A Nobel peace prize nominated pedophile who worked for the Clinton campaign!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Nothing to do with Politics here folks, just pleasant social chit-chat on a topic of broad general interest, that any TERBian might follow.

But there is one thing I'll need IRIS to explain to me: Is this Maxine person, the child, the molester or the Nobel Prize winner? You've been blathering about her for almost a page now. How is she connected to this thread, the one you promised you were done and finished with, days ago?

Not to mention the Politics folks have been discussing her for that long, in the Forum where such clearly political stuff belongs.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Nothing to do with Politics here folks, just pleasant social chit-chat on a topic of broad general interest, that any TERBian might follow.

But there is one thing I'll need IRIS to explain to me: Is this Maxine person, the child, the molester or the Nobel Prize winner? You've been blathering about her for almost a page now. How is she connected to this thread, the one you promised you were done and finished with, days ago?

Not to mention the Politics folks have been discussing her for that long, in the Forum where such clearly political stuff belongs.
Talking with you guys is same as this old joke:

"A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau takes an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. Every day when she looks out, she sees an old Jewish man praying vigorously. So, the journalist goes down and introduces herself to the old man.

She asks, "You come every day to the wall. How long have you done that and what are you praying for?"

The old man replies, "I have come here to pray every day for 25 years. In the morning I pray for world peace and then for the brotherhood of man. I go home have a cup of tea and I come back and pray for the eradication of illness and disease from the earth."

The journalist is amazed. "How does it make you feel to come here every day for 25 years and pray for these things?" she asks.

"The old man looks at her sadly. "Like I'm talking to a wall."


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Talking with you guys is same as this old joke:

"A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau takes an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. Every day when she looks out, she sees an old Jewish man praying vigorously. So, the journalist goes down and introduces herself to the old man.

She asks, "You come every day to the wall. How long have you done that and what are you praying for?"

The old man replies, "I have come here to pray every day for 25 years. In the morning I pray for world peace and then for the brotherhood of man. I go home have a cup of tea and I come back and pray for the eradication of illness and disease from the earth."

The journalist is amazed. "How does it make you feel to come here every day for 25 years and pray for these things?" she asks.

"The old man looks at her sadly. "Like I'm talking to a wall."
You've certainly nailed how it feels to point out repeatedly that your political thoughts and political threads belong elsewhere. Where they might find a more informed, maybe even a receptive audience, or at least one that came to talk politics.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
No she didn't as your bulletproof website said. The site said it is a false information. The previous thread is there too. Did you read it that or not?

The fact that a Trump supporter was not charged with attempted murder against Maxine Waters does not mean the same thing as "she has not received death threats". I know words are hard my dear, but try and keep up.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
copy and paste for those to lazy to click the link

No, a Trump supporter did not try to murder Rep. Maxine Waters following Trump 'threat'

A headline buzzing on social media falsely said one of President Donald Trump’s supporters was charged with attempting to murder U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., the same day Trump targeted her on Twitter.

"A Trump fan was just charged with trying to murder Maxine Waters on same day Trump threatened her," said a June 26, 2018, headline from The Washington Press, an online news website.

Facebook flagged this story as part of its efforts to combat false news and misinformation on Facebook's News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

This story is false.

According to the inaccurate report, Trump’s attack on Waters was a "barely veiled threat" based on a misunderstanding of Waters’ comments about the public’s treatment of officials in the Trump administration. The tweet came in response to video footage that showed Waters, at a rally outside a federal office building in Los Angeles, encouraging Trump opponents to boo or harass Trump administrators in public spaces.

"Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!," Trump wrote.

The false story said Trump’s tweet coincided with a California man’s guilty plea in relation to a murder threat delivered to Waters. The plea — entered by Anthony Scott Lloyd, 45, of San Pedro, California — proved that "the president’s hate-mongering towards Waters has real-life consequences," the story said.

