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RU afraid of H1N1?


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002


Mar 31, 2009
Here is another thing to worry about. In an unpublished report, a study has shown that people who got the regular seasonal flu shot last year are twice as likely to catch the swine flu this year.


Jun 6, 2009
CNN's medical guru Sanjay Gupta caught H1N1 while in Afghanistan.He said it was like a very bad flu, nausea, vomiting, chills/fever (102°F), and the doctors just gave him fluids and he rested a lot. He knew it was serious when he had chills and it was 105°F outside.

They didn't even test him for it, as they said it wouldn't make a difference in their treatment. The test afterwards showed he had anti bodies for it and that's what told them what he had. He's now protected against this strain of H1N1 but by next year there'll be a new strain probably.

It's more likely that someone will contract one of the other doozie flus and not H1N1.
Here is another thing to worry about. In an unpublished report, a study has shown that people who got the regular seasonal flu shot last year are twice as likely to catch the swine flu this year.
Thanks for the heads up... but I'm still not worried in the least. I have never had a flu shot and can't remember the last time I had the flu... (I think I was a teenager...)

I heard another report that says the flu shot actually PREVENTS the body from building its own immunity for such things....

IMHO: Flu shot= BULLSHIT! :rolleyes:


Jun 6, 2009
Here is another thing to worry about. In an unpublished report, a study has shown that people who got the regular seasonal flu shot last year are twice as likely to catch the swine flu this year.
They are lot of peer reviews really questioning those findings/conclusions, so the jury is still out.


Mar 31, 2009
Apparently, younger people are at greater risk of contracting swine flu because their immume system have not fully developed. Watch the younger people in your family very closely.


AKA Hanna
Mar 3, 2009

I've got it right now, and let me tell you that it absolutely sucks! Luckily, I've gotten my tamiflu within 48 hrs of the onset of symptoms and I'm on day four with no end in sight. I've never been so sick in all my life...


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Worried? not really.... as far as I can see the "swine flu" falls into the same category as SARS, avian flu, killer bee swarms, global warming.....

Sure they all exist and have consequences, but no where near as severe as the news media would have us believe. They wish to scare us in order to sell more papers and advertisements.

Will I get a regular flu shot? Probably if I'm in the right place at the right time to get one, but won't go out of my way to get one.

Will I get a swine flu shot? Nope. They're rushing it into production way too fast for my liking.

I have no problems with my immune system and don't work in a field that causes me to interact with hordes of people.


Hype hype hype is all most of this is.... As far as I'm concerned until I personally see bad consequences with my own eyes the media & our keepers have lost ALL credibility...

I did shift a lot of my stocks into pharma companies once I heard about this though... might as well jump in & let the sheeple fatten my bottom line too ....

Most of my family & friends live in relatively sparse areas & almost none of us have to be in crowded situations if we don't want to. We can pretty much cut ourselves off from contact with the general population the second trouble starts & even keep earning. We're healthy & practice good hygeine. Odds are very much in our favour that even so I don't see the big deal even if it does go all plaguey.... I'm hoping it hits the 3rd world & our slums like the fist of an angry god actually....
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