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Italy bans "too thin" models


Active member
Aug 23, 2001

Knee-jerk reaction to the anerexia death of that Brazilian model.

My main issue is what they consider "too thin". A BMI of under 18.5. I don't think a BMI of 18 is so gastly skinny that it deserves banning them from being a model. I know that I have a preference for slim girls but IMHO 18.5 is pretty, not sickly. That Brazilian model who died, now that is too thin (13.4). But not 18.5.

Oh yeah, some other girls that are now too skinny to be models in Italy: Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova. Maria is too unhealthy to be a model but healthy enough to win Wimbledon and the U.S. Open. Don't know too many guys who think either girl is too sickly/un-healthy...


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Its good to see they are following in Spain's footsteps.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
xxxstar said:
They should also ban overweight women from modeling. The law must be balance.
Well, no ban is needed because the industry does not prefer overweight models in general.

I just felt that using a BMI value of 18.5 to ban women is pretty harsh. Sounds like a form discrimination to me.

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
Go to a strip club. Is it the ultra skinny girls who are getting ALL the lap dances? No fricken way! Voluptuous girls with the "medium build" who have generous tits and asses are desirable to most men and always will be. Stick thin anorexics with scowls on their faces is not reality, it's out of touch with reality. The fashion world is finally coming out of their stupor and smartening up.


Nov 20, 2006
rick dickulous said:
Go to a strip club. Is it the ultra skinny girls who are getting ALL the lap dances? No fricken way! Voluptuous girls with the "medium build" who have generous tits and asses are desirable to most men and always will be. Stick thin anorexics with scowls on their faces is not reality, it's out of touch with reality. The fashion world is finally coming out of their stupor and smartening up.

But the fashion world is there for fags and chicks. It really doesn't matter what hetro males think. Unless it comes time to assign blame, then it is all our fault.

That being said, I like the skinny minnies and the chunkier types. Hell I like a pulse, yeah a chick with a pulse, sweet.


Oct 19, 2005
Don said:
Well, no ban is needed because the industry does not prefer overweight models in general.

I just felt that using a BMI value of 18.5 to ban women is pretty harsh. Sounds like a form discrimination to me.

well i thought modeling was discrimination ,silly me .....if your not tall enough ........if your not anerexic enough some think 18.5 is ridickulous .....try explaining to my niece she cant be a model because she doesnt have that 1% look of one thats discrimination ! Ive met enough boneracks that have been druggies ....that seems to becoming a fad these days too .....hope it changes too

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I hardly doubt this will change a thing.

Who's going to enforce it, who's going to monitor it?

It's just lip service I am sure.


Mar 20, 2006
This is just a knee-jerk trend. They are discriminating against the naturally thin because some people in the modelling biz are anorexic. It's stupid.

The models are tall and skinny so that they are good hangers to hang clothes on. Those are the best bodies to compliment the clothing (or so the fashion business believes). They are marketing to females primarily and it is females who are preoccupied with being thin.

There are males with eating disorders in sports with weight requirements and no one gives a shit.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Alexis696969 said:
well i thought modeling was discrimination ,silly me .....if your not tall enough ........if your not anerexic enough some think 18.5 is ridickulous .....try explaining to my niece she cant be a model because she doesnt have that 1% look of one thats discrimination ! Ive met enough boneracks that have been druggies ....that seems to becoming a fad these days too .....hope it changes too
The modeling industry has certain traits that it looks for in girls but there is no hard rule/law against girls who don't fit those traits. This law of banning girls under 18.5 BMI is an actual law which is where my issues lie. Let people decide what they want and not thrust it on them.

The NBA looks for athletes who are taller. Height is an advantage. But there is no NBA rule that prevents shorter athletes into the league. Scouts and GM's just prefer taller athletes. Just like in the modeling business there is no law against larger women. It is just that the industry prefers thinner girls.

18.5 does not warrant a ban. I actually know girls around 18.5 BMI and they are healthy and fine. Last thing they need is some hard law saying that they are considered to unnaturally thin and that they must be aneroxic or druggies. 13.4 is sick. 18 is not.

I have no problems with countries trying to get the word out that anexoria is dangerous and that it is a problem in the modeling industry. It is dangerous. I just don't like laws being passed banning what I consider attractive body types (yes I like thin girls and consider 5'8" and 120 lbs to be attractive)


Mar 20, 2006
Good point Don.

Education is of far more value then banning the thinnest who may not even be the ones who have eating disorders. And punishing those with eating disorders doesn't solve anything. Help them don't hurt them. Writing discrimination into rules only causes more problems.


Oct 19, 2005
Don said:
The modeling industry has certain traits that it looks for in girls but there is no hard rule/law against girls who don't fit those traits. This law of banning girls under 18.5 BMI is an actual law which is where my issues lie. Let people decide what they want and not thrust it on them.

