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Kanye West is a Jerk


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Here we go.....

I see all the 'rap fans' have come out to slag on Kanye and his music with promises to 'never buy his albums again'. When did you all start. As usual when certain entertainers (athletes included) do something that offends certain people they divert from the initial conversation and make generalizations about 'rappers' (who even calls them 'rappers' anymore?) and 'rap' music. I love Kanye's music, but have no problem in saying that what he did showed no class. I like that he's cocky, but I dislike that his cockiness has no respect for others. He does not represent 'hip hop'. To call him or Beyonce 'thiefts' is unfounded and uncalled for. This continuous tirade from a bunch of people who have no interest in him or his music, until he does something controversial, makes me wonder where those feelings are based. Same thing happened with MJ. Conversation of his passing, was 'hijacked' by posters with childish one liners that were off topic. I'd bet the farm that the same posters, and attitudes, would be found on both threads.

I'm not a big fan of rock/punk/grunge music (I do like some), but when talk of groups/genres that have no interest to me are being discussed, I don't feel the need to jump in with comments to remind everyone how much I dislike their work; on, or off topic. Therefore, I suggest that it would behoove you to show the respect for 'hip hop', 'rappers' (who calls them that anyway?), and Beyonce, that you apparently expect from Mr West.
Last edited:
Sep 13, 2009
He was on the Leno show crying crocodile tears, he is just trying to save his ass and $$$$$.


a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
I see all the 'rap fans' have come out to slag on Kanye and his music with promises to 'never buy his albums again'. When did you all start. As usual when certain entertainers (athletes included) do something that offends certain people they divert from the initial conversation and make generalizations about 'rappers' (who even calls them 'rappers' anymore?) and 'rap' music. I love Kanye's music, but have no problem in saying that what he did showed no class. I like that he's cocky, but I dislike that his cockiness has no respect for others. He does not represent 'hip hop'. To call him or Beyonce 'thiefts' is unfounded and uncalled for. This continuous tirade from a bunch of people who have no interest in him or his music, until he does something controversial, makes me wonder where those feelings are based. Same thing happened with MJ. Conversation of his passing, was 'hijacked' by posters with childish one liners that were off topic. I'd bet the farm that the same posters, and attitudes, would be found on both threads.

I'm not a big fan of rock/punk/grunge music (I do like some), but when talk of groups/genres that have no interest to me are being discussed, I don't feel the need to jump in with comments to remind everyone how much I dislike their work; on, or off topic. Therefore, I suggest that it would behoove you to show the respect for 'hip hop', 'rappers' (who calls them that anyway?), and Beyonce, that you apparently expect from Mr West.
I understand what you are saying and I agree with you. His genre of music, (which I happen to like), has nothing to do with the fact that he is an asshat.


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Greatest thing that ever happened to this Taylor girl. Seriously, you can't buy that kind of advertising and promotion. She'll be thanking him soon.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I like that he's cocky
Not me, he should learn some humility, it will work wonders for him.

I never liked his music, never bought his music and never will. It's not about that, it's about his dumb, rude, ill mannered, and bad temper that he demonstrates on a consistent basis. He clearly has no class, uneducated, and an arrogant SOB.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Not me, he should learn some humility, it will work wonders for him.

I never liked his music, never bought his music and never will. It's not about that, it's about his dumb, rude, ill mannered, and bad temper that he demonstrates on a consistent basis. He clearly has no class, uneducated, and an arrogant SOB.
Nothing wrong with being cocky; provided that you respect that others may be better than you sometimes (which in reality is most times). Note: I use cocky and confident interchangeably, however, his cockiness has obviously crossed the line when he's 'throwing weight' in 'a fight' that is none of his business.

Kanye = Jerk

It's part of hip-hop. You have to say you're the best. Granted, they all say it and most are 'ring-tone-artists'. But that is true in many genres today. Oasis said it. Elivis believed it. I hope that all other bands/artists/groups believe that too. Don't aim to finish second, but if you do, accept it.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Some people are even speculating that this was all planned to boost the number of viewers on MTV, and also album sales of both Kanye and Taylor Swift.
... it did cross my mind that the whole incident could have been planned until I watched the clip a few times.

Kanye's a drunken dick.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Someone needs to stop this man before he throws a live turkey from a helicopter.

Obvious publicity stunt is obvious.

And it worked; people are talking about the VMAs.

Taylor Swift and Beyonce were probably in on it.
I didn't watch the MVA's and K. West is hardly on my radar as "talent", but with all the "brew ha ha" over this, I decided to check it out on youtube....

At the risk of opening a can of worms... & I am never one to use the "n" word, but I have to say, the word did enter my mind when I saw what this douchebag did to that poor girl!



Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Nothing wrong with being cocky; provided that you respect that others may be better than you sometimes (which in reality is most times).

Kanye = Jerk

It's part of hip-hop. You have to say you're the best. Granted, they all say it and most are 'ring-tone-artists'. But that is true in many genres today. Oasis said it. Elivis believed it. I hope that all other bands/artists/groups believe that too. Don't aim to finish second, but if you do, accept it.
I know all superstars in their field think they are the best, it's part of what makes them the best, but why do they have to show it externally and show their arrogance??

As you said Elvis believed it, Gretzky believed it, Mick Jagger believes it, Federer believes it, Tiger Woods believes it, Pink believes it, Beyonce believes it, and on and on and on.........

