Suggestions for Japan


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Do you think Japanese people are fairly good to Foreigners?’

78% of the visitors to this blog responded that Japanese people are fairly good to foreign people.
21% of the visitors said ‘To some extent’ Japanese people are good
Only 1% of the visitors told, Japanese people are not good to foreign people.

What I conclude from the poll and along with my 10 months living experience in Japan is Japanese people are really good to foreigners.

Almost 95% of the visitors to this blog are foreigners. Foreigners themselves say that they do not face any kind of discrimination in public in Japan compared to many other countries. Many times the fear of Japanese people to talk in English is misinterpreted as aversion towards foreigners.

My own experience says I have not faced any discrimination till now. I used to commute the heavily crowded Toei trains and Tozai line trains in the morning and evenings. Literally the people are sand-witched. Had any of the Japanese man or woman or children show any kind of dislike towards a foreigner at their face or action, I could have sensed it.

Reading through some Forums for foreigners, I had gone through many statements that they have faced discrimination in Japan. Some of the foreign people said, Japanese people are racists. In one discussion, when I commented that it may be due to the English speaking fear of Japanese people and told my own experience during the past months, I got the answer that ‘Jayaprakash is the lucky Indian’, who have not faced any discrimination till now in Japan.

I really don’t know on what basis some foreigners who lived in Japan say that Japanese people discriminated them. I have written in this blog on June that I used to attend a physiotherapy course for the disc prolapse and sciatic pain. 5 days a week I continued the course for 3 months and now continuing 2 days a week.

The clinic I have been going is having only Japanese staff and nurses. They do not speak English and I am not fluent in Japanese. I am the only foreigner patient visiting the clinic as far as I know. As part of the treatment, the doctor and the medical staff have to touch the body. I have not seen any kind of negative attitude towards me from any of them. In fact they treat me as if I am a Japanese and exchange all kinds of wishing words in Japanese while I enter the clinic and leaving the clinic after treatment.

Coming out of the clinic, I used to enter the nearby convenient store (kombini in Japanese!) to buy snacks and juice. Instead of discrimination, I have seen the little sales girls are interested to receive money from a foreigner!. That was really surprising to me when I thought of the bad experiences narrated in the websites and forums on discrimination of foreigners in Japan.

Frankly and very truly I can say, I have not faced any kind of discrimination or racism in Japan.

To mention one more warm relationship I have with my hair dresser Takagawa san, who runs his Hair dressing saloon near Toyocho. Every month I visit his saloon. He knows my choice in the Indian hair style. Only once for the first time in March 2008 I explained in my broken Japanese to him about my hair style. He do not ask me every month about the way my hair should look like. He knows. He talk in Japanese while dressing my hair. I could catch 20% of his words and the remaining portions I correlate and guess. The communication is all about understanding between two people, not really all about language!

Some day, it will be time for Takagawa-san and his wife to take snacks and traditional Japanese food. All the time they have invited me to join with them. One day, Mrs. Takagawasan gave me a set of traditional Japanese food. At first I hesitated to receive it from them. To be frank, it was due to my fear of getting discriminated from Japanese people as read in the forums and website. But they insisted to take their food and I obeyed.

Having been passed through many incidents of life in Japan and mingled with Japanese people, if I am true to my heart, I can not say that ‘I face discrimination in Japan'. I am really sorry that I could not join that group of foreigners who likes to announce to the rest of the world that Japanese people discriminate foreigners.

For those who say Japanese people discriminate foreigners, I do not have any advise or do not know what you mean by discrimination. But think before announcing: Is it only to catch attention of public, because discrimination is an issue in your own country? So, you want to declare to the rest of the world that Japanese people are also not free from that devlish nature in the mind like your own country men?

Anonymous said...

I'm an Indian(from Haryana) and have been living in Canada for quite sometime. There's one thing I've noticed that us South Asians face extreme amounts of hate and racism from white canadians. My Uncle living in US tells the same story about the behaviour towards South Asians and other minorities in america. Now here's an interesting thing my cousin told me (he moved to Japan from US couple of years ago). He told me why white gaijins complain the most about things such as racism or discrimination in Japan. There are 2 reasons for this:
1: They are too used to being the 'top dogs' in their own contries where they lived an 'over-privileged' life compared to the minorities. (they may or may not be racists themselves) They come to Japan and as soon as they realize that the Japanese people are not 'kissing their ass', they start complaining and whining that Japanese people are racists. Its shocking, I know.
2: The second reason why whites complain about racism in Japan is because they want to tell the whole world that 'they are not the only people on the planet who are racists'.
Some of them complain that the word Gaijin is racist towards them. I can't think of anything that is wrong with it. It just means foreigner and is a million times less offensive than the words whites use towards minorities(including Japanese) here in North america.

