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A Visitors Guide to MPs and SPs in the UK


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix

For a long time now I always thought that Terb could do with an International Forum for those of us who are on business and/or holidays that would like to take in some of the local culture in regards to the sex scene. I mean Toronto is a good place to hobby but every now and again you feel like trying something new and finding information on different places can be time consuming and will probably hit your pocket book if you are not that careful or for many of those cases not a local resident. Every now and again you see the odd thread being posted either asking about a certain country or a member puts up some information in the form of reviews or feedback that adds value and personally raises the curiosity of some members as to what is available outside of our borders.

The reason why I picked the UK, or more in general London and the surrounding areas, is that I used to commute back and forth over the pond so much that I am familiar enough with where to go. The other reason is that persuing hobbying is very similar between the UK and Toronto in that the Internet provides most of the information that we need to what the choices are that are beneficial to our pocket books.

Where do I start?

Well, you have already started since you are already online. The Internet is your best friend on this guide, but also can be your worst since you are going to have to do a lot of research to weed out what you really require. Remember, a lot of us started hobbying before we found Terb or even before the Internet was around, therefore we were wondering almost blind with only ourselves and maybe a friend or two to help us out. Now we have like minded individuals, called members, in many parts of the world who provide us with the information that we need to make the decisions that will benefit us the most, all we have to do is some homework in the form of reading. Here is your homework:

Whether you are a novice or a veteran of your home turf, you still need to know the details of hobbying in a foreign country. Sure there are going to be many similarities, doing the deed doesn’t change much but knowing the local laws and personal conduct can go along way. Luckily for us someone has already gone through the trouble of putting something together.

1) Legal - The London Prostitution FAQ:

Always good to get the legal stuff out out of the way first. Please note that this was not written by a legal expert and I myself am not the beagel type, so please don’t hound me on this further. You should note that B&S refers to Barristers and Solicitors in the UK, the equivalent of lawyers here.

Is having sex in exchange for money legal? Lots of answers to your questions are here, but basically the answer is no but it is tolerated, therefore the same laws apply there as they do here. They touch on all forms of prostitution here. Please note that the use of Phone Box Cards is illegal if placed within a phone booth, the site needs an update.

2) A Beginners Guide to Saunas and Massage Parlours in the UK:

This is very basic and you can already see the similarities between MPs across the pond, however full service is widely available at all these places and really the bottomline is that the only difference between an MP and an Incall is that sometimes you have to pay the door fee to the receptionist. Few of the places that I encountered had massage tables, they usually use beds instead to do the deed. A bodyslide can be had but these MPAs are more known for their higher mileage extras and they are listed on most of the websites.

3) Acronyms – A complete Guide to Sexual Terms:

Don’t overlook this link as many of the terms that you are accustomed to aren’t used in the UK and you would be better equipped to read a review, website and/or deal with any conversation if you knew some of the slang. For example, they use OWO (Oral With Out) instead of BBBJ (Bare Back BlowJob) and With Out usually means without a condom and With means what else using one. There are many other terms and definitions presented here and it is updated often, you could say that this is a master list.

4) Review Boards

When it comes to Review Boards in the UK none of them compare to Punters. All of the above links are Punters as well. The Search function is excellent and with over 67,000 reviews/reports it is not hard to see why it is the favoured choice of “punters” worldwide. Click on “Field Reports” to get started and scroll down to Basic Search were you can click to see the 500 newest reports for an idea. Other search parameters are also available that make looking for what you want and weeding out the rest a very simple task that only involves minimal work on your behalf.

However just like any review board you still have to be wary of what you read. The shill reports, or “dodgy” as they are refered too, are still out there even though they do try hard to weed them out. You will still find that No Review Policy (NPR) exists but they refer to them as No Reports List (NRL)

Now of course there are other boards out there, for example: (Special thanks to our own Romeo for this one)

This is actually a pay site, but it provides interesting links based on the location that you are planning to visit. There is a one month membership but if you get the one year membership they throw in a guidebook as well which does seem like a good deal but I doubt that you want it sent to your home address here but you can buy a copy over there, I saw a copy in the magazine stand but it was wrapped so I could not do any free reading. That is as far as I know as I did not go beyond the free part. (The Little Black Book)

This is a Manchester based review board with software that is similar to Terb. The site is free and you can read the reviews without being a registered member, for now at least. This site is pretty good and has a lot of good information if you plan on being in the Manchester area.

Honestly, WSG sucks when it comes to coverage of the UK scene but you can go and check for yourself as the number of threads and posts speaks for itself.

This is mainly a US based board but it does cover the UK in somewhat of a lesser capacity. Format is also familiar to Terb members and you can view/read without joining.

