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Handicapped get first dibs?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
As others have already posted merely because one is handicapped and needs a wheelchair, doesn't mean that you can't be a stupid fool. And he was - a stupid fool. :mad:


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I certainly agree that handicapped deserve special consideration...but if they behave like asses, they should just be tipped over.


Nov 25, 2005
Ok let me weigh in here. I am in a wheelchair myself and can say with authority, it may impede walking but not your ability to be a moron. There is no question the guy in the chair was in the wrong here. A few things are worth pointing out though. Firstly, a wheelchair or scooter no longer always indicates what it may once have. I see tons of lazy bastards hop in and out of various mobility devices with relative ease. I always shudder to think I'd be painted with the same brush as these lot. Please remember there are tons of characters who are on some kind of support who figure out they need only get some questionable documentation of an ailment and suddenly...they are "disabled".

I've seen guys in power chairs saying they are flat out homeless and pan handling. I'm the first one to check out their power meter and say, if you're homeless how come your chair is fully charged?

My point is, we aren't all like that. I'll agree some do feel overly entitled. However a great number of us (myself included) try hard to avoid special treatment. I don't even like that a lot of banks are willing to let me bypass the line and come to the seniors counter. I always just wait with everyone.

I promise you if I'd seen this incident he'd not be able to play that card.


Nov 25, 2005
They also get the best "seats" at basketball games too. Soon, Wal-Mart will have special checkouts for them too. I will accept "reasonable accommodation" but some of them have this special sense of entitlement as if they are, well, special.
They aren't the best seats. There are designated seats on EACH LEVEL (good and bad.)


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Made up story; we're being baited. It was fine until "you accommodate me". That was not said, and reveals the whole story to be a hoax.

Rantsalot is wheelchair-bound and is probing us. Enjoy the ride though (no pun intended).

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
I think you're onto something.

Rantsalot backwards is tolastnar. tolas tnar is 'crazy stumps' in russian


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Made up story; we're being baited. It was fine until "you accommodate me". That was not said, and reveals the whole story to be a hoax.

Rantsalot is wheelchair-bound and is probing us. Enjoy the ride though (no pun intended).
That's TOTALLY fine. I said that there would be disbelief. Just too bad. I am hardly wheelchair bound. Far from it.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I think you're onto something.

Rantsalot backwards is tolastnar. tolas tnar is 'crazy stumps' in russian

Say what you want Cobra.

Cobra was also the enemy of G.I. Joe and a Cobra is also a lethal snake by some standards.

I'll never understand how people find fault in others so quickly when they know nothing about them.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Being handicapped is not something I would wish on anyone.
It is the luck of the draw for some & a true nightmare.
However its not an excuse to be an asshole on wheels

Its a shame no one thought to let the air out of his tires & leave him to curse his brains out


New member
Oct 22, 2009

You guys deserved it. You should have let him go in front of you.

I know it was wrong for him to but the line, but he is in a wheel chair. People in wheel chairs have a lot to be pissed off about, they can't stand, go to the washroom properly, can't have sex properly, etc etc.

I think he shouldn't have yelled at the lady like that, but if I was there and I seen you yelling at a handicapped man I would definitely wipe the sidewalk with your head, then the other guy who went in his face, and break both of your noses.

I don't care what the situation is, you don't yell at a handicapped person.

Ok. I wasn't the only guy yelling but whatever.

Your honest enough Untouchable I'll give you that.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I somehow believe that the guy would have acted that way with or without the chair. An asshole is an asshole! As he left you should have shouted after him, "Make sure you carry all that money in a safe place now, you don't want to get mugged".


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Rantsalot's a good hoaxer.

About the situation, regardless: any infirmity is not an automatic free pass to violate basic social courtesies. Ask, don't presume; always a good rule. Especially because, in this hypothetical situation, disabled groups stand to lose the most should such courtesies become passe.

It could be worse: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/148089/joao_kleber_handicap/


New member
Oct 22, 2009

Rantsalot's a good hoaxer.

About the situation, regardless: any infirmity is not an automatic free pass to violate basic social courtesies. Ask, don't presume; always a good rule. Especially because, in this hypothetical situation, disabled groups stand to lose the most should such courtesies become passe.

It could be worse: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/148089/joao_kleber_handicap/
I fail to see why you continue to doubt nolabel.

Seems that some people have no faith if any here at all. It's like you all have to actually be there and see it for yourselves to take anything into account
It all makes me wonder about posting reviews here. I'd like to post them the next time I see an SP but if the attitude is like this....whats the point.


Indeed. What would be the point.

i.e. I saw a girl, I posted an ad of reference, I gave the details of the encounter and maybe the SP would even confirm this.

Nope. It would all be a lie even though there would be concrete proof.


Nov 25, 2005
What a load of shit! Attitudes like yours are part of why losers like this guy pull the shit they do. Being in a chair is NOT some kind of free pass. While our lives may hold challenges you can't relate to, common courtesy still applies, at the very least manners. While I'm at it I should mention you may want to spend less time here and further invest in education. A wheelchair, or disability does not always render unable to go to the washroom or have sex properly. In fact...some of us have so much pent up muscle potential we'd embarass you. You should google static contraction and spasticity sometime.

You guys deserved it. You should have let him go in front of you.

I know it was wrong for him to but the line, but he is in a wheel chair. People in wheel chairs have a lot to be pissed off about, they can't stand, go to the washroom properly, can't have sex properly, etc etc.

I think he shouldn't have yelled at the lady like that, but if I was there and I seen you yelling at a handicapped man I would definitely wipe the sidewalk with your head, then the other guy who went in his face, and break both of your noses.

I don't care what the situation is, you don't yell at a handicapped person.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
No, you're making sweeping assumptions yourself now. I just don't believe the wheelchair story. Its an interesting enough discussion though.

However I have a dilemma with the politesse of it all (not necessarily in this particular "story" but when offering : my first instinct would be to let a wheelchair-bound person ahead of me. They have a tougher life than I do, in ways I likely don't even know exist, and I am happy to give them a small break. But....am I then demeaning the guy by acknowledging he is somehow less capable than me? After all, all he's being asked to do is sit in his chair for a few minutes. Couldn't you see an independent, proud handicapped person taking offence at my presumption that he is so pathetic that he can't even be expected to sit on his butt for five minutes??

I think the people who said the best policy is to ask the guy if he would like to go ahead, got it right. I would risk offending someone - if he flies off the handle so be it. A rational wheelchair guy would accept the offer of preferential treatment if there was a compelling reason to accept it, or decline it if he didn't need the special treatment at that time.
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