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Will Harriet Miers be confirmed?

Will Harriet Miers be confirmed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I don't know, I just hate Bush

    Votes: 6 18.8%

  • Total voters


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The Litmus Testers are waiting to meet with her but a question for the TERBsters, will she be confirmed for Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat?



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
If she is just HALF as smart as Roberts, she will again expose the old and tired "leftwing one issue" trinity of Kennedy/Boxer/Schumer.

It was amusing to watch how Roberts gave them a demo on , what real brains look like.
My guess is, that Miers will build on that. Let's give the ol drunkard Kennedy a taste of his own medicine. Let's watch an old angry white men tear apart a female minority.
Of course in this case that analogy won't be made.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Her confirmation hearing will be quite interesting as she gets the Shrub's cock out of her mouth long enough to maybe give us an opinion on the role of the Court in society. IN the meantime, there so much good to say about her.

Let's see:

"A Legal Times profile of Harriet Miers upon her promotion from deputy chief of staff under Andy Card to White House counsel includes information not likely to show up on an official bio, among them:

• She is immensely, perhaps irrationally, into birthdays: "She always remembers everybody's birthday, and has a present for them. She'll be finding a present for somebody in the middle of the night.... 'Can't it wait until next week?' 'No,' she'd say, 'It has to be done now.'"

• She has dated Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht "over the years." [NOTE: Absolutely no other article online mentions this fascinating fact.]

• She's nit-picky micromanager who failed upwards at the White House: "She failed in Card's office for two reasons," the [former White House] official says. "First, because she can't make a decision, and second, because she can't delegate, she can't let anything go. And having failed for those two reasons, they move her to be the counsel for the president, which requires exactly those two talents."

• Not even the president can think of much interesting to say about her: In 1996, at an Anti-Defamation League Jurisprudence Award ceremony, Bush introduced Miers as a "pit bull in Size 6 shoes," a tag line that has persisted through the years, in part because colorful anecdotes or descriptions about Miers are notoriously difficult to find."

David Frum says:

"In the White House that hero worshipped the president, Miers was distinguished by the intensity of her zeal: She once told me that the President was the most brilliant man she had ever met."

Yup. Now THAT's the kind of background we need on the Supreme Court. Sheesh.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
TOVisitor said:
Her confirmation hearing will be quite interesting as she gets the Shrub's cock out of her mouth long enough to maybe give us an opinion on the role of the Court in society. IN the meantime, there so much good to say about her.

Let's see:

"A Legal Times profile of Harriet Miers upon her promotion from deputy chief of staff under Andy Card to White House counsel includes information not likely to show up on an official bio, among them:

• She is immensely, perhaps irrationally, into birthdays: "She always remembers everybody's birthday, and has a present for them. She'll be finding a present for somebody in the middle of the night.... 'Can't it wait until next week?' 'No,' she'd say, 'It has to be done now.'"

• She has dated Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht "over the years." [NOTE: Absolutely no other article online mentions this fascinating fact.]

• She's nit-picky micromanager who failed upwards at the White House: "She failed in Card's office for two reasons," the [former White House] official says. "First, because she can't make a decision, and second, because she can't delegate, she can't let anything go. And having failed for those two reasons, they move her to be the counsel for the president, which requires exactly those two talents."

• Not even the president can think of much interesting to say about her: In 1996, at an Anti-Defamation League Jurisprudence Award ceremony, Bush introduced Miers as a "pit bull in Size 6 shoes," a tag line that has persisted through the years, in part because colorful anecdotes or descriptions about Miers are notoriously difficult to find."

David Frum says:

"In the White House that hero worshipped the president, Miers was distinguished by the intensity of her zeal: She once told me that the President was the most brilliant man she had ever met."

Yup. Now THAT's the kind of background we need on the Supreme Court. Sheesh.
Are you now officially joining the "Trinity of the disillusioned" ?
Your comments make you look stupid..BUT hey wait a minute you just cut and paste from your favorite blog. in that case when she will be confirmed you are not responsible...nice going there...just like your hero Clinton..


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Even Harry Reid likes her, but TOV isn't thinking he's just using his Copy / Paste "skills"



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
The Mugger said:
...unless there is a surprise coming - I think she gets approved with more votes than Roberts
Well i am not so sure about that. Judging by a lot of the initial reactions, she might face more oppositon from the right than from the left.
BUT this could be all just a ploy from the right..kinda like gotcha..gotcha..


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Another smart move by Bush

By choosing a dark-horse nominee with no background and who nobody seems to know anything about, the President has neatly side-stepped the character assassins, who simply don't have anything they can hysterically blow out of proportion, distort, or quote out of context. Accordingly, the Left is pitting its resources into demanding that she be brought before the Inquisition, strapped to the rack, and forced to prove that she harbours no hidden heresies. If all goes well, the Inquisition will take things way too far, creating public sympathy for Myers and even more antipathy towards the Left than exists already :D


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I don't know which I like more, the quality of W's choices or how stupid the Ds look opposing them. There are long memories in the Senate if the Ds can ever field a decent canidate she'll have hell to pay getting anything through a Red Senate.


The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
onthebottom said:
I don't know which I like more, the quality of W's choices or how stupid the Ds look opposing them. There are long memories in the Senate if the Ds can ever field a decent canidate she'll have hell to pay getting anything through a Red Senate.

