Seduction Spa

What is best advice when condom comes off?

James Bond

Sep 14, 2009
I visited a nice young SP the other day and had a very good time. The mish finish seemed exceptional until we both realized at pull out time that the condom was long gone and I had shot the load inside her unprotected. We were both surprised since neither had realized it. I had to go in after the condom and fished it out. She went to the bathroom and did woman stuff that I left to her, I assume some douche and a pee. I advised her to get the morning after pill the next day.

Anything else that should be done in your experience ladies or gents? Do most SPs use the pill as back up for such situations?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, not to be mean about it but I think you were extremely irresponsible in not paying attention. I know with prolonged sessions the condom does get slippery and when that happens to me, I change it out for a fresh one.

Just remember one thing: you just exposed yourself to every guy she slept with for the past year(s).......


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Just curious, how does this happen? It's never happened to me. Is it becuase one uses a condom too big for them, or do you just shrivel up for some reason, or ??????


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, I don't use one that's too big, that'd be like taking a bath with your socks on lol...I find it happens with extended sessions and I produce what seems to me to be a LOT of precum. Couple that with the interior lubricant that many condoms have and you have the means for a slippery mess.

I used to see my ATF regularly and she'd get extremely wet and so would I. I switched to unlubricated condoms and that took care of the problem. (which is why I wrote in a previous thread how I don't like lube on the inside of the condom).

I think this is a major cause of breakage too. I know with prolonged action the lube and precum works its way down the shaft....especially if she's rather snug.

You see this sometimes in porn too even with their monster dicks. I can't tell you how many times you see the guy pull out and it looks like about 3" of condom loosly flapping on the end of his dick....

James Bond

Sep 14, 2009
Must have been lube + wetness

Just curious, how does this happen? It's never happened to me. Is it becuase one uses a condom too big for them, or do you just shrivel up for some reason, or ??????
I am a pretty big fellow down there and she was very tiny. Maybe the smallest girl I have ever seen, due to this she did stop for extra lube half way through and this might have contributed. I was fully hard at the beginning and the condom was tight. I was still fully hard at the end.
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This happened to me when I was 17 yrs old! I remember it like it was yesterday! It didn't so much as "come off" as break inside her... Scared the crap outta both of us for weeks!!!! Of course this was before "AIDS" was invented and we were both virgins when we started having "relations" so we weren't at all worried about STD's, but were scared shitless about pregnancy! AND, there was no such thing as a "morning after pill" either!

She went to see her doctor about getting BC pills shortly after this... :eek:


find me lurking
Sep 18, 2009
Here, there and everywhere.
I too have had this happen to me although it was in my personal life and not with an SP. I was a little scared but like you I suggested the morning after pill. Get yourself tested in three months then again in six.

I might suggest bringing your own covers. Find one that fits well and you trust. Pull out every once in a while to check the cover situation.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I am a pretty big fellow down there and she was very tiny. Maybe the smallest girl I have ever seen, due to this she did stop for extra lube half way through and this might have contributed. I was fully hard at the beginning and the condom was tight. I was still fully hard at the end.
well, her being tight probably forced the lube down the condom and off it came. I still can't understand why anyone would want it slipping and sliding all over the damn place........
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Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Same thing has happened to me in my personal life a number of times.

Don't expect that SP's are automatically on the pill. I know some girls that don't use it for a number of health reasons.

You should get yourself checked for an STD, and again in two or three months, just to be safe.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I still can't understand why anyone would want it slipping and sliding all over the damn place........
Don't you have a brain in the little head? This is what happens in a state of euphoria, the little head takes over from the big head and you only realize after when the big head takes over again. :D

I must be fortunate, I always have the condom on after pull out as I'm still hard after the deed is done.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Don't you have a brain in the little head? This is what happens in a state of euphoria, the little head takes over from the big head and you only realize after when the big head takes over again. :D

I must be fortunate, I always have the condom on after pull out as I'm still hard after the deed is done.

yeah me too. There was a thread on here where some were mentioning the instant deflation after the not that I have a LOT of experience with other guy's mating habits and the state of their johnson but was a little surprised........


Jan 31, 2005
I visited a nice young SP the other day and had a very good time. The mish finish seemed exceptional until we both realized at pull out time that the condom was long gone and I had shot the load inside her unprotected. We were both surprised since neither had realized it. I had to go in after the condom and fished it out. She went to the bathroom and did woman stuff that I left to her, I assume some douche and a pee. I advised her to get the morning after pill the next day.

Anything else that should be done in your experience ladies or gents? Do most SPs use the pill as back up for such situations?
Book an appointment with an RESP specialist.


Pop Rock Kid
If the condom breaks or comes off while being with an SP the best thing to do to avoid STDs is just to cut off your penis. :rolleyes:

Ok really, just look for symptoms of an STD/STI and relax if there aren't any. Get yourself checked if something turns up. You can get an idea of the possible problem from the following

Condoms break very easily if they get a nick in them. This can happen if the lady (or yourself) has sharp or long nails, just be careful in the future.

I'm sure the lady took care of herself with the morning after pill.



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Chances are if you and she are both conscientious about condom usage, and this incident was unusual for both of you, you are at low risk for STD. Just the same, don't panic but get a test next week, and avoid any and all unprotected contact until the results are in.

And don't despair. It happens to the best of us. It doesnt mean the condom is too big. Only a grade A asshole would suggest that. Just means your activity was vigorous. It happened to me before, so now I check mine from time to time just to be safe. Hope this helps.
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