Handicapped get first dibs?


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Yes. This is one hundred per cent real. It happened just the other day and let me say that though I'm new some may question my honesty and disbelieve where as others may not.

All I can say is say or think what you want. I'd rather earn your trust and tell you something you would like or dislike rather than tell you a big ass lie only for you to find out later and then have you get all pissy about it.

This is just one of those experiences that anyone here or elsewhere could possibly encounter. It may be boring to some, some may not care, some may actually care a lot. All I ask is read and come to your own conclusions.

Ok. So here we go.

I finished work the other day and needed to get some cash. Considering the banks were closed I had to go to an ABM. Seeing that my bank was the closest location to my workplace with 3 ABM's I naturally went there. As I arrive in the bank I notice there's a line up. Nothing unusual about that. In fact it was rather common at the time of the evening. It was I'd say 6:30 pm or so. The line was moving along fine. There was this young girl who was in front of me who was going to take the next available machine. We had just some idle chit chat, you know, "These banks should stay open later." " It's getting colder in the night." Just normal stuff.

Now I should say that the ABMs were in an enclosed area where you would have to swipe a card to get access to them in the after hours but because of the amount of people those at the end just held the doors open.

So I'm still making idle chit chat with the girl and notice one of the machines was available. I tell the young lady. "Hey hey. It's your turn." She dives into her purse to get whatever it was and as she's doing so I hear this noise coming from the doorway

This dude in a wheelchair rides himself through the open doors. I looked at him and he wasn't happy to begin with and was muttering and swearing. He looked 50ish. Anyways, he literally races to the open ABM
and just as he does that the young lady in front of me closes her purse and heads in the same direction.

They both meet. This is how it went:

Young lady: "Excuse me. I was next. Could you please wait your turn."
Dude in wheelchair: (very pissed off and without warning) "Look you F***ING B**** !!! Can't you see I'm handicapped and in a F***ING wheelchair!!. (then he points a finger at her) You F***ING accommodate ME!

Theres a few seconds of silence and the young lady is in shock and literally shrugs like this smiley .

Dude in wheelchair: I'm in a wheelcahiar so get your ass out of here.
Young lady: I'm.....(she then gets quiet and almost breaks into tears)

Oh yeah I had enough and I yelled out "HEY!!!!!!!!!!" and I was so wanting to step into this to help out but some guy was apparently even angrier than I was and I heard him say " Buddy! Get your ass back to the end.

It then went like this

Dude in wheelchair: Why don't you shut the f### up?
Some guy: Why don't you apologize to the lady?
Dude in wheelchair: Why don't you come here and say that to my face?
Some guy: (without hesitation walks to the dude in the wheelchair and screams) Why don't you apologize to the lady?

For about a minute or 2 there is a shouting match.....swearing and cursing and I say a few things and so do other people that were there who witnessed this. The young lady just stood by the crowd but tried to stay as far away from the dude in the wheelchair. Well, as I said, there were a few minutes of constant shouting and a security guard who was patrolling inside the bank hears all this and opens the bank doors and just blurts out.

Security guard: "Calm down clam down! What's going on here?"

The crowd gets silent. Immediately the dude in the wheelchair rolls up to the guard and explains how HE was next in line and that the young lady cut in front of HIM and all this crap. The young lady, finally, after all of this stepped up to the guard and said it wasn't true.

Security guard: So you were next in line or was HE next?
Young lady: I was
Dude in wheelchair. Liar!! I was
Young lady: I asked nicely if you could wait your turn.
Security guard: At this point I'll ask both of you to leave unless I know the truth.

As soon as the guard said that I and the other dude and almost everyone else that was there said that the young lady was first. Yeah ,wheelchair dude wasn't happy to hear the majority side with the girl and called all of us mofo's and anti handicapped and all that.

Here's the cruncher. Even after hearing all this the guard said "Ok everyone just go back to your place in line and let the man do his thing at the ABM." Well, wthe man in the chair went to the ABM but the guard stood right by him eyeing him like a hawk as was I and everyone else. He then rolled out of the place and as he did a few people flipped him the bird too.

Ok. So it's not an exciting story but I got too thinking...a person in a wheelchair .. yes....many people feel sorry for them but they shouldn't have first chance at things like in this incident. I mean, he looked normal, had a decent chair but boy was he pissy.

A friend of mine I told this too said if he were there he'd have just grabbed the guys chair and roll him back to the end.

That's it.

Your thoughts.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
i don't think the handicapped should be allowed to have money.


Apr 24, 2005
I had a couple of runins with handicapped people who feel they are "entitled". I went to a public washroom and all the cubicles were taken except for the big one. When I left, there was a handicapped person and his handler giving me dirty looks.