Well at least Jr. learned something from his father's dumb ass pick.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
By choosing a dark-horse nominee with no background and who nobody seems to know anything about, the President has neatly side-stepped the character assassins, who simply don't have anything they can hysterically blow out of proportion, distort, or quote out of context. Accordingly, the Left is pitting its resources into demanding that she be brought before the Inquisition, strapped to the rack, and forced to prove that she harbours no hidden heresies. If all goes well, the Inquisition will take things way too far, creating public sympathy for Myers and even more antipathy towards the Left than exists already :D

Conservatives Feel Betrayed
“President Bush Blinks on Supreme Court Nominees”

“Congratulations are due to Ralph Neas, Nan Aron, and Chuck Schumer for going toe-to-toe with President Bush and forcing him to blink,” said conservative activist Richard A. Viguerie. “Liberals have successfully cowed President Bush by scaring him off from nominating a known conservative, strict constructionist to the Court, leaving conservatives fearful of which direction the Court will go.”

“President Bush desperately needed to have an ideological fight with the Left to redefine himself and re-energize his political base, which is in shock and dismay over his big government policies,” Viguerie added.

“With their lack of strong, identifiable records, President Bush’s choices for Supreme Court nominees seem designed more to avoid a fight with the extreme Left than to appeal to his conservative base,” lamented Viguerie.

Many conservatives worry that without verifiable records, President Bush’s Supreme Court nominees will be more like the liberal Justice Souter than the conservative, strict constructionists Scalia and Thomas.

Remembering and still dismayed about how his father, President George H. W. Bush (the 41st), lied to conservatives and American voters by saying he was a conservative and expressly stating he would not raise taxes, conservatives fear President George W. Bush (the 43rd) has done the same by failing to nominate well-known conservative, strict constructionists to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“President Bush has presided over the largest growth in government since Lyndon Johnson, and now he appears willing to lose all credibility with conservative voters by failing to fulfill his campaign vow to nominate an openly Scalia- or Thomas-like justice,” Viguerie concluded.

Conservatives are also exceedingly disappointed in the Republican Leadership in Congress as well. Conservatives will now begin to seriously consider why they should continue to give their support –money, labor, and votes – to Republican politicians who take their conservative base for granted by continually lying to them.


Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of American Target Advertising, pioneered ideological and political direct mail and has been called “the funding father of the conservative movement” for his role in forming dozens of conservative organizations. He is the author of four books, including “America’s Right Turn,” (Bonus Books, 2004).
And the left is going crazy over W's nominee? Bwahahahaha.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
And from Rich Lowry at NRO:

“DEPLORABLE” [Rich Lowry ]
Just talked to a very pro-Bush legal type who says he is ashamed and embarrassed this morning. Says Miers was with an undistinguished law firm; never practiced constitutional law; never argued any big cases; never was on law review; has never written on any of the important legal issues. Says she's not even second rate, but is third rate. Dozens and dozens of women would have been better qualified. Says a crony at FEMA is one thing, but on the high court is something else entirely. Her long history of activity with ABA is not encouraging from a conservative perspective--few conservatives would spend their time that way. In short, he says the pick is “deplorable.” There may be an element of venting here, but thought I'd pass along for what it's worth. It's certainly indicative of the mood right now...
Oh all you poor boys here. With Viguerie and Lowry going the other way on Miers, who will you have to tell you how to think? Bwahahahaha.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Just one more. Ouch, I hurt myself when I rolled off the chair laughing so hard.

The American Spectator is a conservative magazine. This is from a comment on their blog:

Conservative Filibuster? - Monday, October 03, 2005 @ 9:08:26 AM

Just spoke with a staffer for a conservative member of the Judiciary Committee whose boss is extremely unhappy about the nomination of Harriet Miers.

"We heard her name. We made it clear that she was unacceptable as a nominee on the basis of qualifications and her views, which we simply don't know anything about," says the staffer. "We worked with her on policy issues, though, before she was elevated to White House counsel and let's just say we were underwhelmed."

There is now talk of among some conservatives about a filibuster of the Miers nomination.
A fillibuster? A fillbuster? Break out in song, folks -- IOKIYAR !!!


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:
"We heard her name. We made it clear that she was unacceptable as a nominee on the basis of qualifications and her views, which we simply don't know anything about"

Yup, goes to show that some conservatives can be just as asinine in their thinking as their opponents when they really feel like it- Cindy Sheehan herself would be hard-pressed to come up with anything that floridly illogical. Do these people really believe that somebody like Bush would nominate a closet Leftist for the position, or what ?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
David Frum:

"Nor is it safe for the president's conservative supporters to defer to the president's judgment and say, "Well, he must know best." The record shows I fear that the president's judgment has always been at its worst on personnel matters."

William Kristol:

""It is very hard to avoid the conclusion that President Bush flinched from a fight on constitutional philosophy. Miers is undoubtedly a decent and competent person. But her selection will unavoidably be judged as reflecting a combination of cronyism and capitulation on the part of the president," said William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine."



New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:
Go ahead. Gloat at some piddling internal disunity, gloat while you still can and over what little you can- because when the new Bench gets around to restoring the original Constitution and the laws, you won't be gloating anymore, and your smirking "bwahahahaha" will become a wailing "waahboohoohoo"...

Marvin Olasky gives us by far the most illuminating glimpse into Miers' personal thinking, interviewing longtime friend and Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht, as well as Miers' pastor. Here's Hecht on Miers and life: "[H]er personal views are consistent with that of evangelical Christians... You can tell a lot about her from her decade of service in a conservative church."


Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Truncador said:
Go ahead. Gloat at some piddling internal disunity, gloat while you still can and over what little you can- because when the new Bench gets around to restoring the original Constitution and the laws, you won't be gloating anymore, and your smirking "bwahahahaha" will become a wailing "waahboohoohoo"...
Oh this should be good! Canada will have a front row seat to this show.

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