What was your first fight like?


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
Like most things in my life, pretty damned sadly.

Not counting the time I was sucker punched in grade 8.

Guy had been pissing me off all through french class (grade 9 or 10), and throwing my stuff out into the hall. We had common friends though. So after school, he was running his mouth about the aforementioned crap. I finally snapped and fired off a punch. Now I could get fancy and saw a right cross to his jaw, or blah, blah, blah...But it wasn't a praticularly good punch...And all I threw. In return he just went ape shit. I recall get hit in the nose, and a lot of clubbing blows to the shoulders and head as I turtled. He ran out of steam and stormed off. Neither of us left our feet, no blood was drawn. Next day, there wasn't a mark on either of us.

And that is the only fight I've been in. And excluding my junior high gym teacher, never really had an issue with physical bullying either. Guess I was weird/pathetic enough that I wasn't worth physically bothering.

Mental/emotional bullying was another story, as I took (and still do) things too seriously/to heart.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
I was 13. He was bigger and taller, but one year younger. I challenged him to a fight because he was picking on me. I said to him are your ready. He looked at his buddy, laughed, then looked at me, laughed and said yeah. I then punched him in the face with a left, right, left, right combo that had him dazed and confused. He quit, and I walked away. We became great friends after that for the next few years, at shcool.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Locker room after gym class. I was 7 or 8, she insulted my older brother in front of me. I put her head in the toilet bowl. Got suspended from school for a week and had to sit through a very long talk from my parents and our priest about non-violence and turning the other cheek.

I learned my lesson.


Well-known member
Grade 9

It was one of those bullshit ones where basically a mob talks you into it....sews the seeds.I felt worse about being suckered into fighting then I did the actual fight.We resepected each other afterwards though.

calvin & hobbes

New member
Apr 11, 2004
Locker room after gym class. I was 7 or 8, she insulted my older brother in front of me. I put her head in the toilet bowl. Got suspended from school for a week and had to sit through a very long talk from my parents and our priest about non-violence and turning the other cheek.

I learned my lesson.
..... and oh my, what a beautiful cheek you have to turn.
Although we have never met and I rarely post, I could read you humorous and insightful posts and stare at you sig all day long.

OK........ that sounds creepy doesn't it?:eek:


Apr 13, 2004
Me and my best friend in the school yard when we where nine. We pummeled each other until we were so tired that we ended up grappling each other just to keep standing up. We called it quits and made up.


Kayleigh Carter
My first fight was...

In either Gr. 4 or 5. This girl was picking on my brother after school at the park. I ended up pushing her to the ground, holding her face down in the park gravel and taking her shoe off and hitting her with it. She threatened that her dad was a police officer and he was coming to get me, he never did! :rolleyes:


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I was put into Martial Arts at an early age. One sensei had twin sons in my grade at school. They were several belts ahead of me, and had a tendancy to bully the kids at school.
I guess they thought that because their father was teaching me, that I'd be better able to handle them, so they tended to be quite a bit rougher with me.
This led to several instances where they pushed me too far, and then promptly beat the crap out of me when I lashed out at them.
I think of these encounters as an extension of class though. Their father discouraged them, but he didn't mind pairing me up with one or the other for sparring.
The first real fight was grade 5, and a good friend of mine was fighting the class bully. My friend got beat fair and square, and gave up - calling uncle when prompted to.
When the bully got up off of my friend, he stood up and drove his heel into my friend's face. There was blood everywhere, and I went beserk.
I moved into the bully, swept his legs out from under him, and jumped on top of him for a proper "ground and pound". It took 3 teachers to get me off of him and he was quite a mess.


Feb 21, 2008
I can't remember the "first" fight i was in, pretty sure it was with my sister who is four years older me, the first sort of violent thing i can remember is, i was about 4ish and had a tricycle and she had a bike, and we were riding in circles in the garage around a pole. i fell off my trik and she drove over my head!!!

the first real fight i can remember was in grade 4 i was the fat kid with bitch tits a fool mouth and a tempter! in school and this older bully girl was teasing me and pushed me over and started pulling my hair and spitting on me and other stuff. i was about to beg her to stop and i look over and see the playground supervisor running over from the other side of the soccor field so i started mouthing off to her and she started punching me while i called her an ugly dyke and a bitch. she got kicked out of school for two days and two weeks detention! i got a soda and got out of class for an hour!!


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
...and had to sit through a very long talk from my parents and our priest about non-violence and turning the other cheek.
See I would have gotten the "it's your fault" talk instead...But that seemed to be the nature of all my lectures. Even if I was the victim or had nothing to do with what happened.

I use sarcasm now instead of violence. Much more fun.
I'm pretty much a big wimp, and am inclined to back down when confronted.

