What's the Deal with MSOG? And not doing it?


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Niagara Falls

I just started wondering about msog. I wrote a few reviews, and people are asking me, "does she do msog?". And I'm like.... of course. Why wouldn't she?

MSOG has not been an issue for me because I usually do one SOG, at the end of the session. I always tell the girl this. But what if I was one of those guys who cums quickly? What if I cum in 2 minutes? Are there really sp's out there who will just leave after a guy cums 5 minutes in to a session? Or will she just sit there the rest of the time and not allow him to cum again?

Just wondering, how common is it to find an sp who will not do msog and if they don't do msog, what do they do instead? I figure there must be a lot of girls not doing msog because about 6 hundred BILLION people have asked me "does she do msog?"


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Have seen a couple of well-reviewed girls that advertise MSOG. It did not happen for me.
Which after paying for 1 hours session, really sucks....like WTF do I do for the last 1/2hour. We end up lying there and talking, yeah I know , could have done that with the SO for free. Should have complained maybe to agency, or ask SP to refund 1/2 the money, but soooo Canadian, was polite about it. They could have at least told me upfront, so I could pay for shorter session, or time my SOG nearer the end.

Main reason for only 1 SOG? Greed on the part of the agency and SP. They booked too many sessions for the day and too many days in a row. Both stated they were tired, apparantly not too tired to take my money. But too tired to do anything for me to have a 2nd SOG. Now, I try harder to be first for the day or early in their schedule.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
If they don't do MSOG then they do MSOC (Multiple Shots on Conversation).:p

But good question, so hopefully you won't mind if I might throw a related one into the mix? For the guys who aim for MSOG, does your time ever end up a bit more 'stressful' than it needed to be, if it's not quite happening second time 'round? Apart from enjoying lots of oral and MPOS to extend things out, that's my main reason for not bothering with MSOG. I'm thinking some girls are better than others in encouraging round 2 or 3, though? Any 'tricks of the trade' terbites notice among girls adept at encouraging MSOG?


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
I'm thinking some girls are better than others in encouraging round 2 or 3, though? Any 'tricks of the trade' terbites notice among girls adept at encouraging MSOG?
Typically, I find it's easier to make it happen if you start with a blowjob for first shot, and fucking (or another blowjob) for second shot. The guy will tend to be less tired, and therefore it's easier to make him cum a second time, if you start with the BJ rather than with pounding.


Nov 2, 2009
Typically, I find it's easier to make it happen if you start with a blowjob for first shot, and fucking (or another blowjob) for second shot. The guy will tend to be less tired, and therefore it's easier to make him cum a second time, if you start with the BJ rather than with pounding.
I like the cut of your jib.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
I have never been denied MSOG by an SP.

In fact, there have been times when they have damn near demanded it. (Harmony comes to mind)

Now if you don't book enough time to recover AND then fuck enough to cum again, that's not the SP's fault.
But I have never been refused round 2.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Being a one-shot kinda guy, this is not a huge concern to me, however...

Considering that every ad, for every girl, emphasizes that payment is for her time and companionship, then for her to say good-bye after a single SOG is just plain BS.
Yeah, this has been a bone of contention for the ages. There are numerous reviews of women who bolt out the door once the SOG has been achieved. Thankfully I haven't run into any (yet).

To me, the pillow talk afterwards is just about as important as the SOG so I don't focus on that.

East York Melissa

The Champ
Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2007
East York
I love doing msog. I find it can be a bit touchy about initiating the second or third shot because not all guys are able or want to do msog. I love it when the person I'm with is clear about what they want so they get the most enjoyment during our session together.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I think if MSOG is important to a guy then he should get that clear up front... just like you would if you wanted to do daty, anal, etc. If not, you really can't blame anybody but yourself if you are denied.

Like a lot of guys, I am basically single shot... I either book 1/2 hour sessions or make sure that I do all of the oral that I want before taking my shot. I think it is also helpful to let the SP know if you're a one shot guy... some SP's have tried to provide me with a second shot and seem personally insulted when they are unsucessful.


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
Typically, I find it's easier to make it happen if you start with a blowjob for first shot, and fucking (or another blowjob) for second shot. The guy will tend to be less tired, and therefore it's easier to make him cum a second time, if you start with the BJ rather than with pounding.
Ahhh some more trade secrets for us amateurs.

I guess I've been quite lucky myself. In each of my visits, the ladies has tried her darnedest to get a second round out of me. Don't get me wrong, I do greatly appreciate the efforts, but it does appear that I'm just good for one...But on the other hand, I'm more willing to try for it as well. On my last outing, I could feeling second one stirring, but it never came. :(

In fact, there have been times when they have damn near demanded it. (Harmony comes to mind)
My first time out, Britney seemed quite disappointed that she couldn't get me off the second time.

Now if you don't book enough time to recover AND then fuck enough to cum again, that's not the SP's fault.
Good advice, as well, Hangman. Cripes, now I'm going to have start booking for 3 hours, as 2 just isn't enough.

Then again, each time I've been out, it's been at the end of a work day, so I've been up since 4:30am, and I'm going out for a play date for 7pm or later...Wouldn't help things at all.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Don't we as "customers" pay for the time we use? If I wanted to "talk" Id stay home and talk with the wife!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Sep 11, 2004
Don't we as "customers" pay for the time we use? If I wanted to "talk" Id stay home and talk with the wife!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya right! Just want you want to do. Stay home and talk to your wife. I'm sure you have better things to do, than to get yelled at or do some work for her?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Don't we as "customers" pay for the time we use? If I wanted to "talk" Id stay home and talk with the wife!!!!!!!!!!!
Being single, a lot of us don't have wives to talk with so the ladies provide us physical and mental stimulation......


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Niagara Falls
I love doing msog. I find it can be a bit touchy about initiating the second or third shot because not all guys are able or want to do msog. I love it when the person I'm with is clear about what they want so they get the most enjoyment during our session together.
Bravo! The perfect sp.

Considering that every ad, for every girl, emphasizes that payment is for her time and companionship, then for her to say good-bye after a single SOG is just plain BS.
YEAH!! Some sp's seem to want to have it both ways. Some want to say the payment is for their time so ymmv. But they'll also leave right after you cum.

I just realized another advantage to incall. It removes the issue of the girl leaving early. I've never heard of incall girls kicking guys out after they cum once. Both of you are there for the hour. There is no debate.
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