And by the way, I love your Blog. I would love to move to a
I think the 'discriminate' in the context of sex industry toward foreigners. With the view, we foreigners as importer of AIDS. As decade ago, extreme low local AIDS infection rate.

Japanese are extremely friendly toward foreigners. As a matter of fact, on several incidents, people were apologizing even thou we were clearly at fault.

- Boarded the wrong bullet train to Tokyo, Train conductor apologize for misled train signs. Insist we ride in upgraded seats.
- Brought wrong fare for Tokyo subway, misread the Kenji. Subway conductor insists their machine's at fault; sorry for our trouble.
- At airport customs, my travel companion pack something that should've been checked. Two customs & their supervisor bow'd for like 5 mins, 'Sorry, our custom signs not clear...we'll amend the instructions.'

Was in Hawaii few months ago, took advantage of all the J discounts & tour goodies, such as For the whole trip, we ate, play & stay among J tourists. Rode the same private j shuttles. Never an issue. They treat us as 1 of their own. Offered us seats in crowded tour bus/eatery & share travel tips.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I would like to believe these positive statements about the Japanese, and I'll confess I'm not very familiar with Japan, having been there just twice for short visits.

But, it's a fact that you are barred entry into their clubs in Bangkok. Or you're allowed in, but with great reluctance. It's hard to understand how this could be a sign of anything other than racism.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Japan fingerprints all those who are foreigners and 16 years of age and above at the time of entering the country because of supposed threats of terrorism and the perception that foreigners commit crimes. This appeals to the right wing factions in Japan who advocate the American military occupation withdrawl and the right for Japan to have their own army. Acts of terrorism in Japan seem to be Japanese attacking other Japanese strangely, such as the subway gas bombings and recent knife attacks and guys driving cars into crowded pedestrian areas. I believe that in general, Japan is a very xenophobic society, but some Japanese woman have a voracious appetitie for having sex with foreign or gajin men, particularly those who resemble Japanimation characters.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
language barriers is not xenophobia and racism and Japan has everyright to fingerprint anybody entering the country they are a sovereign independent nation
Japan is still a defeated, occupied nation, because of their atrocious military murderous past, as they raped much of Asia, similar to the same reasons why Germany is still occupied. Japan lost the war, and had democracy forced on them, which they may forgive but they definitely do not forget. This fingerprinting of foreigners is part of the pre-1945 mentality that the Japanese have of delusions of superiority above all who are not Japanese. I believe that if the military occupation of Japan or Germany were to end, both nations would quickly build up arms, and history would repeat itself. Perhaps my post should not be in this section as I am getting off topic, as this post was supposed to be pertaining to how to nail Japanese pussy in Japan, which is as I said not so difficult for foreigners who look like Japanimation characters.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Japan is still a defeated, occupied nation, because of their atrocious military murderous past, as they raped much of Asia, similar to the same reasons why Germany is still occupied. Japan lost the war, and had democracy forced on them, which they may forgive but they definitely do not forget. This fingerprinting of foreigners is part of the pre-1945 mentality that the Japanese have of delusions of superiority above all who are not Japanese. I believe that if the military occupation of Japan or Germany were to end, both nations would quickly build up arms, and history would repeat itself. Perhaps my post should not be in this section as I am getting off topic, as this post was supposed to be pertaining to how to nail Japanese pussy in Japan, which is as I said not so difficult for foreigners who look like Japanimation characters.
why are you still playing the race card? nobody is dragging you to Japan and forcing you to get fingerprinted. this has nothing to do with a superiority mentality They started fingerprinted back in 2007 why would they wait 60 years after WW2 if they have this superior mentality? Japan is a soveriegn nation and have every right to make rules for entry and with this kind of angry attitude how do you expect Japanese women or any other non-japanese women to be with an angry racebaiter?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
why are you still playing the race card? nobody is dragging you to Japan and forcing you to get fingerprinted. this has nothing to do with a superiority mentality They started fingerprinted back in 2007 why would they wait 60 years after WW2 if they have this superior mentality? Japan is a soveriegn nation and have every right to make rules for entry and with this kind of angry attitude how do you expect Japanese women or any other non-japanese women to be with an angry racebaiter?
Japan was forced to sign the Potsdam Declaration and is therefore not a sovereign nation, but it is a beautiful country with amazing history, unique cultural, extraordinary manufacturing prowess, and last but not least, alluring women, a place that one day I would like to tour, fingerprinting or not.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Japan was forced to sign the Potsdam Declaration and is therefore not a sovereign nation,
It's astonishing to think that you could be out, using the subway, just like a normal person.


