How the fuck does the outfied ump in the Yanks-Twins game not make that call properly. He is 15 feet from the play, and ball lands a good foot inside the line. It wasn't even close.
I can understand being wrong on bang/bang plays. And in some sports there is alot of judgment involved that is easily and unfairly criticized.
But this was... this was ridiculous. Easily the worst call I have seen all year.
Mauer ultimately got a single instead of a double.... lets hope that does not cost the Twins. The Yanks don't need a break.
Now with another hit, Mauer may have scored or at least been at third with none out. Now he is at second which is a completely different situation.
I can understand being wrong on bang/bang plays. And in some sports there is alot of judgment involved that is easily and unfairly criticized.
But this was... this was ridiculous. Easily the worst call I have seen all year.
Mauer ultimately got a single instead of a double.... lets hope that does not cost the Twins. The Yanks don't need a break.
Now with another hit, Mauer may have scored or at least been at third with none out. Now he is at second which is a completely different situation.