I have listed a few, hopefully the Mods won’t edit out the links as being competitive and will see overall benefit to the members in general, if not cest la vie. However what is listed is about as good as it gets when it comes to finding review boards that cater to what the UK has to offer, in other words the pickings are slim outside of Punters, McCoys and LBB.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
continued ...

5) Some questions about payment:

What currency is the widely accepted form of payment in the UK to MPAs and SPs?

Well that would be the British Pound (GBP), but some places do take the Euro (EUR) and try to offer an unfavourable exchange rate in return. I stuck with paying in GBP and avoided much of the hassle.

What is the exchange rate between CDN$ and GBP or EUR?

Well the rate is really determined at where you exchange your currency and they tend to add on their commission to those rates. However, it is always good to know what the current/going rate is to base your decisions on. Here is a link that shows the cross currency rates between CDN$ and the other major traded currencies:

At present the GBP = approx. 2.10 CDN$ = 1.50 EUR

Should I tip the MPA/SP ?

That would be up to you and the same with the amount. In some places you have to “tip” extra to get those extra services, so I wouldn’t really call that a tip but more of an upgrade in services. Remember that if you go to an MP that in most cases you have to pay for the room fee and tip the MPA, same as here.

How do the costs for MPA/SPs compare to what we have here in the TO?

That depends on the exchange rate. After that you will find that it is still overall more expensive than what we get here but you can still find the bargains that make comparisons more or less on par. I have checked out a majority of sites along with the posted rates and I have to say that at around 50% have rates that if the GBP and CDN$ exchange rate was one to one would still be considered expensive by Terb standards. The other 50% consists of a wider variety of MPA/SPs who from a value perspective can range from highly competitive and a good bargain to slightly more expensive than I would pay at home.

As per usual, the marginal costs for multiple hours, dinner dates and overnights decreases and you can find some value where that is concerned.

Please note that the above does not include OUTCALLS which can add anywhere from 50 to 100 GBP to the cost of a session, whether for one hour or for an overnight.

6) Getting around

Many of the websites have a link to their locations and you will find that they also give directions as well along with information pertaining to what subway station they are nearby.

Unless you have a car or have the means to pay for taxi cabs all over the city, your next best bet it taking the Transit or what they call the Tubelines. I suggest if that is what you are going to be using most of the time that you are there that you purchase an Oyster, it is similar to what we call a Metropass for the TTC. For more information on this here is the website:

7) It’s called Football and not Soccer !!!

Why am I giving this attention? Besides the obvious that there are hooligans that are up to no good and if you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time wearing a jersey that one of these guys don’t like then you are in trouble. I suggest you play the I am a tourist and naïve about Football routine.

The other reason is that many of the MPs aren’t busy during game time and are packed afterwards. Luckily for the ladies this only lasts from August to April and mainly on the weekends. Therefore, you can plan your adventures without having to worry about driving to a place and having to wait or going there during the down time and getting the pick of the crop.

8) Other Tourist Info

If you are looking for information about plane tickets, hotels, places to site see … well you are barking up the wrong tree. All that I am going to provide are a few of the better websites, you can do the research yourself.

It’s a short list to get you started but the internet and your travel agent will be your best friends.

Conclusion? Not Really

As much as I would like to conclude this topic I can’t because there are many things that I haven’t touched upon. This is because I was trying to provide an overview of the scene and decided on picking only a handful of points/topics that relate directly to hobbying, having done that the next thing to do is to provide you with some reviews on some of the MPA/SPs that I visited during my stay.

I can’t be the only one who hobbies abroad and I am sure that there are others who would like to add to the comments I made above, if not then I hope that this will be of help to someone in the future.

VBB :cool:

PS. I will publish a few reviews in the MP and SP section over the next week to show you what the UK, mainly London and the surrounding area have to offer.


Jan 15, 2004
Thanks for posting this.

I wish I had read this before my last trip to London. I think we're somewhat spoiled here in TO. It was hard to find anything approaching the quality of the SP's here for anything less than 200 GBP/hour.

I'll study up before my next trip :).



I am Back!!
Jul 15, 2004
Welcome back, Looks like someone was very busy on his trip to Vilayat?;) .

Thanks for the research, I might be going to Britian this winter but too bad my wife is also going with me.So my main visits outside are going to be mostly limited to shopping.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
frankcastle said:
Well this explains the absence
Didn't you see my note.

AnimalMagnetism said:
Glad to see you werent slacking off VBB, welcome back
Glad to be back, I guess, I see that you have infected BigM with the virus.

erasus said:
I wish I had read this before my last trip to London. I think we're somewhat spoiled here in TO. It was hard to find anything approaching the quality of the SP's here for anything less than 200 GBP/hour.
I wish there was something like this as well, but there wasn't. I spent around 30 minutes putting this together but spent hours in research and reading. I used to work there a few years back, the travel back and forth was a killer, but I always used to look forward to the massage after I got off the plane.

