Club Dynasty

CBC chat moderator biased!


Oct 7, 2009

Try even making a few harsh comments, or mention a rival network, your messages will not get posted. But why is this one?

As a note, I was not involved in that discussion.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
This thread is completely unfair.

Why single out the chat moderator? Everyone at CBC is biased.

For example, the only time a global-warming skeptic gets mentioned on the CBC is when it's in a documentary about the "conspiracies" to undermine Al Gore, or some such foolishness.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
For example, the only time a global-warming skeptic gets mentioned on the CBC is when it's in a documentary about the "conspiracies" to undermine Al Gore, or some such foolishness.
Global warming skeptic? Isn't that just another way of saying Idiot?


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
No, it's another way of saying 'realist.'
No, it's another way of saying "fool in denial". How anybody can be a skeptic is beyond stupid. Oh, I guess these are probably the same type of people who think there was Adam and Eve and humans magically appeared on earth. Yeah if I was the CBC I wouldn't waste airtime on these morons either.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
No, it's another way of saying "fool in denial". How anybody can be a skeptic is beyond stupid. Oh, I guess these are probably the same type of people who think there was Adam and Eve and humans magically appeared on earth. Yeah if I was the CBC I wouldn't waste airtime on these morons either.
Nothing personal, but I would remind you that the people who share your views -- those who like to mix their science with their politics -- also believed AIDS would be the number one killer in North America by the start of the 21st century.

We're well into the 21st century, and I would say cancer is much more widespread than AIDS. And I don't have to believe in Adam and Eve to reach that conclusion.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
No, it's another way of saying "fool in denial". How anybody can be a skeptic is beyond stupid. Oh, I guess these are probably the same type of people who think there was Adam and Eve and humans magically appeared on earth. Yeah if I was the CBC I wouldn't waste airtime on these morons either.
Sorry Dr'moron' ,but the whole global warming thing is a new age religion. You better tow the doctrine or else. Non-believers are to be stoned to death. Questioners are to have their tongues cut from their mouths. Anyone with conflicting data is to be dropped into a volcano. What do U mean there is only educated guesswork data from beyond 40 years ago? How is it possible that the planet as a WHOLE hasn't warmed this decade? Sea levels may actually have lowered a fraction this decade. Antarctic ice volume is increasing more that the arctic is melting. This could even be the start of the next ice-age. Good old mother nature sure does like to change around the climate on this earth. I'm going to hide now,cuz I sense the Zombies are coming for my soul.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Given the manmade global warming coverage on CBC with multiple appearances by David Suzuki, I was impressed that the CBC aired this editorial by Rex Murphy on climategate:

Transcript from: http://
"When Jon Stewart, the Bantam Rooser of conventional wisdom, makes jokes about it, you know Climategate has reached critical mass. Said Stewart, 'Poor Al Gore. Global Warming completely debunked via the very internet he invented.' "

"Stewart was half joking, but Climategate is no joke at all. The mass of emails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University let loose by a hacker or a whistleblower pulls back the curtain on a scene of pettiness, turf protection, manipulation, defiance of Freedom of Information, lost or destroyed data, and attempts to blacklist critics and skeptics of the global warming cause."

"Now the CRU is not the only climate science advisory body, but it is one of the most influential and feeds directly into the UN panel on climate change. So lets hear no more talk of 'the science is settled', when it turns out some of the principal scientists behave as if they own the very question of Global Warming."

"When they seek to bar opposing research from peer review journals. To embargo journals they can't control. When they urge each other to delete damaging emails before Freedom of Information takes hold. When they talk of 'hiding the decline.' When they actually speak of destroying the primary data....and when now, we do learn, that the primary data has been lost or destroyed...they've lost the raw data on which all the models, all the computer generated forecasts, the graphs and projections ... are wouldn't accept that at a grade nine science fair."

"Now CRU is not the universe of climate research, but it is the star...these emails demonstrate one thing beyond all else....that climate science and global warming advocacy have become so entwined, so meshed into a mutant creature, that separating alarmism from investigation, ideology from science, agenda from empirical study, is well nigh impossible."

"Climategate is evidence that the science has gone to bed with advocacy and both have had a very good time."

"That the the neutrality, openness, and absolute disinterest, that is the hallmark of all honest scientific endeavour has been abandoned to an atmosphere and a dynamic not superior to the partisan caterwauls of a sub-average question period."

"Climate science has been shown to be, in part, a sub-branch of climate politics. It is a situation intolerable even to serious minds who are on side with Global Warming. Such as Clive Crook, who wrote in Atlantic Magazine about this scandal as follows: 'The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering.' "

"Climate science needs it's own reset button. And Climategate should be seen not primarily as a setback, but as an opportunity to cleanse scientific method. To take science away from politics, good causes, and alarmists. And vest climate science in bodies of guaranteed neutrality, openness, real and vigorous debate, and away from lobbyists, the NGO's, the advocates, the Gores, and professional environmentalists of all kind. Too many of the current leadership on Global Warming are more players than observers, gatekeepers not investigators, angry partisans of some global re-engineering, rather than the humble servants of the facts of the case"

"Read the emails. You'll never think of "climate science" quite the same way again."