The story erred in getting details and timing of real incidents wrong.

A man by the name of Anthony Scott Lloyd did, in fact, plead guilty to threatening a United States official. Lloyd phoned Waters’ office on Oct. 22, 2017, and left a voicemail riddled with derogatory language, including racial epithets and expletives. The message used the words "dead" and "kill" a total of four times, according to a press release from the Department of Justice.

"If you continue to make threats towards the president, you’re going to wind up dead, Maxine, ’cause we’ll kill you," Lloyd said, according to court documents. "If you do it again, you’re dead." (We obtained a digital copy of the plea agreement, which included a full transcript of the voicemail, from Thom Mrozek, spokesperson for the United States Attorney’s Office Central District of California.)

But Lloyd plead guilty on April 16, 2018, and Trump tweeted at Waters more than two months later on June 25, 2018. So it is not true that the two events occurred on the same day, as the false headline suggested.

The headline is likely not the result of confusion, either, because no reports related to Lloyd’s case were released on the day of Trump’s tweet. Lloyd’s sentencing date is set for July 16, 2018, and Mrozek said there have not been any new developments in the case since the guilty plea.

Plus, Lloyd only plead guilty to threatening Waters. He was not charged with "trying to murder" the congresswoman. Mrozek said prosecutors have not made any allegations related to an actual attempt at murder.

The Washington Press did not respond to a request for comment.

We rate this statement False.
He pleaded guilty to "threatening to murder her". No one said he tried to murder her. Big difference here!!



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Another amazing warm hearted liberal, who really likes children!
Of course the libtards here, will find excuses for him as always.
Of course no room for politics in the lounge if you criticize liberals. I saw many posts before about Trump or Doug Ford but you didn't complain then.
Why you screaming always, like a little pig who is going through his castration? Are you afraid from something? Take a Xanax.;)
Another thread by you posted in the lounge section on purpose to troll members. This should be moved to the politics section or should be deleted as the TERB guidelines by the MODS (moderators).
You just don't like following rules and guidelines.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
And where do you read that nonsense? Because I never said that. Come back from THC land. Say no to drugs! It's not good for you.
Otherwise you are, who called everyone a redneck who has different opinion than you have. There is tons of guys who agree with me , they just don't post comments anymore, because they sick and tired from this liberal screaming chorus on TERB.

I will not post more comments for this thread. My mission is complete.
I know it would be a great day for you, if I never post anything against your sick ideology, but I will. Time to time, I will show your real ugly face for the public. The liberalism is dying. You can lie to yourself how beautiful is this ideology, but you will go down to the toilet sooner or later. I am who I am. I had same opinions years before Trump was elected, I never changed it, and guess what? Still have lots of clients from both sides, but I don't talk with them about politics. I save it for you smarties who live their life here. I wish everyone a wonderful day.:)
This sums up every single one of your posts/rants/bigoted/homophobic views.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I said before, I don't post more comments but I have to post one more. Don't suggest for the mod to move this to the political section. I posted here on purpose. I posted here for not political reason, but YOU are who made this thread a frickin Iwo Jima.
And yes my mission completed, because I posted this news and many people read it now, and YOUR comments showed again how the liberal brain is working.
You think this post is insignificant but no it's not.
If only a few people share the youtube or this link their friend and they share again I'll be happy because the news reach them.


This news somehow not on the mainstream media, and I don't know why. I think this news from a Nobel prize nominated predator who are (unfortunately for you ) a liberal, and worked hardly for the Clinton campaign, maybe worth a headline anywhere in the world. Interestingly for some incomprehensible reason the media don't really talk about it. I can not imagine what would have happened in the media, if this maggot, worked for the Trump campaign, but it would have been really messy, and those Hollywood brainwashers starting to write the script about it immediately.
Otherwise it's so typical from you guys.. YOU transform this sad news to a political thread, and after that, YOU ARE who complaining why is the thread in the lounge. I posted here because much more people read this news here, than the political section. So mod if possible , please don't move this, just because an "übermensch" liberal try to give you an order.Thanks!
Seems like a trend of yours


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You are going to dig a thread up from the grave just to score some points?
He gets obsessive. Kinda stalky at times.

