TPS Gun Seizure


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
I saw on TV that Toronto police seized a bunch of guns, news conference later today. There was some scary stuff in there, assault rifles and .50 caliber sniper rifles!

Nobody needs that kind of hardware in their house. If it was gangs, even worse! There were some pretty new, expensive looking guns in there!


New member
Oct 28, 2006
You forgot to put the cover sheet on your TPS report! :p (Office Space reference)

But anyways, some people, especially in the US, will argue that they need all these high power guns, in case the government needs to be overthrown.

Yeah, right.

So anyone with that kind of arsenal, you gotta wonder what they're up to.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Over throwing Washington is a joke now of days. Just one jet bomber could wipe out how many tens of thousand people.

What happens to those guns / guess they could send them down here to the USA and sell them :(


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Their is some justification for people who hunt to have their rifles and shot guns.
Assualt rifles ie AK47's etc are by no way shape or form hunting rifles. And a BArrett sniper rifle is interesting, I don't beleive it is on the restricted weapons list. ( the list restricts weapons based on magazine size type of operation and overall size) I supose that a case could be made that he wants to hunt deer in Manitoba from the the Sault .

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Their is some justification for people who hunt to have their rifles and shot guns.
Assualt rifles ie AK47's etc are by no way shape or form hunting rifles. And a BArrett sniper rifle is interesting, I don't beleive it is on the restricted weapons list. ( the list restricts weapons based on magazine size type of operation and overall size) I supose that a case could be made that he wants to hunt deer in Manitoba from the the Sault .
Great last line!!


New member
Feb 28, 2007
people shoot .50 cals everyday in Ontario.
I don't doubt that you are correct, people shoot for fun and to hunt. I have never been unaware of that fact. The issue is the actuall use that the tools( guns) are being used for.

If you want to spend a couple of grand( probably more I did not check) on a Murfeesboro .50 feel free use it responsibly and secure it properly. Beyond that I really don't care what anybody does with their free time.
Toronto Escorts