*Paranormal Activity*


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
$15,000 cost to make

$20,000,000 revenue first weekend

gotta love it


New member
Oct 28, 2006
oh no ...

here we go with all the clones and sequels

"reality" movies ... that you pay $10+ to see :(

Kirk Lazarus

New member
Feb 5, 2009
It was a good movie to watch. I bit slow at the beginning, but that was needed to lead up to the climax. I saw the original ending, which was different from the ending in the theatre. The theatre (or shall I call it, the "Hollywood") ending was not as good or believable as the original ending.


Jul 2, 2004
Saw it. Not as horrifying as I thought it would be, but I've lived in houses with paranormal activity, one supposedly demonic(I doubt it). Made me laugh at the end. Their were four teenagers behind us, two couples. When the body was thrown at the camera, the one girl let out this horrifying scream. I couldn't stop laughing because of it.
What ending are you talking about? I've seen two others. One where Katie sits on the bed, the friend walks in, calls the police, and the police shoots her when the door is slammed. The other when Katie walks in with a knife and slices her throat in front of the camera. Neither I thought were that believable, especially the one with the cop.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Saw it. Not as horrifying as I thought it would be, but I've lived in houses with paranormal activity, one supposedly demonic(I doubt it). Made me laugh at the end. Their were four teenagers behind us, two couples. When the body was thrown at the camera, the one girl let out this horrifying scream. I couldn't stop laughing because of it.
What ending are you talking about? I've seen two others. One where Katie sits on the bed, the friend walks in, calls the police, and the police shoots her when the door is slammed. The other when Katie walks in with a knife and slices her throat in front of the camera. Neither I thought were that believable, especially the one with the cop.



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2005
Saw it. Not as horrifying as I thought it would be, but I've lived in houses with paranormal activity, one supposedly demonic(I doubt it). Made me laugh at the end. Their were four teenagers behind us, two couples. When the body was thrown at the camera, the one girl let out this horrifying scream. I couldn't stop laughing because of it.
What ending are you talking about? I've seen two others. One where Katie sits on the bed, the friend walks in, calls the police, and the police shoots her when the door is slammed. The other when Katie walks in with a knife and slices her throat in front of the camera. Neither I thought were that believable, especially the one with the cop.
I watched it today, and the one I saw. was where is she is sitting on the floor by the bed, the police come after being called, she gets up, won't drop the knife, goes at the cop (although I don't believe with intent to harm), who then shoots her.

Sorry for any spoilers, but the cat was already out of the bag.

Anyway, I thought the movie was boring and not at all scary.
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Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
Complete waste of time and money, i was either yawning or laughing all the way through it. I failed to see what was so terrifying about it. I guess you have to believe in ghosts, the guy sitting next to me was screaming like a little girl. Grow up man. Popcorn was good though. Is it me or are all the movies coming out lately shit.

God Bless.......Andy


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Well I found this movie quite scary. Hair standing up on the back of your neck scary, not "jump out of your seat" scary. It makes you think, and worry, and close your bedroom door before you go to sleep. My guess is that the people who were bored watching this, are blockbuster fans as opposed to cinema fans. Not a judgement there, just an observation.


Sexy Beast Extraordinaire
Sep 30, 2008
Scariest Movie Ever

Well I love scary movies and this cracks my list. I saw it here with a bunch of girls lol and we screamed like a bunch of girls. The fact that it could hppen makes it scarier.

P.S. Micah is a total douchebag lol


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Complete waste of time and money, i was either yawning or laughing all the way through it. I failed to see what was so terrifying about it. I guess you have to believe in ghosts, the guy sitting next to me was screaming like a little girl. Grow up man. Popcorn was good though. Is it me or are all the movies coming out lately shit.

God Bless.......Andy
I felt the same way.

Kirk Lazarus

New member
Feb 5, 2009
I liked this movie, but think that it would actually be really scary about 15 years ago. In this age of the internet, nothing really shocks me any more...that's the sad truth.


Jul 2, 2004

lets hear some stories
Alright. Well, the first was a farm house on an apple orchard. Things would move. Appliances going on and off. Doors closing shut. Weird voices. The most odd one I had was seeing this, thing. Didn't really look like a human ghost. Sort of half human, half bird, thing. Came closer, and then every damn thing around me started moving, from paper to the television. Moved, and the house we moved in was supposed to be demonic. The person who lived in it before was an active Satanist. Not as much stuff happened there, but what did happen was definitely stranger. We'd see apparitions, and they weren't friendly. First I saw was some sort of, thing, peaking out in the master bedroom. When I saw it, it closed the door. This thing looked more like an alien, in all honesty, though I'm unsure what the hell it was. After a pause, I went in to check. Nothing there. My sister and I both saw a man, carrying a knife walking down the hallway. He was walking towards us, and appeared very angry. Things would occasionally move, but not as much and rarely in front of us. Usually shit like the television remote being in the dishwasher, shit like that. Moved again, and the house we moved in to had a family with us. Actually quite friendly. It was oddly comforting to have them there. The mother would sing in the morning. We'd hear our names being called out, even when alone in the house. Nothing would move, and the only strange thing was, we'd see a black cat. But, it's one of those things where you see it out of the corner of your eye, look, and it's gone. So, it's one of the few experiences I question. Moved again, house was empty. Now I live in apartment, taking care of my sister. There are two females with us, which we both think were nursing students. Very little activity. The occasional voice, and I once saw an apparition. They seem passive, but do get angry with our upstairs neighbours. Only odd experience was suddenly finding an old suicide note on the radiator. Occasionally, we both hear a voice that seems odd. More, gruff, angry. It will say our names, then something in a language we don't understand. Our old neighbours across the hall heard it more often than us, and would swear it was demonic. Even so, it seems to happen only a few times a year, so I'm not worried.
Their are a few more incidents, but those I won't mention. A few were just terrifying, and one I swear to this day had to be demonic(oddly, not in the demonic house).
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