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Iranian idiocy has touched me personally

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
This is a sad story about my neighbors niece.
Taraneh Mousavi (1981-2009), 28, was among hundreds arrested on June 19th, 2009 in Iran's post-election aftermath. Like many of the detained, tortured, beaten and murdered citizens who took part in civil protests against the election results, there has been no news of her whereabouts.

It is reported that after the elapse of three weeks, an anonymous regime agent has contacted Taraneh's mother, stating that she has been hospitalized in Imam Khomeini's Hospital in Karaj.

The hospitalization, the agent reported, WAS DUE TO RUPTURING OF HER WOMB AND ANUS, in what was presented as an "unfortunate accident" in the vicinity o the Sharia'ti Street.

According to a witness account who was arrested with her, she was detained in the vicinity of Ghaba Mosque in the Sharia"ti Street in Tehran and was later transported to the Evin Prison.

The witness who spoke on the condition of anonymity stated that she became the subject to many physical and emotional abuse and ongoing torture. Islamist militia blocked any form of contact between Taraneh and her parents inside the prison.

According to reports, this young woman was arrested by plain clothes security forces at 6 pm after participating in the 7th tir ceremony at Ghoba mosque. While after interrogation all other detainees were brought to Nobonyad police station by basij and intelligence agents, the plain clothes agents kept Taraneh in a building near Hosseinie Ershad.

According to witnesses, while most of the participants in the ceremony were dressed in normal clothes and trainers, Taraneh was wearing chic clothes and high-heeled shoes, and caught the interrogators' attention because of her hairstyle, make-up and beauty.

When Taraneh's family, who live in Jeyhoun Street in West Tehran, went to look for her at Nobonyad police station, the officers at the station said they didn't know anything about her. But the other detainees told the family that Taraneh was in custody with the Basijis and hadn't been turned over to the police station. This made the family even more worried.

The probability the she had been gang raped increased when a couple of days later an unidentified person telephoned the family and said that after an "accident" Taraneh had been admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Karaj because of tears in her womb and anus.

After several days of searching, her family at last found Taraneh's car, which had been parked near Ghoba mosque, and they went to inquire at Imam Khomeini hospital in Karaj. One of the nurses confirmed that an unconscious girl matching Taraneh's description had been brought in by plain clothes forces and had been removed again after a couple of hours. This girl's particulars hadn't been entered in the hospital records.

This increases the suspicion that Taraneh M. may have been raped by the Basijis and security forces and may even have died. But her family won't yet accept this and hope that if they follow the advice of the police, i.e. to keep quiet, they will be able to trace their daughter.
Source: http://europenews.dk/en/node/25152


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
When you live with the devil you will die by the devil.

Maybe it is time the world puts a stop to this.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
When you live with the devil you will die by the devil.
While that sentiment is true of the regime, it doesn't apply to what happened to this young woman.
Maybe it is time the world puts a stop to this.
It is interesting from an academic type perspective that there has been little talk of this in the case of Iran. One wonders is it the realization that Iran has a military or that members of the usual groups have a soft spot for Tehran? I merely can see that there is not nearly the same drumbeat there was for Dafur.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I am sure that your neighbour has the deepest sympathy, outrage and condolences of the entire board for this terrible loss. It seems evident that the girl was murdered and raped by government thugs.

I can only hope that there is sufficient outrage around the world re this contemptible crime to pressure the Iranian government to take steps to control its goons and ensure that this cannot happen again.

It is interesting from an academic type perspective that there has been little talk of this in the case of Iran. One wonders is it the realization that Iran has a military or that members of the usual groups have a soft spot for Tehran? I merely can see that there is not nearly the same drumbeat there was for Dafur.
AFAIK, few people outside the fundamentalist Islamic world feel any sympathy for the Iranian government. I would think that the "usual groups" would be quite happy to point their collective finger at Tehran.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
AFAIK, few people outside the fundamentalist Islamic world feel any sympathy for the Iranian government. I would think that the "usual groups" would be quite happy to point their collective finger at Tehran.
Although I agree, what I do not see are the non-traditional we need to send in the Marines/Army groups that one saw in the cases of Dafur, Somalia, Kosovo etc. . .


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
While that sentiment is true of the regime, it doesn't apply to what happened to this young woman.
It is interesting from an academic type perspective that there has been little talk of this in the case of Iran. One wonders is it the realization that Iran has a military or that members of the usual groups have a soft spot for Tehran? I merely can see that there is not nearly the same drumbeat there was for Dafur.
Not my country, not my problem... not my place to change the situation of another countries people... I'm glad I don't have my tax dollars getting spent on modifying any more countries cultures...

While each & every person that was harmed or dissappeared by the conflict is unfortunate & to some personally moreso than others... It is simply no more our place to pass judgement on Iran, it's people or it's government than it is theirs to interfere with ours...

On a personal level, as in the case of the OP or others that are Personally affected it is of course their affair to handle with whatever resources they can muster. But asking a country to interfere in what is basically another sovereign nations internal affair should not be done. Doesn't matter what kind of rules or culture or whatever occurs within it's borders..


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Not my country, not my problem... not my place to change the situation of another countries people... I'm glad I don't have my tax dollars getting spent on modifying any more countries cultures...

While each & every person that was harmed or dissappeared by the conflict is unfortunate & to some personally moreso than others... It is simply no more our place to pass judgement on Iran, it's people or it's government than it is theirs to interfere with ours...