Apr 13, 2004
sorry dr'moron' ,but the whole global warming thing is a new age religion. You better tow the doctrine or else. Non-believers are to be stoned to death. Questioners are to have their tongues cut from their mouths. Anyone with conflicting data is to be dropped into a volcano. What do u mean there is only educated guesswork data from beyond 40 years ago? How is it possible that the planet as a whole hasn't warmed this decade? Sea levels may actually have lowered a fraction this decade. Antarctic ice volume is increasing more that the arctic is melting. This could even be the start of the next ice-age. Good old mother nature sure does like to change around the climate on this earth. I'm going to hide now,cuz i sense the zombies are coming for my soul.
HERETIC! Burn him at the stake! :mad:


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
As usual, Mr. Murphy puts it quite well.

I don't know if it's my imagination, but as a society we seem to be progressing backwards in our ability to attain a basic grasp of large issues. The two that I marvel at most are health care in the U.S. and climate change.

It seems likely that human activity has affected climate. The degree to which we've done so, the possible consequences and what we should now do about it, are the points at issue. They crucified Lomborg for simply pointing out that the kind of money some environmentalists were saying should be spent on climate change could be better spent on other more pressing and immediate concerns.

One things seems certain, in order to better inform ourselves, it seems self-evident that the coziness between science and advocacy has to end. Good science should be conducted without the intention of proving a hypothesis. It should follow the evidence wherever it leads. Right now, it seems we don't even have enough for a good theory.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Back to the original topic, I'm confused. Someone on the chat made a slightly rude comment, what's that got to do with CBC?


Oct 7, 2009
Back to the original topic, I'm confused. Someone on the chat made a slightly rude comment, what's that got to do with CBC?
All comments are pre-moderated. You can send a message and it may not appear for minutes. Even non offensive comments are often filtered to keep the spam factor down as this chat room is used across all CBC NHL live broadcasts. They also don't even like mentioning other broadcasters; for instance when someone asked if CBC would have the 'all-access' camera for the Olympics, I replied that CTV held the rights. My comment never appeared, and instead a comment that said "CBC got outbid for the rights" was instead approved.

This is why I found it offensive that a personal attack comment would be approved, of all things.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The CBC heavily censors its boards. And I'm not talking about censoring abusive comments, just anything that they might not agree with. I tried posting a comment yesterday in response to the article on the protests in Denmark. My statement was something to the effect that Capitalism will be the cure for Global Warming (My comment was in response to one big banner reading something like, "Save the Planet - outlaw Capitalism). I then went on to discuss the hipocrisy of every socialist I have ever met - including Jack Layton. Guess what - my comment did not even get posted, let alone cesnored. The CBC is infested with leftists and if they don't like what you say, they won't post it. (Though they WILL post idiotic right wing comments - again, another form of censorship.)


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
The CBC heavily censors its boards.
I don't know why your comment wasn't posted, but I can tell you there is no censorship of the kind you describe at the CBC. I worked there for a short time a few years back and have friends there. They don't do that.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I don't know why your comment wasn't posted, but I can tell you there is no censorship of the kind you describe at the CBC. I worked there for a short time a few years back and have friends there. They don't do that.
I disagree.

They simply will not post your message to the board if they don't like what you said. This has happened to me several times. Case in point yesterday. My post was well written, it was not abusive, but it was critical of Socialists and I pointed out several instances of Sociailists who were hipocrits - Jack Layton (living in subsidized housing while a City of Toronto Councillor), Noam Chomsky (setting up off shore tax shelters), etc.

They simply don't post it if you present a well written arguement that the moderators don't agree with.

The will post right wing nutbar posts though.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I'm not going to try to convince you you're wrong, I'm simply pointing out that I have some personal experience of how they operate, and censorship isn't a policy. Is it possible, or even probable that someone who works there is censoring based on their own political opinions? Of course. But you may as well say the same thing about any network or news outlet. For the most part, CBC tries very hard to ensure balance.

I can't help but note that your two examples of hypocritical socialists aren't as convincing as you seem to think they are.

Jack Layton (and I'm not a particular fan of his), lived in a building that was intended for mixed incomes. You may not agree with the policy, but Layton and Chow did nothing wrong, morally or legally. That opportunity was available to anyone. It was Jakobek, that paragon of virtue, who "leaked" the story. In fact Layton was hiding nothing, it was just an easy political hit.

As for Chomsky, I admit I chuckled when I read that he'd created a trust for his daughters and grand children. After all, he criticizes others who do the same thing. But I believe he sees it as a matter of degree. Chomsky is wealthy, but not wildly so. I've read that he's worth about 3 million. He put away some money for his daughters and their kids. I think even the nastiest Chomsky critic would admit that's a little different from those who are worth hundreds of millions and more, avoiding tax through shelters.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Rex Murphy is one of the very few voices of reason at CBC.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
every network has some people with what are widely considerd ethics, please note that I said widely considered , what most people would consider ethics.

The fact that the CBC is for teh most part a little slanted in its editorial slant is widely known. That fact should be taken into account when watching or listening, some reporters actually think about their reputations and do their work with that in mind. Murphy and I don't agree with him all that much, is at least honest in that he reports facts as opposed to what they think people want to hear or worse what they have decided people should hear.
Ashley Madison
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