The exception being the scrappy young bucks at work. Bugs them that I'll look into their eyes, crack a grin and make fun of them.


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
True. But you often give sarcasm for the same reason you give a punch: more for the self-satisfaction and frustration release than anything else.
I like that it often confuses them. Sure what you said is lost on them, but they will sometimes stop and try to think on about it. And watching those little gears go around is so entertaining.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I was kind of a geeky kid with glasses growing up in the wrong part of town. There was a gang of toughguys in grade 7 and they thought I was such a wuss I couldn't handle the smallest of them (he was about 4' nothing). They were all calling me on it in our afternoon classes how this little punker was going to kick the shit outta me.

It turned into a real event. Everyone knew about it. By the time I got there there was probably 30 kids around this little pipsqueak.

I made it through the crowd and they were all "you're gonna die you're gonna die"....so he was strutting around like rockey and then he came at me. I side stepped him, put him in a head lock and walked around the crowd flinging him back and forth like a rag doll. Everyone went a little quiet then I released him.

He came at me again, so I spun him around and put him into a hammerlock and an arm around his throat. I said, what me to kill him? I picked him up off the ground (using the arm bent behind his back until he was balling his eyes out but he couldn't make a sound because of my arm around his neck.

A teacher came by just then and pulled me off him. The teacher knew the gang and pulled me into his office and said wth are you doing. I said "they wouldn't leave me alone until I fought him so.....I had to".

I was never punished and after that, only the two biggest ever bothered me again....One of my biggest regrets was not taking it to them.....oh if I knew then what I knew now.......


New member
Feb 6, 2008
I was kind of a geeky kid with glasses growing up in the wrong part of town. There was a gang of toughguys in grade 7 and they thought I was such a wuss I couldn't handle the smallest of them (he was about 4' nothing). They were all calling me on it in our afternoon classes how this little punker was going to kick the shit outta me.

It turned into a real event. Everyone knew about it. By the time I got there there was probably 30 kids around this little pipsqueak.

I made it through the crowd and they were all "you're gonna die you're gonna die"....so he was strutting around like rockey and then he came at me. I side stepped him, put him in a head lock and walked around the crowd flinging him back and forth like a rag doll. Everyone went a little quiet then I released him.

He came at me again, so I spun him around and put him into a hammerlock and an arm around his throat. I said, what me to kill him? I picked him up off the ground (using the arm bent behind his back until he was balling his eyes out but he couldn't make a sound because of my arm around his neck.

A teacher came by just then and pulled me off him. The teacher knew the gang and pulled me into his office and said wth are you doing. I said "they wouldn't leave me alone until I fought him so.....I had to".

I was never punished and after that, only the two biggest ever bothered me again....One of my biggest regrets was not taking it to them.....oh if I knew then what I knew now.......
It's true. This is why I would not fight you. You would fuck me up my man!!!!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Grade 6. For some reason a guy who I hung around with in grade 5 decided to make me his mortal enemy (I don't think he was all there). In front of many of our classmates he goaded and threatened to beat the crap out of me. I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't give up. Plus the other kids were encouraging me. So it was announced that after school we would fight.

3:45 comes and there's a crowd of about 70 by the portables waiting for us to duke it out. No one expected me to win because this kid probably had 4 or 5 inches and 15 lbs on me. He was the aggressor and came at me and put me in a headlock. I leg swiped him and we both fell to the ground. After a bit of wrestling we got back to our feet. I remember his mullet was all disheveled and he was slobbering. This kid really had it in for me for some reason. He then started wailing away at me uncontrollably. Most of his swings missed or hit my guard. I couldn't get any swings in. After about 30 seconds or so he got tired and I decided to take a swing myself. Right uppercut to the jaw, he dropped to the pavement. As he was falling I got another shot in and then a kick to the gut for good measure. He didn't get up, actually he turtled. Clear win for me and pats on the back all around. I think kids were shocked I won that handily, although i did have a battle scar (slight cut on my temple).

Over the course of the next month or so we had 2 more fights. He ended up beating me in the 2nd fight (he was on top of me when the teachers broke it up). In the rubber match I cleaned his clock. I had so much adrenalin pumping I went apeshit on the guy and put him down within 45 seconds. That was the end of him ever harassing me again.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
I barely remember, but I was 9 or 10 and there was this older boy who was basically the neighborhood bully. I don't remember how old he was. I remember walking home from school and he basically decided it was my turn to be singled out that afternoon. Don't remember all the details but I recall him hitting me and grabbing me in a head lock and sucker punching me. I remember thinking that if I was going to get beat up I was going to hurt him bad. Which I did - I hit him square in the throat as hard as I could when I had the chance and he fell back gasping for air. I looked at him and I think I spat on him! Then walked away. He never touched me again.
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