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Dating your fav SP ?


Jan 31, 2005
She's a whore, you're a whore-monger, so you're on even ground.
Really? She may not see it that way. I'm serios. She may have the bigger problem here.

Here is an example future conversation:

"You know I was doing it because I was in a tough spot, I needed to pay for school, it was important for me in order to move my life on to what I needed to do. I don't regret it, it was something I needed to do, and it got me to where I am today, but I would never, ever do it now. You were in this because you just enjoy it, you love having sex with somone you don't even know, I don't know how to deal with that, I am looking for someone with higher standards than that, and also, I don't think you can really give this up, so I don't think I can trust you."

I say future because it is quite common for women to change their mind about what is important to them and what matters when their circumstances change.

In other words she may quit you for someone who is not a whore-monger after she quits the job.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Really? She may not see it that way. I'm serios. She may have the bigger problem here.

Here is an example future conversation:

"You know I was doing it because I was in a tough spot, I needed to pay for school, it was important for me in order to move my life on to what I needed to do. I don't regret it, it was something I needed to do, and it got me to where I am today, but I would never, ever do it now. You were in this because you just enjoy it, you love having sex with somone you don't even know, I don't know how to deal with that, I am looking for someone with higher standards than that, and also, I don't think you can really give this up, so I don't think I can trust you."

I say future because it is quite common for women to change their mind about what is important to them and what matters when their circumstances change.

In other words she may quit you for someone who is not a whore-monger after she quits the job.
Sure, but you can conjur up any number of outcomes for any number of sceanarios.

If she's as analytical as the female in your example it won't matter who she's dating, that guy is going to be in for a lifetime of ball busting.


Jan 31, 2005
Who do you think you are, that you know better than she does, what she ought to do?
Cut the crap. It is one thing to go around judging what other people do for a living, that is none of anyone's business. It is entirely a different thing to decide for yourself whehter you would want to be in a relationship with someone who does XYZ for a living.

Pick from XYZ: prostitute, cop, soldier, flight attendent, travelling salesman.

To say you would have a problem dating someone who has XYZ job in no way means that you are judging people for doing XYZ, just that it might not be compatible with you, your life, your values, etc.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Really? She may not see it that way. I'm serios. She may have the bigger problem here.

Here is an example future conversation:

"You know I was doing it because I was in a tough spot, I needed to pay for school, it was important for me in order to move my life on to what I needed to do. I don't regret it, it was something I needed to do, and it got me to where I am today, but I would never, ever do it now. You were in this because you just enjoy it, you love having sex with somone you don't even know, I don't know how to deal with that, I am looking for someone with higher standards than that, and also, I don't think you can really give this up, so I don't think I can trust you."

I say future because it is quite common for women to change their mind about what is important to them and what matters when their circumstances change.

In other words she may quit you for someone who is not a whore-monger after she quits the job.
You make an interesting point, Fuji. Trust always runs both ways. Alot of the responses to the OP's question implicitly assume either that the OP is going to have an issue trusting the SP or that the SP may not act trustworthy enough. But you're right, post-SP career, the SP's outlook on things might change. We should not assume she would always be in favour of the choices HE made. I suspect some will say that might be hypocritical, but nevertheless, values and outlooks can change when circumstances do.


May 25, 2006
Are you buying her lots of expensive things?

Sorry you might find my question insulting but there have been a lot of people come on here who have thought they were dating an SP but in some way or another they were still paying her and she was still in character. It happens.

There have been other people who have actually struck real relationships and wound up happily ever after. That happens too.

Unfortunately situation #1 happens a lot more than #2.
It's not insulting but I did not buy her anything, expect a few nights out on the town at some fantastic restaurants. Not blinded by love, I work hard for my $$$. I can be very generous but I am also very cautious. I am not planning on selling the loft to buy a house in surburbia (no offense to anyone ). We are both very independant adults.


May 25, 2006
It sounds as though you might want to dictate her choice of careers.

