need to make some $$$ tonight - 19


Aug 1, 2009
>I am done. Congrats!! You have left this bitch speechless with your insanity. I >can't even comment anymore.

A SP talking to me about risk of STDs. This is priceless!!

Takes precautions yet again... Please do tell how you know someone is safe enough to have BB as you claim? HIV test? See the results? Sure, did you know that lags 3 months behind? Ever think they may cheat on you?

Your guy wouldn't do that? Oh yeah sure. Ask the guys on here who are all very truthful to the other in their life LOL. BAck in a few dear, going to see the SP. LOL

Where can I find people like this? I guess I know now!!
>I am done. Congrats!! You have left this bitch speechless with your insanity. I >can't even comment anymore.

A SP talking to me about risk of STDs. This is priceless!!

Takes precautions yet again... Please do tell how you know someone is safe enough to have BB as you claim? HIV test? See the results? Sure, did you know that lags 3 months behind? Ever think they may cheat on you?

Your guy wouldn't do that? Oh yeah sure. Ask the guys on here who are all very truthful to the other in their life LOL. BAck in a few dear, going to see the SP. LOL

Where can I find people like this? I guess I know now!!
Hello??? Do you read??? Look at the bolded area.

My children were planned. The man I sleep with now, we took precautions to ensure that we can have safe BB sex and I am sorry but I am not meeting some random guy, knowing him for a week, dating a couple of times and going in for the BB sex right away.I have been out of the business a few years now and never had an STD in my life. I have been pro-active in limiting my risks. You Sir, have not. Not with this girl and apperantly not in your personal life if you will BB a chick after knowing her a week.
As far as my man cheating??? He doesn't have to and he would come up here and say that himself.

As for your risk assessment - you need to go back to school and relearn math! That was a bunch of crap. Every person that BB non pro has been with in the past, you have now as well. So your risk is more then an safe playing SP. Your non-pro is fucking guys in a car on an almost daily basis and most likely more then one a day. :rolleyes:

I love how people are fucking morons and then do everytihng in their power to make themselves look better then anyone else. Or even worse, try to bring all of us down to your low life level.

Nice try hon. You have to wake up a lot easier to try and pull one over on me.

Fucking waste of space, I swear.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
>you prolly have something from that dear SP.. bad odour down there , no >shower , ratty clothes.. please could you please get some sort of clue . you >should really stop your hobby.. its dangerous to all involved .

My dear,

If anyone is a danger here it is you. I will wager a bet that BB with one non-pro, although stupid, is less of a risk of many many partners without precautions..

Think about it. Condoms, 99% effective. As a provider, I assume you have been with over 200 guys. Given those odds you have had unprotected sex with 2 guys, through condom breakage, that you have know for 5 mins. Thats DOUBLE my risk.

Stats are 1 in 4 have had or have an STD. That gives me a 1 in 4 that she had something. 25% thats it.. Where as with those odds, its a garantee you have been with MANY men that HAVE something. Again I prefer my odds.

Check out what you can get from BBBJ, and DFK. You will be with MANY men that have that. Although there is a chance you won't get it, it is many times greater than my chance of this SP not having anything to start with.

The odds of a SP getting something are far greater than the customers, simply because you are with more people, for more contacts, making both that chance you are with someone infected greater, and your chances of contracting it, even with precautions.

Please use your head. And thanks for coming out.

Holy crap you are retarded. I am safe . COnDOMS always. tested every 3 months wether I need it or not.. do some research before you go beaking off.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I think he already understand how stupid he was. It's just people DO NOT WANT to admit in front of the public that he is REALY REALLY STUPID.:D
He probably has a lifestyle of bad decisions and actions that he mitigates in his mind by focusing on what he perceives as the shortcomings of others. He is unlikely to ever have the true awareness to understand how stupid he was and continues to be with his posts on this thread. Kyra Jean has really nailed all of the issues and it has clearly not sunk in. Not one bit. People like BuckRogers who started this thread are usually chronic attention seekers. So it would not be a surprise to see him posting on this thread for days.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
i was expecting the review to end after he bad odour in the genital area. I mean that was stupid. Hope you are ok and for the sake of everyone learn from this adventure. I have been offered a couple of times bbfs, and that made me run for the door... sure maybe i am a bit more paranoid than i should, but i much prefer that then the alternative. Problem is that you will now go to an sp, get a bbbj, and any ghonorhea, siphilis etc... that you MIGHT have got will infect an innocent woman as well. Think about the chain.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Think about it. Condoms, 99% effective. As a provider, I assume you have been with over 200 guys. Given those odds you have had unprotected sex with 2 guys, through condom breakage, that you have know for 5 mins. Thats DOUBLE my risk.
I'm just going to throw this out here: this is not how statistics work. There are going to be many SPs who haven't had a condom break (/=99%), or and SPs with many condom breakages(again, /=99%), usually due to a sketchier or limited choice in the brand that they use. You call it double your risk, but stats can only give an overall impression, or an average of the frequency that an event will occur. The high class/quality SPs will make safer choices and the the lower will make poorer choices, with the stat you get being an average of the good choices (with one or two but the vast majority being none) and the poorer choices, where breakages can be frequent. Allowing for the numbers, one person consistently making poorer choices (5-10 breakages per 100) will skew the answer you're trying to give dramatically. this is real life, not an experiment.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Its pretty funny how Buckrogers was making fun of my post when all I was doing was linking something from somebody on craigslist about sexy lexy.

