To slap back or not slap back, i.e, the ?

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
I still think the best thing is to tackle the woman and hold her on the floor till she calms down.
That way some measure of her pride is kept intact

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Sammy the Bull said:
I still think the best thing is to tackle the woman and hold her on the floor till she calms down.
That way some measure of her pride is kept intact
In some circumstances I would agree with you, but when there is a second party involved, I think I would rather avoid being kicked in the ribs.

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
a 1 player said:
In some circumstances I would agree with you, but when there is a second party involved, I think I would rather avoid being kicked in the ribs.

In your case the bitch had to be neutralized :D


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
I have met some violent and scary women. Some have hit me but I have never ever hit one back. Really wanted to though.


If it was at a wedding or some social event, I might be in the proper mood to try and resist the temptation to strike back, but it would be damn hard to do so. Otherwise, no way, the days of the 'helpless woman' is long gone.

I used to be old school, but now - no way. Any woman who flat out slapped me (and I was going to say for no good reason, but then again there never WOULD be a good reason to initiate force) would be basically counting on me not responding.

What kind of a friggin woman would do that anyhow? She would be I suppose appealing to the guys chivalry, but the problem is if you do that, you need to play your part too - be a lady. There is a whole 'package' of behaviour that needs to go along with this particular comportment, and it just doesn't exist anymore.

As for the 'men are physically superiour' argument against slapping back - this ain't a real fight.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
a 1 player said:
A true story that happened to me a number of years ago.
You were essentially stuck in place. She threw a couple punches and at least one kick. You hit her back once. She was of a comparable size to you....

Don't see a problem with your actions.

The suggestion of tackling her to the floor is not a good one. She had at least one ally (the guy wanting a new shirt) and you would have been relatively helpless on the floor.

Good thing there were some rational people around you who saw it go down and got you out of there.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
a 1 player said:
Out of nowhere her left fist comes, and she punches me square on the jaw, cutting my lip open, it damn near knocked me out. By the grace of god, I saw the second fist coming towards me, (the girl again), I blocked the punch, but took a kick to the thigh. I then swung back, hitting her cleanly in the teeth, knocking her to the ground, and almost knocking her out.

Was I within my right to protect myself? This was not a slap, rather a repeated attack from a woman who almost matched me in size?
Yes, even as you wrote, this was self defence.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Back Burner said:
The suggestion on the floor is a good one but not reasonable. You react first and think later.
It's only a good idea as it means you don't have to hit a girl so society will frown less upon you.... unless of course she cracks her skull when you take her to the floor...... Throwing yourself to the floor in front of at least one 'hostile' is really poor tactics.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Step back, dial 911, press charges. She will grow up damned fast after that phone call is made and her life is thrown into turmoil by the ensuing legal proceedings.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
CapitalGuy said:
Step back, dial 911, press charges. She will grow up damned fast after that phone call is made and her life is thrown into turmoil by the ensuing legal proceedings.
good advice, except the OP indicated he was pinned in place against a wall.


Happily Retired
Aug 29, 2009
M'kay, for all of those looking at any of these situations as 'it was a girl, so I can't hit her' stop. Gender shouldn't be a deciding factor. Its about size. If a person slaps you, male, female or otherwise you have it within your right to slap back. If a person starts a fight with you, whether or not you defend yourself properly depends on several factors, one of which is size. Gender isn't a factor whatsoever. If you are 5'4" and a girl is 5'7" then her attack is unfairly set against you. So hitting her if she hits first isn't a problem, so long as it is within reason. Obviously if you are only hit once, and go full out and start beating the shit of the person, its unreasonable no matter the gender.
So basically, if I slap most men I fully understand it if they slap me back, because I am taller than most. Also, if someone is stupid enough to hit you, they deserve to get hit back anyways. If they don't they will think it is ok to hit others.
Women are bad for this, as they tend to think that they won't get hit back, because that is what they are told. They are women, they can't get hit by men. Its bullshit.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Serenity_ASA said:
M'kay, for all of those looking at any of these situations as 'it was a girl, so I can't hit her' stop. Gender shouldn't be a deciding factor. Its about size.
100% right... this is how it SHOULD be. Unfortunately - as a general statement - this isn't how it works.

Cops show up at a domestic dispute where blows were exchanged.... bet ya dollars to donuts it's the guy who goes to jail for the night.

A guy complaining about getting hit by a girl (regardless of relative sizes and abilities) is going to get a lot more score and a lot less sympathy than if the sexes were reversed.

So while I agree with you that the gender of the participants shouldn't matter... it would still behoove one not to strike a girl if one is a guy because there are lots of people that don't agree with us on how that works.

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Here's a good example of a girl falsely accusing a man of hitting her:

In North-American culture we have "White Knight Syndrome", where any female victim must be "rescued" and whatever man involved must be totally demonized. Some women are experts at manipulating this, they make false charges and most of the time cops and judges automatically side with the girl, even if the evidence is flimsy.

If it wasnt for video evidence Joe Francis probably would get convicted.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Step back, dial 911, press charges. She will grow up damned fast after that phone call is made and her life is thrown into turmoil by the ensuing legal proceedings.
At first glance, that is sound pragmatic advice for any guy who doesn't want to strike back.

The only problem is if she lies about what happened to the police and you have no witnesses or those witnesses decide to back her up, you're screwed.

Between physical disputes between men and women, police have been trained man = criminal, woman = victim.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Toronto Escorts