Sep 2, 2009
Japan fingerprints all those who are foreigners and 16 years of age and above at the time of entering the country because of supposed threats of terrorism and the perception that foreigners commit crimes. This appeals to the right wing factions in Japan who advocate the American military occupation withdrawl and the right for Japan to have their own army. Acts of terrorism in Japan seem to be Japanese attacking other Japanese strangely, such as the subway gas bombings and recent knife attacks and guys driving cars into crowded pedestrian areas. I believe that in general, Japan is a very xenophobic society, but some Japanese woman have a voracious appetitie for having sex with foreign or gajin men, particularly those who resemble Japanimation characters.
when was that happening? I was in Japan last year, didn't fingerprint me.

i am one

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2002
There are a lot of errors and FUD in this thread.

- Japan has been fingerprinting and photographing foreigners entering the country since November 2007. It's not obvious, but the agent does it right at the immigration booth. I was recorded last year when I was there.

- Japan isn't xenophobic (but mainland China definitely is), they're self-conscious. A LOT of Japanese people enjoy traveling to other countries, but Japanese culture does think about their self-image a lot which often gets misinterpreted as being perhaps racist or anti-American.

- The idea that you still think that Japanese women will all flock to you because you're a foreigner is laughable. You're obviously a sex tourist. Don't deny it. This immature belief only reinforces stereotypes and makes you look like a fool. Your chances with a Japanese girl depends on your personality just like anyone else there.

- It's definitely true that Japan isn't foreigner friendly when it comes to mongering and punting. And even if you're fluent in Japanese they would have reservations about letting you in. I have no idea why. You have to ask yourself if it's really worth your trouble just to get your rocks off when nobody wants to entertain you. If you do get in, prices are about $300/hr CAN.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
There are a lot of errors and FUD in this thread.

- Japan has been fingerprinting and photographing foreigners entering the country since November 2007. It's not obvious, but the agent does it right at the immigration booth. I was recorded last year when I was there.

- Japan isn't xenophobic (but mainland China definitely is), they're self-conscious. A LOT of Japanese people enjoy traveling to other countries, but Japanese culture does think about their self-image a lot which often gets misinterpreted as being perhaps racist or anti-American.

- The idea that you still think that Japanese women will all flock to you because you're a foreigner is laughable. You're obviously a sex tourist. Don't deny it. This immature belief only reinforces stereotypes and makes you look like a fool. Your chances with a Japanese girl depends on your personality just like anyone else there.

- It's definitely true that Japan isn't foreigner friendly when it comes to mongering and punting. And even if you're fluent in Japanese they would have reservations about letting you in. I have no idea why. You have to ask yourself if it's really worth your trouble just to get your rocks off when nobody wants to entertain you. If you do get in, prices are about $300/hr CAN.
Japan is a beautiful and unique place to visit as a tourist, and in tourist venues, the atmosphere is anything but xenophobic as the workers are in the hospitality industry. But outside of the tourist industry and particular in the sex trade, the society is xenophobic, and they are likely lots of sex workers in Japan from China, Korea and Philipines catering to the sex tourist, and these sex worker often claim to be Japanese, as it is difficult for non-Japanese to gain entrance, to places were Japanese sex workers are to be found. This is a separate issue from civilian Japanese woman who have a fetish for foreigners, this phenomenon may have died down, but it still exists, and is part of the reason why many Japanese young women, often those who couldn't get into university in Japan, head for N. America to learn English and have a good time for a year as ESL students.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
I got lucky in Tokyo years ago. ... met up with Japanese snowboarder i met in Jackson Hole .... he introduced me to everyone as his brother and it was easy .... best thing is to meet or get introduced to someone from there... Asia is all about who you know.


New member
Sep 4, 2004
Are you Asian Canadian? I kinda resemble Bubbles, do you think the girls would believe I was his brother?? :)


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
The only people that are normal are the ones that you do not know well.
Wow. Like...."mystical" man. don't want to ruin your moment, but for my sake, would you mind if we add, "knows Japan is a sovereign country", to the list of criteria that qualifies you for "normal"?


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Don't be silly. Your chances are about the same as they are with a comparably hot girl here. If you have enough money, looks, charm or combination thereof, then your chances are about the same with a Japanese as any other girl.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
language barriers is not xenophobia and racism and Japan has everyright to fingerprint anybody entering the country they are a sovereign independent nation
Funny, when the USA started fingerprinting visitors and asking for passports at the border we (Canadians) and others were calling them "Fortress America" and accusing them of xenophobia.
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