Eye exams/ Prescription


New member
Dec 1, 2006
Anyone know of an optometrist that provides a good deal on an Eye examination??? On the hunt for one, most of them offer it around $85.


Jun 6, 2009
Anyone know of an optometrist that provides a good deal on an Eye examination??? On the hunt for one, most of them offer it around $85.
Check out the School of Optometry in TO, can't be beat I'm sure. It's only an eye test and check up so it can't be too complicated, even for a student., but for crying out loud, $85.


Jan 31, 2005
A good optomotrist will do a full range of checks on your eyes and refer you on to an opthamologist if anything looks out of the ordinary. I'm not sure you really want to skimp on this.

Many eye problems start out with no noticible symptoms, become serious if not treated properly, but can be treated easily if detected early. Glaucoma comes to mind, but there are other diseases as well.


New member
Sep 26, 2004
I agree. I tried to get a low rate and almost lost my eyes. My first optomotrist didn't explain or tell me that I have holes my retina she charged me 65. I also realized that she didn't answer questions that I had about certain issue with my eyes. I was referred to another one and I had to get immediate susrgery because of retinal detachement. Lucky thing it was discovered early in it stages or else I would have had major problems. I can go on about this but the basis of this is don't go for cheap when it comes to the eye. Find somebody that knows that stuff.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
pay the price you cannot replace your eyes unless you want glass ones. My benefits cover up to $125.00


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
If you're a diagnosed diabetic, your eye exam is covered by OHIP.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Walmart in Buffalo is around 40 bucks

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
If you're a diagnosed diabetic, your eye exam is covered by OHIP.
Yeah, but not if you want a new script for glasses. The Liberal pricks delisted eye exams and although I get checked once a year for diabetic related conditions, the doctor refuses to check my vision as it would not be paid for by OHIP.


Jun 6, 2009
Yeah, but not if you want a new script for glasses. The Liberal pricks delisted eye exams and although I get checked once a year for diabetic related conditions, the doctor refuses to check my vision as it would not be paid for by OHIP.
then think about a new doctor. Mine never refuses.
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pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Yeah, but not if you want a new script for glasses. The Liberal pricks delisted eye exams and although I get checked once a year for diabetic related conditions, the doctor refuses to check my vision as it would not be paid for by OHIP.
Time to get another Eye Doctor.


Quick Shot...
Jun 29, 2002
Isn't an eye examination covered by OHIP every two years? I go every year because I wear glasses (well, contacts, but the same thing), and I only need to pay on the odd year..

Ol' Sodomy Sam

New member
Jan 21, 2004
You guys are lucky with your $85 eye exams. Here in Government health plan central (Ottawa), they run around $125, including retinal scan.

Last scan I had, they blew the picture up on some big screen, and pointed to a lighter spot on the side of my retina, telling me this was a little degradation showing I was getting older. Thanks, Doc, the white hair not give it away?

Will some diagnosis of retinal degeneration help, anyways? I've heard a bit on the news about a drug in BC (Lucentis) being cut down with some cancer drug because it costs too much. If McGuinty wants me to pay for my $125 eye exam every two years, I'm not imagining I'm getting name brand drugs.

On the upside, the assistant had to jam my big melon head into the contraption that took the scan. Some petite sweetie with doll hands grabbing me under the chin and pressing my head into the working end of that thing... Now I know what it must feel like having these big paws push and pull at you during a blowjob.


New member
Oct 22, 2009

85$ is a reasonable price to pay

Now this is something I can totally relate too. I was born with extreme myopia as a child which basically means severe near sightedness. By the time I hit 25 I was almost rendered legally blind that is until I had underwent a new surgery that almost gave me 20/20 vision again. Too be to the point it was NOT laser surgery but under the knife surgery so to speak.

I just had to blurt out this little tidbit as I know far too well over the years about taking care of the eyes and what certain things may happen without check ups.

A few points:

Effective November 1, 2004, eye exams were no longer covered in Ontario for individuals between the ages of 20 & 64 BUT OHIP will cover 1 eye exam every twelve months for those under 20 and over 64

If you are between 20 and 64 with a medical condition OHIP will cover an eye exam every twelve months.

OHIP doesn't regulate the amount an optometrist/opthomologist charges for a visit that's determined by the doctor directly which sucks because you can pay anywhere from 50 to 120$

To save money find an optometrist/opthomologist and ask them if they are taking any patients. if you can find one who will be your "family eye doctor" so to speak then they will reduce charges or waive them on regular visits.
I have an optometrist who I've been seeing for over 15 years. i pay no charges on any tests/exams.

Also consider an eye clinic in a hospital. Someone mentioned something along these lines in another response. Most hospitals will gladly see people with eye issues to help teach interns in the field as also provide the best of treatment. In some cases no fee is involved.

I would suggest to NOT go to Lens Crafters or any chain like that. They have limits as to the type of eye exams they perform and I know that if you have a severe issue they'll only direct you to another professionaly anyways.

I could also ring off a list of warnings about eye treatment and what to do in the case if something happens to your eye and its not looked at but that would go on ad infinitum.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
I think the last eye exam I had here in Ottawa was about $80, before spending a couple hundred on new contact lenses.

But I wasn't aware of the School of Optometry in Toronto - I can recommend the school in Waterloo, though. You'll have a full eye exam, with any diagnoses confirmed by a teacher, all for a reasonable price. (At Waterloo, it was free for students, if I recall correctly.)
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