The NBA looks for athletes who are taller. Height is an advantage. But there is no NBA rule that prevents shorter athletes into the league. Scouts and GM's just prefer taller athletes. Just like in the modeling business there is no law against larger women. It is just that the industry prefers thinner girls.

18.5 does not warrant a ban. I actually know girls around 18.5 BMI and they are healthy and fine. Last thing they need is some hard law saying that they are considered to unnaturally thin and that they must be aneroxic or druggies. 13.4 is sick. 18 is not.

I have no problems with countries trying to get the word out that anexoria is dangerous and that it is a problem in the modeling industry. It is dangerous. I just don't like laws being passed banning what I consider attractive body types (yes I like thin girls and consider 5'8" and 120 lbs to be attractive)

Well you knowas well as I know ....this has been going on for decades and the skinnier she was the more advancement .Do you ever look in some of the Elle or Cosmo mags looking at lingeree of course lol and see how seriously sick ,pale and skinny some girls look ...not to mention the camera adds more weight .Now since photshop is used with all modeling pictures ,,,they are even thinning down the skinny ....I do understand where your coming from that there are healthy girls 5'8 120 pounds for sure .....modeling started from the green light with discrimination .....perhaps gaining 5 to 10 pounds to be accepted isnt such a bad thing .The pressure alone of keeping an 'exact' weight could make anyone of us obtain an eatting disorder .If they are 3 pounds over ,they get a slap in the face for it ,so whats the big deal if they get one for being under 3 pounds . Whats the difference ?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Alexis696969 said:
The pressure alone of keeping an 'exact' weight could make anyone of us obtain an eatting disorder .If they are 3 pounds over ,they get a slap in the face for it ,so whats the big deal if they get one for being under 3 pounds . Whats the difference ?
No difference. My issue is with the 'slap' itself. Why slap people around for 3 pounds one way or another?

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
Short guys who are great basketball players don't put themselves on the rack to stretch their bodies out and kill themselves in the process. We are talking about dead, no longer living, expired corpses here, and not just the ones in the modeling business. Millions of women have eating disorders and thousands of them die as a result.

It is a big lie that a majority of people have been suckered into that the skinniest girls are the prettiest. If your sister/daughter/cousin looked as emaciated as some runway models do, you would not congratulate her, you would do your best to put some weight on her.

The reason there is a law is because girls are starving themselves to death. Either the industry does what they are doing now, or there will be a backlash and they will lose credibility and control of the billion dollar clothing business. Where did clothes come from before Gucci and Versace? They don't want to think about it ...


Mar 20, 2006
It's a "self regulatory code" which isn't exactly a law and models have always been thin. The vast majority of those dying from anorexia have nothing to do with modelling. Far more people are dying from beiong fat.

This is a purely a PR move.

I don't really know what "credibility" the fashion industry has to lose.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
rick dickulous said:
Short guys who are great basketball players don't put themselves on the rack to stretch their bodies out and kill themselves in the process. We are talking about dead, no longer living, expired corpses here, and not just the ones in the modeling business. Millions of women have eating disorders and thousands of them die as a result.
There are wrestlers and boxers who die of dehydration trying desperately to lose water weight right before a weigh-in.

rick dickulous said:
It is a big lie that a majority of people have been suckered into that the skinniest girls are the prettiest. If your sister/daughter/cousin looked as emaciated as some runway models do, you would not congratulate her, you would do your best to put some weight on her.
For guys it is being big and buff. And these wanna be WWE guys, they roid up to make it and die before 40 despite the warnings. To make the WWE you gotta be huge. Happens in other pro sports though wrestling is the absolute worst.

rick dickulous said:
The reason there is a law is because girls are starving themselves to death. Either the industry does what they are doing now, or there will be a backlash and they will lose credibility and control of the billion dollar clothing business. Where did clothes come from before Gucci and Versace? They don't want to think about it ...
For guys it is pumping up with toxins. Maybe they should pass a law for guys getting too big and buff. Despite the huge negative press over roids and wrestlers dying before 40, the WWE is still huge, maybe loss of crdibility but not popularity.

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
I see a very good point here. I think the public's reaction is that the casualties from these male sports made their own decisions and bear the responsibility for what happened to them. But that the female casualties from the fashion biz are more like helpless victims who got swept along by a bad system they were unable to resist.

The presumption is that males have more power and should have exercised it while the females are relatively powerless and must be protected. Interesting double standard.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Somewhat... I do think there is a double standard for men at times. But my main beef has been a hard law made that seems to condemn people at some value with I think is nonsense. Like I said, 18.5 BMI is not something that the government should consider bannable. Some girls are naturally thin and now you have a government coming in and saying that they are abnormal and should be ashamed of themselves.
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