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Super cool graphic: What does a trillion dollars look like?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Actually, that brings to mind something that always bothered me about politicians, more so in the US than here: The way they talk about a billion or a trillion dollars like it is nothing.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Quite impressive visuals. Another visual to see how much a trillion dollars is to look at the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan. :eek:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Quite impressive visuals. Another visual to see how much a trillion dollars is to look at the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan. :eek:
The really, really cool graphic would be one citizen standing beside her share of those trillions.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I like the ads with Sean Penn at the moment, giving another visualisation of what we`re spending in certain places and then showing the amount it would take to feed all the hungry children in the US.
It is true though. The "real" issues could be solved with little or no effort as opposed to the politicians spending billions on what they feel are THEIR real issues.

I forget what "package" was being bantered around in the US but it boiled down to all these social programs to "help" the common man. Bill Maher came back with: The politicians don't realize that with that kind of money, they could effectively give each of the recipients $28,000.00 a year. I think it was the food stamp program, welfare, etc for families that were living below the poverty level.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
<Gasp!!> Tboy! How outrageous! help ordinary folks by just giving them money? Straight out? w/ no bureaucratic administration detecting cheats and grudgingly determining need? And saving tax money doing it?!

Why That's Red Pinko Dirty Communism!!

Next thing you'll be proposing a national healthcare plan, just because that's better and cheaper too.

Or admiring Sweden.

And it was our money once.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
<Gasp!!> Tboy! How outrageous! help ordinary folks by just giving them money? Straight out? w/ no bureaucratic administration detecting cheats and grudgingly determining need? And saving tax money doing it?!

Why That's Red Pinko Dirty Communism!!

Next thing you'll be proposing a national healthcare plan, just because that's better and cheaper too.

Or admiring Sweden.

And it was our money once.
I will admit I haven't been following the US healthcare debate but from what I have heard, it is almost as if anything for the good of the people is frowned upon (and labelled socialism).

I was watching a movie recently and the lead character (a very wealthy man) said: Don't kid yourself. Even if they hide it well, the rich are only rich because they figured out a way to screw the poor and middle class. The debate over managed healthcare reminds me of this statement. The politicians who are against it are typically well off and have healthcare. The drug companies are getting rich, the hospitals (many) make a huge profit, and don't even get me started on the insurance companies.

Bill Maher said it best: Private healthcoverage Insurance companies do nothing but take their 30%. Then when someone actually gets sick, they do their best to make sure they don't pay out and if they are forced to, they make your premiums so large that you can't afford it.

He then went on to say: Drug Companies. They make billions and billions in profits, AND get subsidies from the government for research. Making billions off a basic human right like health, it is really socialism or is it just common decency not to rape the sick?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I'd be perfectly content with just one skid please! :D
lol must not comment
must not comment

groan, oh hell.....

Dude, check your bike shorts after a long ride!! I think you'll be pleased


(oh man I just couldn't let that one go!!!!)
"$1,000,000. Believe it or not, this next little pile is a million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it."

I have purse made just for that in clear plastic...fill me up i'll take a walk downtown...lets see what happens lol
Someone will steal your bike.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
"$1,000,000. Believe it or not, this next little pile is a million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it."

I have purse made just for that in clear plastic...fill me up i'll take a walk downtown...lets see what happens lol

Lisa, I thought you kept all your money in your leather saddle bags with piss flaps! :D


New member
Aug 23, 2009
wow, i do not want to think about where the money came from and how it was earned. Why would you even need so much money in life? Wouldn't you just get bored of living if you can just have everything you want just like that? At the expense of other people's lives and misfortunes. The druglords should spend the rest of their waking lives in torture for every single minute until they die a painful death. Similar to junkies on the streets i imagine. One would like to believe in kharma...
Sep 13, 2009
I am sure you have heard of stars out of control and gone on wild lavish spending sprees. Many of them find out that there is no pleasure in buying the best and the most expensive. The thrill goes away after the first or second time. Sometimes the thrill is not acheived and the huge amount of money spent is just a let down. Then there are the wannabees that want to be like the super rich, they have some money but have to spend 532% of their earnings just keeping up to be in the crowd. There was a story out of Montreal just today about a guy that grew up in a rich family that owned a chain of stores. The chain of stores closed 10 - 15 years back because they did not keep up with the times. The measley 5 or 6 million they still had was lost on the stock market melt down a few months ago. This old guy that grew up with everything he wanted tried to blackmail one of his friends for $2 million dollars and was caught. Now at 70 years old plus he is going to prison. Then there is the Conrad Black story, how much better is his life with the embezeled money? How much better did he eat? How many more cars would he have bought?

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