poster. He's even using the TMZ clip as a selling point for the hike in the price.

Or the fact that his enitre ebay profile is him selling autographs.

Wonder if any of the so-called online media will report on this little tidbt, or will they stick with thier "Cameron was rude to a humble minimum-wage earing fan"?
But whats wrong with JC signing it and making the fan a few hundred bucks richer also??
It doesnt hurt JC financially to sign it in any way
EXCEPT to sell it. This guy appears to make a side business of selling autographs (see above Ebay listing). Both handled it poorly, but I am sure JC was assuming this guy was doing it just to put it on Ebay. It's a mini industry out at LAX.
And whats wrong with making lots of money??!! :confused:

If some entrepeneur spends a few days collecting autographs, and then sells it on Ebay or to a collector, then whats wrong with that??
Its capitalism at its finest!

If the final consumer doesnt want that autographed poster, then he/she should simply not buy it.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
ABSOLUTELY A FUCKING CLASSIC! Terrific! Man, Cameron's film isn't making the money it should be....cost too much, brings in too little. But what's funny is at LAX (where this was shot), Cameron has to stand and wait for his car. It didn't even show up. Too fucking funny. That guy wasn't a fan, Cameron knew he was a TMZ schmuck. You gotta play with TMZ, man.

On Charlie Rose, Cameron said it took him just 3 weeks to write the entire script for Avatar. THAT was a bundle of bullshit too and a typical Hollywood lie. No wonder why Linda Hamilton left this guy.

AVATAR'S NUMBERS (Box Office Mojo)

Domestic: $160,768,000 38.6%
+ Foreign: $255,686,953 61.4%
= Worldwide: $416,454,953

STILL DOWN -$300 Million as barely a break even. No one's buying the toys, that's why Cameron's triple pissed. What morons green lighted this mess, Goldman Sacks.....oh yeah, they did.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
But whats wrong with JC signing it and making the fan a few hundred bucks richer also??
Nothing, but I do believe he has the right to say no, and not be berated afterward by this so called fan because he refused to sign it. I mean he asked Cameron, who seeing the camera and realizing what the set-up is, said no. It’s the fan who began and continued the tirade (on camera) long after Cameron walked away
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