I think one day, the Human Rights Commission will force banks to designate one ATM "for handicapped only" even if they have no handicapped clients. BTW If you see an elderly person standing in line, please let them go ahead of you. That could be someone's grandmother (maybe yours). I hate seeing 85- 120 year old folks standing in line.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
I would ordinarily be happy to let someone in a wheelchair (or otherwise less able than myself) go ahead of me in line. However, there's a difference between being given someone's place and taking it.

The man in the OP's story represents the worst qualities of boorishness and arrogance; with or without the wheelchair.

This would be a much better thread if the OP had presented the scenario as hypothetical instead of trying (lamely) to pretend that it was something that really happened.


Mar 6, 2006
The handicapped guy was wrong to use his handicapped status to cut in line and be rude to the lady and others.

However, since the rest of you at the bank(and me) are not bound by a wheelchair, we will never know the emotional rollercoaster that man has gone thru. Mentally I'm sure it affects the best of us. With that said, he shouldn't be blaming the world for his tragedy but I would just let it go and not think too much about it.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006

Here we go . Next comes the handicapped ABM (LOL) .

A couple of years ago I was walking along and a blind woman was walking toward me . As I approached her she stopped me and asked if I knew where the medical building was on this street . I told her as luck would have it she was directly across the street from the building . I was just about to offer to walk her across the street when she screams at me " Don't just tell me where it is can't you see I am blind. You have to walk me there " . I politely told her I don't have to do anything but she did need to learn some manners . I suggested she cross at the corner and went on my way.

Wheelchair guy was badly behaved and should have waited his turn .



Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
The only disabled priviledge is supposed to be accessibility, not preferential treatment. Fair is fair for everyone.
I'm sure life sucks in that condition but it's not our fault. Some disabled seem to have a chip on their shoulder and think we owe them all something. A few make many look bad. If the guy had been nice and asked kindly I'm sure most of us would let him go ahead.
This fool could have been in the wheelchair because of something stupid he did to himself. I'll bet his family probably drives around taking advantage of his parking permit without him too.
My God... next thing you know, they'll expect special parking spots!

This guy would have been an asshole with or without his wheels. The only difference is that he's been able to make the most of it knowing that most people will give him a pass because he's in a wheelchair.

You should have loosened off his wheel nuts! :rolleyes:


Apr 24, 2005
My God... next thing you know, they'll expect special parking spots!

They also get the best "seats" at basketball games too. Soon, Wal-Mart will have special checkouts for them too. I will accept "reasonable accommodation" but some of them have this special sense of entitlement as if they are, well, special.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
ya know what?..i dont believe this incident even happened.. a figment of a ferlile imagination...a great attention getter though


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I would ordinarily be happy to let someone in a wheelchair (or otherwise less able than myself) go ahead of me in line. However, there's a difference between being given someone's place and taking it.

The man in the OP's story represents the worst qualities of boorishness and arrogance; with or without the wheelchair.

This would be a much better thread if the OP had presented the scenario as hypothetical instead of trying (lamely) to pretend that it was something that really happened.

Again I stated earlier its of no consequence if you believe me or not. This did happen. I understand your reservations for not believing which is a grand shame as I now have to doubt anything you write to a degree.

I fail to see whats hard to believe in this story.......perhaps if I made it more dramatic with more profanity??


Pop Rock Kid
The only disabled priviledge is supposed to be accessibility, not preferential treatment. Fair is fair for everyone.
I'm sure life sucks in that condition but it's not our fault. Some disabled seem to have a chip on their shoulder and think we owe them all something. A few make many look bad. If the guy had been nice and asked kindly I'm sure most of us would let him go ahead.
This fool could have been in the wheelchair because of something stupid he did to himself. I'll bet his family probably drives around taking advantage of his parking permit without him too.
The asshole in this story was wrong. No doubt.

Being somewhat close to a disabled person I understand why some disabled people do get a chip on their shoulder. The majority of the population diregards them all the time.

-Did you consider, go into a store and see aisles of racks not spaced so a wheelchair can fit.
-Ramps infront of stores, plazas, malls are routinely blocked by a parked car, with a person waiting for someone to come out, or i've just run in for 5 min. meanwhile the person in the wheelchair is stuck freezing their ass off because the other person was too lazy to park 50 ft away in the designated parking.
-Crowded shopping or events where the person in a wheelchair is constantly bumped and blocked.

There are more but the problem is people don't think about how much they make their life more difficult than it already is.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I would have just started dancing improv in front of him. Or maybe said "you better shut up and run before I kick your ass. Oh wait, you can't run." then laughed.

I'm sorry but I hate these bitches high on self-entitlement.


Apr 24, 2005
Crowded shopping or events where the person in a wheelchair is constantly bumped and blocked.
Short people run into this problem as well. I know this woman who is barely 5 feet tall and she can't see the stage at a concert because of all the inconsiderate taller people who insists on standing. BTW The porn mags are placed too high in some stores, even for a normal height person like myself:p.
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