Dream Spa

Pinecrest Massage


New member
Oct 22, 2001
I've been out of the hobby for a while so I thought I'd ease back in with a trusted favourite, Marie/Vera, since I saw that she was advertising again. I called her yesterday from the car and she answered right way so I thought it was going to be my lucky day!

I told her my name and that I was sorry that I hadn't seen her in way too long and asked her if she had any time that afternoon. She told me she was free right then so I said I'd head her way. She then told me that she was now in a different location and I laughed as I was heading to her old place as it had never occurred to me to ask if she'd moved. I then asked her for the address and then her attitude changed. She told me that she wasn't taking any new customers and that she was sorry but "I don't remember you Steve" and then hung up on me before I could say "Actually it's Dave..."

I was pretty disappointed but I thought I'd pass it on to you guys that she seems skittish these days so if you're new and you call her, for God's sake don't tell her your name is Steve!
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Jan 11, 2002
I can understand, she's working out of a small studio that's been set up in the basement of her home, so you have to be pretty low key and discrete.


Jul 31, 2008
Ya, it is a little perplexing.

Thanks for the website link. I see it says to call for her new location so now I'm really confused!?!
It just means another girl has gone crazy, probably after working in the business too long for her own good. She probably suspects anybody and everybody new is probably the LE. Paranoia, it's gonna getcha. :eek:
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