Who do you think you are, that you know better than she does, what she ought to do? I don't mean that aggressively - I mean, why should you think your judgement is better than hers?

Loving her does not mean owning her. Loving her means loving her for what she is, not for what you want her to be. If she asks you for advice about her career, by all means help her with what criteria she should use in making her decision -- but don't decide for her, and don't tell her what you would decide if you were in her place.

If you have a preference as to what career she should pursue, cancel it.

As Kipling (nearly) said:
If you can hear her dreams, and not make disapproval,
Yours is the earth, and everything that's in it,
And, which is more, you'll be a Man, my son.
I am certainly not in a position to tell her what she should do and not pretending my judgement is better than hers. If was judgemental in regards of her work than I should be questionning my own values and moral for seeing SP's... I think I read something about 'throwing the first stone'


May 22, 2007
Really? She may not see it that way. I'm serios. She may have the bigger problem here.

Here is an example future conversation:

"You know I was doing it because I was in a tough spot, I needed to pay for school, it was important for me in order to move my life on to what I needed to do. I don't regret it, it was something I needed to do, and it got me to where I am today, but I would never, ever do it now. You were in this because you just enjoy it, you love having sex with somone you don't even know, I don't know how to deal with that, I am looking for someone with higher standards than that, and also, I don't think you can really give this up, so I don't think I can trust you."

I say future because it is quite common for women to change their mind about what is important to them and what matters when their circumstances change.

In other words she may quit you for someone who is not a whore-monger after she quits the job.
Fuji called it 100%. Exact same thing happened to me almost to the T. That being said, everyone wants to date their favorite SP. It's the ultimate ego trip, the rationale being, "out of all the guys she sees, she wants to spend her time with me".

I would say go for it, enjoy your time and leave it at that. The alternative is to see her occasionally until she leaves the industry and then the best case scenario is that you'll date and occasionally fuck. However like Fuji pointed out, once she leaves the industry she might want a clean break with no residual baggage, or persons who could potentially out her, and I'm sorry to say, that also means you. Just know what you're potentially setting yourself up for, and if you can deal with it all, give it a shot. Just know that all of us who have had a relationship with their favourite SP, the most common pattern is what Fuji has pointed out.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
LOL . I love these look at me ,look at me posts . A hooker is willing to date me .
And it's always a hot popular SP but they can't mention her name . It keeps things safe for the hobbyist so he doesn't have to hear he was probably the 2nd, 3rd or 10 th guy she asked out .

Why can't you guys just enjoy the fact you are getting a little extra for free and leave it at that . Think about it . You are OK with a hundred other guys fucking your girlfriend . Not to many women want a life partner who is OK with sharing them indiscrimunately . Guys that date hookers are definitely a good catch for these girls because most of us say " No , while you are fucking for money I am not interested in a commited relationship " . Quit the job and we can talk .

You really aren't special you were just the one that said yes . Being an SP can be a lonely life and it's great that there are guys who will provide them with a little more than just money for sex but please stop fooling yourself into believing such an uncaring pairing has a future . When she stops being an SP she can broaden her search for Mr. Rght and it won't be some guy who is OK with her getting poked for money 5 days a week by strangers.

One thing you here constantly is SP's won't get involved with clients but it doesn't mean they won't have a little fun and companionship with them off the clock .

I'd love to hear from guys who are in a committed relationship with an SP where the relationship is " healthy" , " nurturing" and has lasted more than 5 years . I would then like to hear how much they care for their partner . That would be interesting .


May 25, 2006
Interesting perspective on this Smylee. LOL really. Sacarsm aside it should be seen for what it is for now : friendship with benefits!


May 22, 2007
Definitely don't disagree with anything smylee52 has said. A little more blunt than what I have said, but definitely true.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It sounds like you're going in with your eyes wide open, you should trust your own instincts since you're closer to the situation.
If and when the relationship ever does sour, I hope you still respect her enough to keep her occupation a secret.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
If you are actually considering being in a committed relationship with this woman while she bangs other guys for money, then all I can say is that you have very little self respect. What kind of a man would let the love of his life have sex with 5 or 10 guys a day?


