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Kanye West is a Jerk


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Kanye has no class. End of story. It doesn't matter whether you love or hate his music.

Taylor Swift sings boring contrived teen soft rock garbage that is considered "country music" today, but people eat it up. Really no different from hacks like Nickelback who are extremely famous, for reasons I can't comprehend. Fifteen years ago, their mediocre skills wouldn't have gotten them a record contract. But it is what it is.

Who over the age of 30 watches the "MTV Awards"? lol. I'm hearing this shit on all boards and on news networks, so I decided to watch the clip.

50 Cent? Not that it matters to the original discussion, but Kanye does outsell 50, and Taylor Swift, not due to the colour of his fans. Ever think that hip-hop is just more popular than country in the demographic that generates the lion-share of record sales?
50 cent has sold more records than Kanye.

Taylor Swift only has two albums to Kanye's 4 albums. If she releases two more albums that sell as well as her first two, she will have sold comparably to Kanye.

I don't follow country, or new music in general, but there is a huge fan base for Taylor Swift. I don't know why, maybe because she's pretty (I'd love to fuck her). Maybe there is a segment of rednecks in the US that think she's the best thing since the Beatles. Who knows? Fact is, she sells.

Frank Fingers

Jun 6, 2009
What Kanye did is RACIST - pure and simple !
Even though he is black and Taylor Swift is white, I don't think it was racism. I think it was him favoring his close friend Jay-Z's wife more than anything. In the end, the guy was a total idiot.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
he's got a track record of doing this kind of shit. The backlash has nothing to do with his skin colour for the majority of people.
I believe you're seeing it as more of a racial issue than most of the replys I've read.

Obama called him a jackass, but that's ok because he's got the same skin colour?

The guy is just a dick , there's no other way to say it nicely.
You quote me and miss the last thing I said. You name Obama, and act as if I applauded Kanye. I'm not talking about Kanye, but the comments that people use to denounce ALL 'rappers' by pairing him with 50 (who I'm not a huge fan of) a guy who graciously did: is wrong. Why slag hip hop? Why use the word 'gangsta'? You attach those words, which have meanings, and the conversation gets away from Kanye. The guy can't even profess to be 'one' (if their is a meaning). Find a single post where I said that I condoned his actions? Quoting is cool, but at least refer to the entire quote.

Taken from this thread:
there's black people, then there's ......
We can only hope that stuff like this is enough to convince some of the younger generation that they don't want to all grow up to be JRock style hood rats.
which "N" is Kanye?
Who is Kanye West? Can't recall any hit song of his.....and 'rap crap' isn't music....
I didn't watch the MVA's and K. West is hardly on my radar as "talent", but with all the "brew ha ha" over this, I decided to check it out on youtube....

At the risk of opening a can of worms... & I am never one to use the "n" word, but I have to say, the word did enter my mind when I saw what this douchebag did to that poor girl!

I won't even add what I've already quoted.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
What Kanye did is RACIST - pure and simple !
It probably was. His history surely supports that. But why is what Kanye did reflective of an entire genre?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
What Kanye did is RACIST - pure and simple !
No, he is obviously a fan of Beyonce and not a fan of Swift (unless he is a closet country music fan). And his buzzed/drunken state only increased his attitude and he jumped up there and opened his big mouth.

He's insulted many people... black or white (remember his verbal war with 50?). The problem is not race.. it's EGO.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
You quote me and miss the last thing I said. You name Obama, and act as if I applauded Kanye. I'm not talking about Kanye, but the comments that people use to denounce ALL 'rappers' by pairing him with 50 (who I'm not a huge fan of) a guy who graciously did: is wrong. Why slag hip hop? Why use the word 'gangsta'? You attach those words, which have meanings, and the conversation gets away from Kanye. The guy can't even profess to be 'one' (if their is a meaning). Find a single post where I said that I condoned his actions? Quoting is cool, but at least refer to the entire quote.

Taken from this thread:

I won't even add what I've already quoted.

I didn't say you condoned his actions. I'm saying KANYE WEST is a dick , that's all.

and , I don't think its a matter of skin colour. If it was a white guy doing that shit he'd be a dick too. but the way you're painting it , he's getting a bad rap because just because he's black.

as far as this quote

"there's black people, then there's ......"

the original poster can correct me if I'm wrong , but I think he's quoting the standup comedy of Chris Rock

at least that's the way I saw it.

and the reason I didn't breakdown each line is because I didn't know how, I just hit the quote button and it quotes the whole post.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Some people are even speculating that this was all planned to boost the number of viewers on MTV, and also album sales of both Kanye and Taylor Swift.
I very much doubt it was planned. But I do know that I never heard of Taylor Swift before so she definitely got some good publicity out of this. And she ended up coming out very sympathetic and seemed to have handled it as well as a 19 yr old could so all in all she got an image boost out of it which may translate into more sales. Everyone knows Beyonce and she got an image boost out of it too as she came across as very gracious (even thought it was her father who arranged for Swift to come up at the end). As for Kayne... he got more publicity. He might lose a few fans but overall I'd say that he won't suffer too much in terms of album sales.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
It probably was. His history surely supports that. But why is what Kanye did reflective of an entire genre?
again , the OP can correct me if I'm wrong.

I do think he was just trying to provoke a response.

I don't find what West did to be racist at all( he's just an asshole) , it just happened to be a white girl.
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