No Shows


Diva of Double D's
Nov 2, 2008
I just read a post from Heidivixen on the Durham review board regarding no shows, and I have to agree with her.

Why do some of you call, book a time, don't show up and not let us know? It IS a waste of our time and money. Sometimes stuff happens and you can't show up (like wife suddenly coming home, children issues etc), but a quick call or email is all it takes to make it right.

I admit most of you are considerate, and I recognize some of the 'players' and the 'strokers' when they call, but getting showered and ready then left waiting is really not cool.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
I've had my share and it really is a waste. Especially when all guys call at once, you pick one and then literally waste your time on a no show when you could have made some money with one of the others. Thats exactly why I require a contact number to book. 99% of the time when I had booked with no number it was some jerk who just wasted my time.

P.S. Twinkle.....he called and I told him to stop calling me. Sounded surprised when I called him by name and recited what he was looking for. He just seemed embarrassed and apologized like this must happen to him a lot (getting a girl that recognizes him).


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
I totally loved that thread. Things I've been saying all along and finally the rest of the ladies spoke up and agreed in one huge venting post. I enjoy how the one agency has a cancellation list - that's cool for clients as they would still have a chance to see their desired lady. They also have a 'non-desirable" list which is also smart so they don't take the same caller again by mistake.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets no-shows because they were too lazy to call and cancel.


Diva of Double D's
Nov 2, 2008
True, but the vast majority of no shows are by the guys not the ladies.
I have only canceled twice, and the one client I canceled on is now a good friend of mine. I agree it does go both ways, and I can't stand it when I hear that an escort double books in case one doesn't show up, and then a client time gets wasted when both happen to show. But, I understand it does happen.


Aug 17, 2008
If I cancel, I pay the girl for the time I booked at some time down the road, i.e. my next visit. So, for instance, if I cancel at $200, on my next appointment I pay $400 for 1 hour. I do this to punish myself and teach myself not to cancel.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
If I cancel, I pay the girl for the time I booked at some time down the road, i.e. my next visit. So, for instance, if I cancel at $200, on my next appointment I pay $400 for 1 hour. I do this to punish myself and teach myself not to cancel.
Sweet, but unfortunately not a lot of guys would do this. This would make a lot of us very happy if this was a common thing.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
it woulb be nice if we get a free hour every time an SP cancel on us too, but it does not happen. so your point is crap
Actually most respectable SP's that I've dealt with that were no shows or double books offered extended time or discounted time the next time I booked. Key is you have to ask - Politely.

Mistakes do happen and circumstances do arise that sometimes cause an SP to cancel. I've had it happen three times to me since I moved back up here to Ontario, and by happenstance two were with the same provider. All three instances seem to have been legit and I was actually offered compensation when I again visited.

On that note I have to ask the SP's in this area, how often do you get a hobbyist (and I use the term VERY loosely here as a true hobbyist wouldn't do this) that tries to force past your limits, creeps you out and ruins your day to the point where you're uncomfortable taking clients for a day or so and have to cancel pre-booked appointments? I've had 2 different SP's cancel on me due to this in the last 6 months, and I have to say I've never had that happen before in my many, many years of hobbying. Not that I am blaming the girls, I'd rather they cancel then I get sub-standard service cause they're cheeped out.

The third instance(for those that are interested) was a plumbing explosion, and I got there before the clean up so I know that for sure was a valid excuse lol.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
I think you meant mb12ca's comment. I was merely commenting to his fact that he compensates the girl. It was not my original thought or main point. So you think HIS point is crap.

doctor one

New member
Oct 26, 2007
No answer at the door

Reminds me of the time the SP moved but forgot to inform the client. A quick phone call solved the problem.....good thing no one was at home at the origional location.
I always ask to reconfirm now !:)


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
some no shows are for good reasons.....some are just game players

i keep every no show on my phone with the date it happened,
you would be suprised how many call back and try to book again a few weeks later....
( some every week )

it hasn't been mentioned here ( that i have read yet ) but IMPO alot of fake calls and no shows are other girls (managers etc)

other sp's i have talked with about this topic over the years also agree with this

like i said..... IMPO only



New member
Jan 28, 2009
Reminds me of the time the SP moved but forgot to inform the client. A quick phone call solved the problem.....good thing no one was at home at the origional location.
I always ask to reconfirm now !:)
Oh I'll one up that one. I've booked with one girl before then shown up to another (old age will play very funny tricks on one's memories sometimes). Thankfully the girl I showed up to had some time and the one I booked with I call and invited over ... turned out rather well, though a bit heavier on my wallet then I intended.
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