Sep 28, 2007
When she stops being an SP she can broaden her search for Mr. Rght and it won't be some guy who is OK with her getting poked for money 5 days a week by strangers.
and she won't even tell the dude about her past job


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Why can't you guys just enjoy the fact you are getting a little extra for free and leave it at that . Think about it . You are OK with a hundred other guys fucking your girlfriend . Not to many women want a life partner who is OK with sharing them indiscrimunately . Guys that date hookers are definitely a good catch for these girls because most of us say " No , while you are fucking for money I am not interested in a commited relationship " . Quit the job and we can talk .

You really aren't special you were just the one that said yes . Being an SP can be a lonely life and it's great that there are guys who will provide them with a little more than just money for sex but please stop fooling yourself into believing such an uncaring pairing has a future . When she stops being an SP she can broaden her search for Mr. Rght and it won't be some guy who is OK with her getting poked for money 5 days a week by strangers.

I'd love to hear from guys who are in a committed relationship with an SP where the relationship is " healthy" , " nurturing" and has lasted more than 5 years . I would then like to hear how much they care for their partner . That would be interesting .
Not everybody believes in monogamy and the myths surrounding it.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
In theory, if two people get along, it should not matter what they do for a living. In theory.

Unfortunately, real life is less theoretical than we'd sometimes like. When two people having fun together starts to transition into an actual relationship, most of us expect certain things from our partners. While everyone has a different take on what's acceptable in a relationship, most men (and women) tend to expect that certain intimate activities are exclusive to the relationship.

It's easy to say, in theory, that what she does as an SP is simply business and has no emotional component. She provides her customers a service for money but when she comes home to you she's really feeling what she's doing and she's doing it for you. In theory.

However, then you remember that you were once her customer too and that it changed into something else. What if she meets someone else the same way? Now you start to worry about who she's meeting on her SP calls and wondering, when she gets back to you, whether her other customers really didn't mean anything to her.

You kiss her and can't help wondering how many mouths were there earlier in the day, you slip your tongue into her mouth and wonder if your technique is as good as one of the guys she saw that afternoon, you make love to her and can't help remembering that you're not going where no man has gone before (you're not even going where no man has gone earlier that day).

These feelings are real and can interfere with the natural growth of the relationship. Remember, you haven't known her that long and you don't have the confidence, early in the relationship, to truly believe that you are special enough that she won't get interested in someone else the way she fell for you a couple of weeks ago.

Perhaps, if you have a long-standing relationship with a woman, have developed a strong bond of trust, and you both have the self confidence to know that you mean a great deal to each other on many levels, you might be able to accept her being an SP. It's quite different trying to build a new relationship with that kind of baggage from day one.

I've written about this before and I still believe it is true. While it may not be impossible, I think it is very difficult for a working SP to build a true romantic and serious relationship with another man who knows what she does. This is not because there is anything wrong with her, it is simply because, as humans, we're not wired to appreciate sharing our most intimate partners.

If the lady is a former SP or drops out of active work as the relationship gets more serious, I think there is much better potential for success. However, if she's committed to keep working, it's unlikely that you can take the relationship beyond a casual level. You may be able to build a friendship and you may be able to have a lot of fun together...but a true and serious romantic relationship is highly unlikely to end well in this situation.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Not everybody believes in monogamy and the myths surrounding it.

Agreed . But this isn't about an open relationship . This is Fucking for Money and not about the exploration of sexual freedom . Once the money enters into it it's no longer an honest exploration of sexuality .

Hard to believe a woman would feel loved or valued by a man who supports her being fucked daily, by total strangers , for money .

Much different guy then the one who supports her choosing other people to explore her sexuality with , without money tainting the experience .



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Hard to believe a woman would feel loved or valued by a man who supports her being fucked daily, by total strangers , for money .
I don't think she would have respect for such a man either. As someone earlier stated, the moment she does decide to stop being an SP she would dump him for a man who knows nothing of her past.
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