Then he says this:

"So here is the "truth" from Tjah`s past posts... Clearly its just another BS profile from a 2 bit p..imp or phishing ugly SP that is having a problem getting clients and is obsessed with all the others in the business.

from "Bare? Oh My!

thats gross, at least demand the client bring you a medical before you see them


Honestly whoever you are you are a joke

isn`t that funny how hes contridicting himself on going bare? and isn`t it also funny now HE IS THE ONE WITH THE STD!!

Sniper Zenetti

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Hey guys, new to this board and just checking it out.

I hope all reviews here are like this guys.

Sharing the complete honesty of your experience is refreshing.

Well done sir, thank you.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
This is why I don't do BB anything . . . like it or not . . .

like it or not, and I'm sure you won't, your bb-x providing sp is probably separted by less than 6-degrees from guys taking this kind of risk.

Food for thought people--personally the BBBJ, for example, is just not worth it!


Aug 1, 2009
Problem is that you will now go to an sp, get a bbbj, and any ghonorhea, siphilis etc... that you MIGHT have got will infect an innocent woman as well. Think about the chain.

And the prize goes to the two gentlemen that got that answer correct.

I am still laughing that the 2 SP that are all over me for my self admitted stupid move are offering that same service, and the all you can eat buffet of treats that come with it, claiming they are the next safest thing to holy water.

Try and understand.. Read again, and SLLLOOOOWWWLLYYY. I made a stupid move, you don't need to tell me that. The joke is that you think you are soooo much safer than me. I shouldn't call you (and trust me there was no danger of that for either of you) because I am the only guy who will walk in your door that did someone qestionable.. You are dumb..

You still didn't get it, so read above again....

I do have to commend both of you on your choice of profession. You understood you were lacking between the ears and choose a career path where that would not be an issue.


Pop Rock Kid
There was a serious factor the OP missed.

The majority of the ladies here are very concerned with their cleanliness and health. Most regularly get regular check-ups and hence are safer regardless of the quantity of partners they have had.

This lady was lacking in her appearance and cleanliness so to assume her sexual health is potentially dangerous would be great.

I would also say that ladies picked up in bars that would have BBFS also would make a habit of it.

Nothing is 100% with regards to condoms, but at least the SPs here are making the best possible effort to be a safe as possible. I feel better knowing that a SP i'm with cares about her health, means i'm also safer.



I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA

And the prize goes to the two gentlemen that got that answer correct.

I am still laughing that the 2 SP that are all over me for my self admitted stupid move are offering that same service, and the all you can eat buffet of treats that come with it, claiming they are the next safest thing to holy water.

Try and understand.. Read again, and SLLLOOOOWWWLLYYY. I made a stupid move, you don't need to tell me that. The joke is that you think you are soooo much safer than me. I shouldn't call you (and trust me there was no danger of that for either of you) because I am the only guy who will walk in your door that did someone qestionable.. You are dumb..

You still didn't get it, so read above again....

