Club Dynasty

WTF happened to Kim Kardashian's ASS ?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Now that is a hot woman, way better looking now, too bad what's upstairs dídn't change, but her bod is a classic now.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
First of all there is no way her weight loss is due to the diet product she promotes. not FDA approved..sounds dangerous....removes water / gi bulk (whatever that means) ...could be as benign as a fiber pill...or a more dangerous drug with diuretic properties....
Second of all,
as far as her looks. I am sure she is an attactive lady. however what we see here is a enhanced, almost factitious representation of her true beauty.
If i had a team working on me and thousands of dollars ..i am sure I...a guy...could be made into an attractive lady....(not that i look feminine or anything)..the point is that the whole celeb persona is a fantasy created by money, time and focus. somewhat unrealistic for the majority.

you should see her without make-up.

not a good message for the impressionable kids and adults out there.
Exactly. But I still see young women everywhere that are so done up that they seem to think they're on a red carpet. They have to understand that there's a LOT of work involved in creating that fantasy celebrity beauty image. I personally think it's a shame when I see teenage girls with the hair extensions, fake lashes, fake nails, tons of makeup, teeth bleached so white that they probably glow in the dark all because that's the image they see everywhere in the media and on 'reality' t.v. shows. :-( When I was that age I just wore lip gloss and maybe a little mascara, LOL. Don't get me started on teenagers getting breast implants...their bodies aren't even finsihed developing yet. I don't even know how some of these girls can afford all that stuff?

I have a 9 year old female relative and she's already very interested in looking 'pretty'. When I was 9, that was the furthest thing from my mind!

Anyway, I've totally veered off topic in my rant.:p I don't think her ass shrunk so much naturally. I agree with another poster who said it'd probably be the last thing to go if she lost weight.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
All I can say is: whatever she did, thank GOD.....she no longer needs her thongs made by omar the tentmaker and her full backs no longer need a backup beeper.......
She didn't have junk in the trunk she had the WHOLE DAMM JUNKYARD back there!


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I have been out of the loop on this woman.
What does she do for a living?
Is she like Paris Hilton.?
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