I agree with you that we are somewhat spoiled but we are also blind. There is a lot of great talent in the UK that just doesn't make it over here and some of that talent can be had for less than the 200 GBP/hour.

MILUPA said:
Thanks for the research, I might be going to Britian this winter but too bad my wife is also going with me. So my main visits outside are going to be mostly limited to shopping.
Once again no problem. Plus don't be too surprised, if you let her shop while you explore there are many places nearby that you can take advantage of in under an hour. My SO was with me as well, but most of that time was in Europe therefore no punting, but since she is not a fan of the UK, except Harrods, I had a few extra days before and after to take care of some business, watch a few football games and have some fun.

VBB :cool:


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
I have relatives in the UK, and I've been DYING to see this girl in Edinburgh:

Her price is a mere 200 pounds/ hour but the reviews are excellent.

Then again I'd probably want to marry THIS girl:

Anyway, it sounds like you had fun VBB
WOW stunning girls from my home country IL. makes me homesick lol
if I get back any time soon they are both on my TDL :D


Jan 17, 2004
AnimalMagnetism said:
WOW stunning girls from my home country IL. makes me homesick lol
if I get back any time soon they are both on my TDL :D
Just what TERB needs: another sordid Scotsman like ME!

I could be in Glasgow from my Uncle's house near Loch Lomond in under an hour!


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
hehe I could be in Glasgow in under an hour from my grandparents in Kilmarnock
but I was born in the south in Ayreshire
it's a small world :D


Dec 28, 2001
VBB, good stuff. But, I do have to say, you have too much time on your hands.
1) Legal - The London Prostitution FAQ:
Is having sex in exchange for money legal? Lots of answers to your questions are here, but basically the answer is no but it is tolerated
I would word this a bit differently.

In the UK as in Canada and most of Europe, private prostitution has always been legal. It is not just tolerated it is 100% legal just like in Canada there is no legal issue.

As in Canada and most of the world steeet hookers (called kerb-crawling) is not legal since it is a public nuisance.

The UK is more liberal than Canada for incalls. A gal can freely offer her service in her flat (home) but only one girl per flat. As of January 2006 both the UK and Scottland have announced they plan to liberalize this law to allow for small brothels with more than one gal in a brothel with some upper limit, but the law has not yet been changed.

They also have laws against agencies that sell sex similar to Canada, but as long as the agency is only selling time what happens in that time is rarely an issue as in Canada.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Okay what happened to TLMs post? anyways TLM check your PMs.

anand said:
Great report, VBB. Welcome back.
Thanks and glad to be back.

IL said:
Anyway, it sounds like you had fun VBB
Sorry I could not make the trip north maybe on another journey.

I did however posts a few reviews of lovely EI in the incall section.

goodtime said:
Good info. The roundabouts...the queues...please mind the gap. I like UK's MP style with sampler girls at the door.
Thanks. The UK MP style is quite different and quite the selection, however the Oriental variey is better for SPs I found. I have some reviews that I will get to later on that.

dsoul69 said:
VBB, good stuff. But, I do have to say, you have too much time on your hands.
Thanks again. I had a lot of time waiting for my flights given the security situation at the airports in Britain these days, what better way to pass the time. Besides I figure that the time wasted was worth it if others benefit from it.

Dave in Phoenix said:
I would word this a bit differently.
I didn't want to get into the legal babble and ramifications as it would be similar to here. But I am glad that you have provided your input.

VBB :cool:


New member
May 30, 2004
Okay what happened to TLMs post? anyways TLM check your PMs.
I remember making a post in this thread and went back later to make some modifications. I think it was late at night and I just got back from a bar. Who knows what I did ... I may have even accidently deleted it. :D


I am Back!!
Jul 15, 2004
The_Ladies_Man said:
I remember making a post in this thread and went back later to make some modifications. I think it was late at night and I just got back from a bar. Who knows what I did ... I may have even accidently deleted it. :D
I also remember seeing your post regarding Mercedes @Srm recently and then it disappeared.


New member
May 30, 2004
Deja Vu

MILUPA said:
I also remember seeing your post regarding Mercedes @Srm recently and then it disappeared.
I did make a post about Mercedes and went back later to make some modifications. I think it was late at night and I just got back from a bar. Who knows what I did ... I may have even accidently deleted it. :D


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
The_Ladies_Man said:
I did make a post about Mercedes and went back later to make some modifications. I think it was late at night and I just got back from a bar. Who knows what I did ... I may have even accidently deleted it. :D
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