I don't see these guys and gals being cocky, they show their greatness by performing to the best of their abilities every time, their greatness shows through, they don't have to be cocky. Kanye just needs some help, he has problems.
Admittedly I have not followed this story, nor have I read this whole thread.

I can say that for all his antics, he fucked up big time with one. This looks like the big bad black man attacked the poor little white country girl. Or at least that is the spin that will happen.

Kanya has or at least had alot of white fans and while I am not and do not see this as a racial issue, others will and his sales will suffer for it.

He is not gangster enough to beat out 50 cent, and now he can't hang with the white folks because he crumbled this moment for the white American Sweet Heart.

He is like the Tboy of the music world. Only his opinion matters. So we all know where Kanya will end up in the eyes of the people.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Admittedly I have not followed this story, nor have I read this whole thread.

I can say that for all his antics, he fucked up big time with one. This looks like the big bad black man attacked the poor little white country girl. Or at least that is the spin that will happen.

Kanya has or at least had alot of white fans and while I am not and do not see this as a racial issue, others will and his sales will suffer for it.

He is not gangster enough to beat out 50 cent, and now he can't hang with the white folks because he crumbled this moment for the white American Sweet Heart.

He is like the Tboy of the music world. Only his opinion matters. So we all know where Kanya will end up in the eyes of the people.
50 Cent? Why bring him up? I'll tell you why; 'cause many (not just here) who don't follow the music simply lump them all together. Black is black. People will say all their 'PC' comments to deflect where/why the majority of the backlash emanates from, but skin is a big factor. Last week the President was heckled during his speech and nary a word was said around here (yes, I followed the TERB thread); but Kanye pulls a classless act and everyone piles on; adds names that have nothing to do with Kanye; and one goes as far as thinking (and typing) 'N' word. Say what you all want, but the fact that people contextualize one tennis player, who is famous for his outbursts, and demonize another, who is more famous for her play, shows a ton.

50 Cent? Not that it matters to the original discussion, but Kanye does outsell 50, and Taylor Swift, not due to the colour of his fans. Ever think that hip-hop is just more popular than country in the demographic that generates the lion-share of record sales?
50 Cent? Why bring him up? I'll tell you why; 'cause many (not just here) who don't follow the music simply lump them all together. Black is black. People will say all their 'PC' comments to deflect where/why the majority of the backlash emanates from, but skin is a big factor. Last week the President was heckled during his speech and nary a word was said around here (yes, I followed the TERB thread); but Kanye pulls a classless act and everyone piles on; adds names that have nothing to do with Kanye; and one goes as far as thinking (and typing) 'N' word. Say what you all want, but the fact that people contextualize one tennis player, who is famous for his outbursts, and demonize another, who is more famous for her play, shows a ton.

50 Cent? Not that it matters to the original discussion, but Kanye does outsell 50, and Taylor Swift, not due to the colour of his fans. Ever think that hip-hop is just more popular than country in the demographic that generates the lion-share of record sales?
REGARDLESS, of what Mr. West has done in the past, what he did to Miss Swift the other night was a classless, rude and disgusting display of arrogance on his part with absolutely no regard for the girl on stage at the time. If instead of Mr. West IF it was say... Eminem or Justin Timberlake, there would have been just as big a stink over that. The colour of his skin has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
REGARDLESS, of what Mr. West has done in the past, what he did to Miss Swift the other night was a classless, rude and disgusting display of arrogance on his part with absolutely no regard for the girl on stage at the time. If instead of Mr. West IF it was say... Eminem or Justin Timberlake, there would have been just as big a stink over that. The colour of his skin has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:
I agree that it was a classless move. I just can't believe that if it were Eminem or Justin (Super Bowl anybody?), that the amount of backlash would be the same. While few of the posts throughout this thread explicitly state that, references to 'rappers' and the fact that he'll loose his 'white fans' certainly say something. All 'rappers' are not like him. Do they all rush the stage when they loose? Why make him an example? Why is he gonna loose all of his 'white' fans? Don't others have the same level of standards of conduct as they do? Comments like that racialize the outburst, by pitting 'our Taylor' versus 'their Kanye'. Add that to hip-hop's poster-boy-for-all-the-wrong-reasons, 50 Cent, and you see where the conversation is heading. Call it what you want, but because it wasn't explicitly said, let's not forget the undertone.

And Kanye is still a jerk; talented, but a jerk.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Kayne is only slightly taller than Mike Myers. That takes him out of the midget range and puts him in the Tom Cruise height category.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
I agree that it was a classless move. I just can't believe that if it were Eminem or Justin (Super Bowl anybody?), that the amount of backlash would be the same. While few of the posts throughout this thread explicitly state that, references to 'rappers' and the fact that he'll loose his 'white fans' certainly say something. All 'rappers' are not like him. Do they all rush the stage when they loose? Why make him an example? Why is he gonna loose all of his 'white' fans? Don't others have the same level of standards of conduct as they do? Comments like that racialize the outburst, by pitting 'our Taylor' versus 'their Kanye'. Add that to hip-hop's poster-boy-for-all-the-wrong-reasons, 50 Cent, and you see where the conversation is heading. Call it what you want, but because it wasn't explicitly said, let's not forget the undertone.

And Kanye is still a jerk; talented, but a jerk.
he's got a track record of doing this kind of shit. The backlash has nothing to do with his skin colour for the majority of people.
I believe you're seeing it as more of a racial issue than most of the replys I've read.

Obama called him a jackass, but that's ok because he's got the same skin colour?

The guy is just a dick , there's no other way to say it nicely.
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