On a personal level, as in the case of the OP or others that are Personally affected it is of course their affair to handle with whatever resources they can muster. But asking a country to interfere in what is basically another sovereign nations internal affair should not be done. Doesn't matter what kind of rules or culture or whatever occurs within it's borders..
And you would rather spend a lifetime as a slave than die a free man.

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
Drop a nuclear bomb over the country after you warn all the innocent people to leave. Or wait until they have a nuclear arsenal of their own in 6 months and be stymied.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Not my country, not my problem... not my place to change the situation of another countries people. . .
Ok, but as I posted just above your post - what about those who were all in favour of sending in the troops in Darfur, Somalia, Kosovo etc. . . What makes Iran different?


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Although I agree, what I do not see are the non-traditional we need to send in the Marines/Army groups that one saw in the cases of Dafur, Somalia, Kosovo etc. . .
IMO, in the case of Darfur, it was just a talking point for those who wanted Canada to get out of Afghanistan. I don’t think they ever gave it much thought and seemed to be under the mistaken impression that it would be like some traditional peace keeping mission with no real shooting.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Ok, but as I posted just above your post - what about those who were all in favour of sending in the troops in Darfur, Somalia, Kosovo etc. . . What makes Iran different?
Nothing makes Iran different.... They're equally foolish... Canadian troops & resources should NEVER be put at risk or wasted on foreign adventures except for wars we are involved in....Period.

We should limit our military's scope to Proper Defense, & ONLY send troop outside the country for aggressive offense during wartime, either our war or one we become a part of because of military alliances & treaties. That being said we should really look into our alliances & treaties & keep only those that actually serve our intrests.

As for "police" actions.... We could justify sending in troops to pacify a paticularly defunct state or uncivilized people.... but we should be going in as much to aquire resources & new territory as anything else...

Like AFRICA... There is no way that aid, be it medical, food, or financial will do that lot one lick of good... We should go hard or stay home... We should either leave the people alone to totally sort this civilization thing out for themselves or just go in, take over, make it Canada & those natives that survive & can play nice with their new countrymen can enjoy the fruits of Canadian civilization.... Those that can't can become refugees or fertilizer.

Select a territory we wish to bring peace to... Then secure it...FOR US. Unless there's something tangible in it for us as a people I don't see the point.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
How does that comment relate to what I said? How does that comment make any sense at all?

Made it clear you just never want to get involved.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
While that sentiment is true of the regime, it doesn't apply to what happened to this young woman.
It is interesting from an academic type perspective that there has been little talk of this in the case of Iran. One wonders is it the realization that Iran has a military or that members of the usual groups have a soft spot for Tehran? I merely can see that there is not nearly the same drumbeat there was for Dafur.
The mighty USA specializing in invading defenceless countries, as
Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Coiuntries with an air force (Iran) or Nuclear weapons (North Korea) appears safe from the US military.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
My condolences to the family of Rama's neighbour:
Most figures in the know are betting that the Iranian nuclear program will be dealt with somehow by Israel. It's widely acknowledged that there is no way Israel will allow its regional (mid-east) nuclear advantage be matched by anyone, and to diminish its reputation of military "invincibility" (in the sense they haven't been beaten, yet). A Persian bomb would spur demand for an Arab bomb (Saudi's or Egypt). The diplomatic channels are working overtime, the backroom deal-makers are working even harder, but the Israeli's have likely already worked out their plans for this percieved threat. They'll be on that reactor like a mohel on a foreskin!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
It is funny to see American morons like smerfpoop talking as though they have some moral authority on the matter, when in fact the whole world knows that during the Bush years, America acted worse than many of these so called rogue regimes and has frittered away any authority it had.

Moreover America has for decades supported dictators and morally bankrupt regimes, as long as it suited their goals. So take your fake morality and shove it up your ass.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The mighty USA specializing in invading defenceless countries, as Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Coiuntries with an air force (Iran) or Nuclear weapons (North Korea) appears safe from the US military.
Have you ever spoken to anyone from Panama or Grenada about this? I have and they don't seem to have the same viewpoint you do.

However, that doesn't change the point I was actually raising which is that a fair number of people on the left of the political spectrum both in Canada and the U.S. were gung-ho on a military solution in Darfur, Somalia, and Kosovo, I'm curious why there hasn't been much chatter about Iran. I agree that it likely is because many believe that it would involve an actual war.

However, I wonder if there aren't other factors involved.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Have you ever spoken to anyone from Panama or Grenada about this? I have and they don't seem to have the same viewpoint you do.
Are you telling me the good people of Grenada and Panama do not think they were
defenseless against the US military?????

However, that doesn't change the point I was actually raising which is that a fair number of people on the left of the political spectrum both in Canada and the U.S. were gung-ho on a military solution in Darfur, Somalia, and Kosovo, I'm curious why there hasn't been much chatter about Iran. I agree that it likely is because many believe that it would involve an actual war.

However, I wonder if there aren't other factors involved.
Keep wondering.

PS: In your view everybody is on the left.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Are you telling me the good people of Grenada and Panama do not think they were defenseless against the US military?
I'm stating that the ones I've spoken with were over the moon for joy.
Keep wondering.
Well thanks, although I continue to find it of interest
PS: In your view everybody is on the left
Obviously you don't know some of the people I do, if you believe that to be true. :cool:
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