It's a little creepy if you think about it. He spent hours possibly a couple of days just to find this.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
He gets obsessive. Kinda stalky at times.

It's a little creepy if you think about it. He spent hours possibly a couple of days just to find this.
Might take you days to research something so small it took me 10 minutes.
Creepy is you posting in threads I post in.
Showing her hypocrisy or bigotry is neither obsessive or creepy


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Might take you days to research something so small it took me 10 minutes.
Creepy is you posting in threads I post in.
Showing her hypocrisy or bigotry is neither obsessive or creepy
I was curious about who would necro bump and why.

And when I saw who the answer was obvious to the latter.

No doubt you went much further back hoping for more and this was all you found.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I was curious about who would necro bump and why.

And when I saw who the answer was obvious to the latter.

No doubt you went much further back hoping for more and this was all you found.
Necro bump it's not even a year old thread


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I am who I am. I had same opinions years before Trump was elected, I never changed it,

But now that Trump has been elected by capitalizing on the hatred of the simple minded, you feel a kinship and freedom to express your internal bitterness, rage and anger.

And you are so bent out of shape by American politics. When you are not even an American. You do not live there and you cannot vote there. FFS, you still can't write nor speak english like us true Canadians that were born here. ;-) . You are impotent except for your blathering, posting on a hooker board. And even then you are so enraged that posting in the Politics forum is not good enough because few read your shit there.

You make bad arguments.

On the level of a spastic 9 year old with Tourettes. (apologies to those involuntarily affected by Tourettes)

"Impotent hatred is the most horrible of all emotions; one should hate nobody whom one cannot destroy."

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Another thread by you posted in the lounge section on purpose to troll members. This should be moved to the politics section or should be deleted as the TERB guidelines by the MODS (moderators).
You just don't like following rules and guidelines.
Doggy just stop it. Seriously. You make yourself a fool! You liberals are never learn. You always overdo it and the people just lost interest about your posts. I start to worry about you! Seek help!



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Doggy just stop it. Seriously. You make yourself a fool! You liberals are never learn. You always overdo it and the people just lost interest about your posts. I start to worry about you! Seek help!
You can't follow guidelines of TERB to post your political threads in the politics section and this is just another thread proving that. You posted thread in the lounge section on purpose so you could spread of your vitriol and bigoted views and troll more members.
Thankfully this one is put into the politic section hopefully next time they just fully delete when you post in the wrong section on purpose. Try following guidelines

Its funny to read your crocodile tears when asking the MODS to keep your thread in the lounge rather than moving it to the politics section.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Where do you saw politics here? I just posted the fact. The guy is pedophile who worked for the Clinton campaign and he nominated for Nobel prize. I never said he did it because he is a liberal, but the fact he is a liberal. It's that simple but you see things always what is not there.
Otherwise can you imagine what happen in the media or the CNN if the guy worked before for Trump?? That could be the Armageddon.It's not a fresh news but for some reason, the mainstream media forgot to talk about it. It's a shame.
I bet you didn't start any threads about conservative perverts like Anthony Weiner or Judge Roy Moore.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I bet you didn't start any threads about conservative perverts like Anthony Weiner or Judge Roy Moore.
Aren't you forgetting? This revival of a thread from last summer is all about lifting the leg at other posting pooches. Nothing to do with pervs or pedos out there in the real world.

Don't let the snarling distract you; they're only interested in each other.
PS: It should be noted that this thread, like the Obama/Clinton finger-pointer, has been invisibly moved from the Lounge where it was mercifully hibernating, to Politics. It is now sadly, 'woke'.

Let us all allow it to die again.
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