I do have to commend both of you on your choice of profession. You understood you were lacking between the ears and choose a career path where that would not be an issue.

boofuckingwhooo.. get a life . you are only hurting yourself


Active member
Oct 23, 2004
Is this guy for real?
Honestly im shocked at this post and i hope this guy is just joking and if not he belongs in a mental institution.
First off Hep. C is only transmittable with oral sex if there is blood involved and it is strictly transmitted through blood.
What can we catch from oral sex? Lot of things and all of them with the exception of Herpes can be easily cured.
You know what you can catch with BB sex? HIV and there is no cure for that.
Only a man with down syndrome , like yourself, would actually sit there and try and calculate the odds of him catching HIV from a one time unprotected encounter.
You could have BB sex 100 times and not catch a thing and have it only 1 time and catch HIV.
Are you seriously this stupid?
You know you made a stupid mistake that could easily destroy your life and now you come here on Terb and start this sad/pathetic post accusing us of not being safe in order to make yourself feel better and justify your actions.
At least the majority of us use condoms and do our best to stay safe.
And please GTFO with that condoms can break crap , we all know condoms can break and when a condom break is very easly detectable especially if once in a wile you keep your eyes on it.
I been in this hobby for over 10 years and NEVER had a condom break......... but guess what? I also never had BB sex with a stranger you moron.

"Try and understand.. Read again, and SLLLOOOOWWWLLYYY. I made a stupid move, you don't need to tell me that. The joke is that you think you are soooo much safer than me."

Yes we are........... we use this things called CONDOMS for sex and CONDOMS > NO CONDOMS.
You do realize you had BB sex with a girl you don't even know and according to your review she was dirty to?
What kind of girl would meet guys off CL and have BB sex with them? Did it ever cross your mind that this girl might actually have an STD maybe something serious like HIV?
This is a lesson to all here on terb , anyone that sits there and wonders " how is it pissible that HIV still spreads now days even tough condoms are highly effective?" That is because retarded individuals like Buckrogers69 roam planet earth.

This guy should get banned for his own safety and most important for our safety lol

PS And by the to the comment " I made a stupid mistake" a stupid mistake would be to lock your keys in the car , to forget to lock you door etc.....To have BB service with a stranger in those circumstances is suicide.


Aug 1, 2009
> What can we catch from oral sex? Lot of things and all of them with the >exception of Herpes can be easily cured.

I won't ask how you know that, but I have a feeling its from 1st hand experience.

Love your "safety about all" attitude... Can catch lots of things BUT they are easily cured. LOL

Care to rethink the all SP's are safe comments above boys? This is giving you real insight of what we up against.

Again, Yes I made a stupid mistake. The real test of stupidity is will I make the same sort of mistake again? Putting it in the mouth of a SP like this I think would be my second mistake. Call her back that its burning, her answer, that's alright it can be cured.. Thanks...


Active member
Oct 23, 2004
> What can we catch from oral sex? Lot of things and all of them with the >exception of Herpes can be easily cured.

I won't ask how you know that, but I have a feeling its from 1st hand experience.

Love your "safety about all" attitude... Can catch lots of things BUT they are easily cured. LOL

Care to rethink the all SP's are safe comments above boys? This is giving you real insight of what we up against.

Again, Yes I made a stupid mistake. The real test of stupidity is will I make the same sort of mistake again? Putting it in the mouth of a SP like this I think would be my second mistake. Call her back that its burning, her answer, that's alright it can be cured.. Thanks...
What can we catch from oral sex?

Hepatitis C ( extreme cases)
HPV (risk of throat cancer)
HIV (receptive oral sex lot of discussion on this but not one case with credibility)
Hepatitis B

From personal experience? Do i detect a little sarcasm? Just don't forget i am not the one having BB sex with girls on Cl.
I actually had Chlamydia when i was 17 years old and you know who i got it from?
I got it from a 16 years old high school girl , that's right and there goes your demented theory that regular girls are safer then pros.
Just goes to show you never know.

"Care to rethink the all SP's are safe comments above boys? This is giving you real insight of what we up against."

What we are up against is people like yourself who contribute daily to the spread of STD's.

"Again, Yes I made a stupid mistake. The real test of stupidity is will I make the same sort of mistake again? Putting it in the mouth of a SP like this I think would be my second mistake. Call her back that its burning, her answer, that's alright it can be cured.. Thanks..."

And this makes no sense but I'm not surprised.


Aug 1, 2009
It would make sense if you were a SP. I got the names mixed up. Not that tricky really.

All the concern over me makes me blush. Thanks I'm glad you care so much about my health, but why?

I fail to see how I make any difference to you. If you are concerned because I might see SPs in the feature and that impacts you, I suggest you reconsider the hobby. If you believe there are not guys out there with STDs visiting the providers, then you are sadly mistaken. If you accept that I fail to see how I have any realivence to your life.

Either way, I did what I did. Wrote a review on it. People have stated I was stupid, as if I didn't know that myself and wrote it in my original review. So this is getting repeatative and losing its interest for me.

Please enjoy my next review soon to come.
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