
Polanski made Bail - Pool on how long till he hops across the boarder into France

Will Roman Polanski Skip Bail

  • Polanski will respect the conditions of his bail

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • Polanski will run first chance he gets

    Votes: 25 78.1%

  • Total voters

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Swiss court grants Roman Polanski $4.5M bailFamed director will be subjected to 'constant electronic surveillance'Bradley S. Klapper
ASSOCIATED PRESS Published On Wed Nov 25 2009E

GENEVA–Roman Polanski was granted $4.5 million (U.S.) bail Wednesday, clearing the way for the fugitive director to move within days from a Swiss jail to house arrest and electronic monitoring at his Alpine resort chalet.

The Swiss Justice Minister said she saw no reason to appeal the surprise decision by the Swiss Criminal Court. Polanski would have to remain in Switzerland as authorities assess whether to extradite him to the United States for having sex in Los Angeles in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

Ministry Spokesman Folco Galli said the final decision on transferring Polanski to his chalet in the Swiss resort of Gstaad would be made "quickly."

"The 76-year-old appellant is married and the father of two minors," the court said as it considered Polanski's offer of a cash bail secured by his apartment in Paris. "It can be assumed that as a responsible father he will, especially in view of his advanced age, attach greater importance to the financial security of his family than a younger person."

The court said Polanski would be subjected to "constant electronic surveillance" at his chalet and an alarm would be activated if he leaves the premises or takes off the bracelet, adding that the filmmaker was still viewed as a high flight risk.

Polanski's lawyers Lorenz Erni in Zurich, Herve Temime in Paris and Chad Hummel in Los Angeles declined to comment. The Los Angeles County district attorney's office also had no reaction, spokeswoman Shiara Davila-Morales said.

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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
My vote says he skips bail the second he gets the chance.

4.5 mil is nothing to him.

And he can buy a new apartment in Paris.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
My vote says he skips bail the second he gets the chance.

4.5 mil is nothing to him.

And he can buy a new apartment in Paris.
Are you suggesting the Swiss are unable to enforce electronic monitoring devices at their borders? Or that he has some way of removing the device undetected? I think I'll give them a bit more credit than that.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Are you suggesting the Swiss are unable to enforce electronic monitoring devices at their borders? Or that he has some way of removing the device undetected? I think I'll give them a bit more credit than that.
He could charter a hellicopter to pick him up at home and fly him to France - by the time the electronic alarm went off it would be airbourne and couldn't be pulled over by a patrol car.

Of course he could just elect to drag his case out for years and live in Switzerland - not so bad a place to live.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
He could charter a hellicopter to pick him up at home and fly him to France - by the time the electronic alarm went off it would be airbourne and couldn't be pulled over by a patrol car.

Of course he could just elect to drag his case out for years and live in Switzerland - not so bad a place to live.
Clearly you have a low opinion of the Swiss military, and the ability of the Swiss to control their airspace. I have a lot of respect for them.

That goes beyond the question of finding a pilot who wants to give up their license and face jail time themselves just to get this guy across a border.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Alternatively, he can just sit back to see how well his battle against extradition goes and bolt when things start to look grim.

He will probably have to pay his counsel a million anyway.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Alternatively, he can just sit back to see how well his battle against extradition goes and bolt when things start to look grim.

He will probably have to pay his counsel a million anyway.
I'm with Oagre on this. He has an appeal coming up before the California Court of Appeals, and you never know the rulings may go his way and either the case is dismissed or he never ends up being extradited.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Alternatively, he can just sit back to see how well his battle against extradition goes and bolt when things start to look grim.

He will probably have to pay his counsel a million anyway.
I agree, he'll wait and see how it goes.

But if it goes south for him, he'll figure out a way to get back into France where he's seen as the victim in all of this. You can count on it.

I'm sure he could find a way around the electronic braclet.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
got to agree with james t........same as when he was in the states he will wait and see for a while and if it does not look good he will bail back to france!!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
What if he escaped and then moved next door to you? Would you put up with a child rapist?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
the borders are relativley open he could cross any time if he wished. I expect he will wait until after the american appeal, if teh case gets squashed he will not need to skip bail. He can always run later

Mister K

25 Years and GOING STRONG
Nov 21, 2006
Southern Ontario
I agree with some of you that Polanski will bide his time and see which way the wind blows...

I also think that he has the money and the resources to find someone who can figure out a way to bypass the electronic monitoring system. No system is foolproof (despite what they say) and all of these systems have some form of human interaction, and where there's people involved anything is possible.

Finally, even before the establishment of the European Union it was relatively simple to cross borders in Europe. Switerland shares borders with France, Germany, Austria and Italy. Smuggling has been going on in all of those countries since before the birth of Christ. If Polanski wants to flee Switzerland and return to France I am sure that he can make it happen.

And for the record, the Swiss regular military are some of the best trained in the world, as are their reservists which pretty much includes every male over the age of 18. Nothing wrong with the Swiss military - but this is not a military issue, but one of policing - which is a whole different story.

You've got to wonder how much the politics of California have to do with continuing to pursue a 32 year old case. The US has a real problem with letting things go. It's not like he committed a murder. Just look at the US policies with respect to Cuba!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Americans are like that.

Very much a law and order society based on fear. It isn't going to change anytime soon.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Reminds of the Van Trapp Family. Walking across the Alps to freedom... lol


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Seems a lot of people here would.
Actually the poll I ran when he was first arrested (with the most slipshod poor methodology possible) indicated that at least on this one issue, we are a pretty "Hang him high" group here on TERB irrespective of which side of the border you normally are on.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Reminds of the Van Trapp Family. Walking across the Alps to freedom... lol
Yes but somehow I afraid that Roman doesn’t look like either Audrey Hepburn or Julie Andrews :eek:

Or as a Professor of Central European History I once took courses from said about "The Sound of Music" the first time there was such a thing as "Austrian Nationalism" rather than loyalty to the House of Habsburg.
Not that the above has anything to do with the matter under discussion.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
This dirt bag child rapist I am expecting soon to see photos of him crossing into France as the hordes of fellow scum bag French politicians, Hollywood and European directors/actors cheer him on.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
... I'm betting he will be waiting it out and deal with it legally. Too tired to dodge after all these years.
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